Chapter 4-
There are five men at the table with the handsome stranger they call Alpha. I recognize the one the men called commander from the ship, and from when I was taken from my home. He looks slightly less fierce today, maybe he feels more at ease being home than transporting captives. As for the other men in the room I don't think I've seen them before except the handsome one that seems to be in charge. One of them is much older than the rest, probably around sixty if I had to guess, the lines around his eyes speaks of wisdom that I haven't yet acquired. My eyes dart around the room when I notice the man that escorted me is standing guard at the door. His green eyes never leave my body, and I feel him undressing me with his leering. He looks very pleased and it gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach, why would he be so happy to be here?
“There is no need to fear us woman, this will be over shortly, and no harm will come to you.” The man they call Alpha says and brings me out of my inner turmoil.
I have an almost euphoric feeling when his eye’s meet mine, I feel so different with his eyes on me compared to the leering guard at the door. It is the strangest thing because I am afraid, but I feel my pulse race when he speaks to me, like I will do whatever he says as long as I can keep his attention on me. I feel flushed and my body heats uncomfortably, I suddenly throb between my legs and my face turns pink with embarrassment. It’s so hard to make sense of my crazy thoughts because these feelings are so foreign to me. I have never felt this type of connection with anyone from the opposite sex before, and I want his eyes on me.
Looking around the room again I feel lightning race through my nerve endings when I meet the gaze of a man who shares so much in common with the Alpha. His pupils dialate, and my mouth goes dry with the contact, the throbbing of my sex intensifies so I rub my thighs together to alleviate some of the discomfort. I can only hope no one notices my humiliating predicament.
Why am I so drawn to these two men, men who took me and will probably hurt me? Why do I feel suddenly safe when their eyes are on me? I have officially lost my mind.
“We need to collect some basic information from you. You will answer each question truthfully, understand?” His strong commanding voice soothing my wild thoughts. “Ye... yes I understand…uhm Alpha.” I am unsure how to address him or the rest of the men. I haven’t had any one on one conversation with any of them, only given orders. “You may call me Alpha James or Sir, and this is my Beta Lucas, my brother and my second in command.” No wonder they look so much alike, other than their eye color which is strikingly different.
He pointed to a younger looking man probably close to my age. He was the one who set my insides on fire, the one who ceated this aching inside me. When I looked at him, I noticed he had many similarities to Alpha James only he looked more youthful and slightly slimmer with lighter almost golden hair opposed to his brother's darker blonde hair. He also had a large scar that ran from his jaw almost up to his eye. The scar looked old and only added to his rugged, handsome appearance. Although he looked every bit the warrior the other men had, I sensed a sweetness about him as he smiled warmly at me. His eyes were a beautiful striking blue, the opposite of his brother's dark almost black ones. His was one of the first genuine smiles I have seen from these men, maybe they don't intend to harm us after all.
The Alpha also introduced the man I had heard addressed as the commander by the men as Delta Shane. Shane has a large, strong body with long dark hair and a serious face. The older man is named Benjamin and he queitly observes everyone in the room. The other two men at the end of the table who looked like warriors were called Danny and Sam. They both have a light air about them, and must be close because they keep having little private conversations with each other. Having the attention of these men was intimidating, I don't yet know what they want, but I hope my answers please them and that they don't decide to kill me. The Alpha did say I won't be hurt, but can I trust any man who kidnaps large groups of women...probably not.
“Now that introductions have been made, we need your name, age, and any training or skills you may possess.” The Alpha spoke pointedly.
I thought for a minute before answering. “My name is Ember Black, and I just had my nineteenth birthday at the beginning of summer. I have almost completed the requirements to receive my teaching certificate and was raised on a large farm, so I know the basics of planting and how to keep livestock.” The men looked pleased by my answer writing something down on their papers. “Were you married, or did you have children?” It made me curious that he phrased it that way “were” If I had been married or had children, captured or not I still would be someone’s wife or mother wouldn’t I? “I was promised to a man named Thomas the wedding had been set for after the harvest this year. No children.”
I answered them without emotion, I truly felt nothing for Thomas and had only met him a handful of times. My parents were very insistent, so I had agreed to his proposal knowing his offer was the best I was likely to receive. He was wealthy and handsome enough. I knew I had to marry at some point why not Thomas if it made my family happy. Now I probably wouldn’t be marrying anyone or teaching or possibly even living much longer. My mother's voice ringing in my brain "You should be content with the life you have instead of always hoping for something better." I should have heeded her advice, I wish I could have been happier with my previous possibilities.
“Do you have any medical issues you are aware of?” “No, as far as I know I am healthy.” I answered looking at the men, maybe they wanted to make sure I was able bodied enough to work. I didn’t want them to think me incapable, maybe through hard work I could earn my freedom. “Have you bled?” My cheeks heated; I was not used to hearing someone speak so forward to me. This line of questioning felt humiliating, menstruation is private and certainly not something I feel comfortable talking about in a room of strange men. “Yes.” I replied in almost a whisper.
The men wrote something else down. The energy in the room shifts, and I feel small and vulnerable. “Now take off your clothes so that we may examine you.” My skin turned red instantly with shame. No, I couldn’t obey this command. No man had ever seen me naked before, this was not what I had been expecting. “Please, no...” I voiced as I clutched my robe tighter to my trembling body.
“If you prefer one of the men will do it for you.” The Alpha spoke in what felt like a condescending tone and the guard at the door stepped forward. I had almost forgotten the green eyed man who brought me to the room, I definitely didn't want his hands on me.
I changed my mind I never wanted the Alpha's eyes, or any other mans on me again. Tears began to slowly run down my face as I removed my robe, and slid the thin night dress down to the floor the material pooling around my feet. I shut my eyes tight not being able to bear seeing the men’s eyes roaming my body. A small sob uncontrollably came out of my mouth and I instinctively wrapped my arms around my chest, trying to preserve any bit of dignity I still had. I snapped my eyes open again as I felt large hands clasp around my wrists pining them to the sides of my body. Black, impossibly black eyes met my own.
They belonged to Alpha James, his hands now slowly moving up and down my bare arms sent fire through my exposed body. His eyes moving down my frame taking in every curve that my body held. He took notice of my perky ample breast that were heaving with ragged breathes, my nipples hard standing at attention. He saw my hips that flared out and the small red patch of curls that hid my most intimate place, my legs not long, but toned and strong. Alpha James's breathing became uneven as our eyes met again and he leaned into my ear, wiping the tears away with his thumb and said so quietly I thought I might have imagined it.
“You're mine, Ember.” Alpha James reached down to my feet pulling the dress back up my body, slightly brushing against my hard nipples resulting in a small moan escaping my mouth. Completely embarrassed by my lack of control of my own body I cringed. Then he smiled at me handing me back the robe. “That’s all Ember Black.”