
The alarm clock on the bedside table would not stop ringing. Alexia rolled over to turn it off. 5:00 am. Ungodly hour she thought as she climbed out of the bed. It’s her 18th birthday. The day most wolves anticipate. Instead it sent her stomach into knots. She was now at mating age. Would she find her mate today? Would he be kind? Handsome? A warrior? The uncertainty made her anxious.

She made her way to the training field hoping it would help work out her nerves. All wolves trained in the Silver Moon Pack but being a daughter of the alpha meant she needed to train twice as hard which is why she rose early every morning to train with her father and twin brother. Luca strolled towards the training field with sleep still heavy in his eyes. He definitely wasn’t as worried about today as she was.

“Good morning,” Alexia said to her brother. He grunted an “uh” in response. Not quite awake yet. They started stretching to warm up their muscles and the father, Alpha Jacob Silver came out to meet them.

“Good morning my children” he said to them. “Good morning” they said in unison. “I know it’s a big day for the both of you but I still want you to train just as hard as any other day” he paused “So, let’s start your birthday off with a nice ten mile run.” The twins groaned but headed for the trail. Their father pushed them to be strong both mentally and physically. As much time they put into combat training they put the same amount of time hitting the books. He wanted all of his children, male and female to be tough. The twins being the oldest had it the hardest. "My children will be strong and intelligent" their father always said to them growing up.

After a grueling morning workout with her father and brother, Alexia devoured her breakfast in the pack house kitchen. Just as she forked another bite of eggs into her mouth her mother floated into the room “Hello! Hello!” She sang. “Hello” alexia said with a mouth full.

“Oh, my babies are all grown up!” Shelia began. “Tonight’s party will be the party of the year, nothing but the best for my little angels. 18? Where has the time gone” Shelia began to ramble about her age so Alexia tuned her out. Until Shelia started saying her name. “What was that mom? Sorry” Alexia asked.

“ I was wondering if you know where your brother is?” Shelia replied. “Oh! I think he went back to bed.” She responded. “Of course he did, well I’m off to run errands. Text me if you need anything. And of course, Happy Birthday love!” Shelia gave her a parting hug and then she was off.

Alexia always thought she was like a fairy godmother spreading cheer wherever she went. The perfect Luna.

What if her mate was an alpha? Would she be a good Luna? A good mate? She had never even had a boyfriend before and now, at anytime she could be mated. She pondered this bringing back whatever anxiety she had worked off from earlier.

She had some time to kill with the party not being till this evening so she decided to do some reading. That lasted fifteen minutes do to the fact she couldn’t focus to save her life. So, she went for a walk. Thinking maybe she would catch the sent off her mate by chance. No Luck.

The pack was busy getting ready for the party. Not only would the whole pack be there but other packs as well. They had many alliances with other packs but there were none more closer than “The Squad”. The squad was comprised of children of different alphas. They were around the same age, with Luca and Alexia being the youngest. All bonded over growing up as an alphas kid. They started hanging out at pack gatherings when they were little and then when they started driving they became inseparable. Everyone in the kingdom had heard of the squad since they were all from prominent packs.

The squad was Luca and Alexia of Silver Moon.

Tabatha of the Crescent Moon Pack.

Christopher and Thomas of the Diamond Ridge Pack.

Hazel of the Eclipse Moon Pack.

The last member of their Squad was Prince Edmond of the Royal family. After his father died, Prince Edmond took on more responsibility to help his older brother, King Caspian, making it harder for him to hang out but he was coming tonight. Much to many she-wolves excitment. He was the second most eligible bachelor with his brother being the first.

Alexia thought about getting to see all her friends and was immediately excited. Her nerves from this morning vanished. They had always had her back. When she had decided to run away when she was twelve, Hazel hid her in her room for two days. Granted, their fathers talked and knew she was there the whole time. It was the thought that counted though.

She spent her day getting coffee and helping set up for the party until it was time for to start getting dressed. She practically skipped up the stairs to her room.

After showering, Alexia waited patiently while the hair dresser and makeup artist went to work. She enjoyed getting dressed up but with training and her work load she was usually in workout gear. Eventually, her little sister Morgan strolled in. “Wow! I can’t believe how many people are coming! I am Sooooo nervous and it’s not even my birthday! I wonder if my birthday will be like this!” Morgan exclaimed.

Alexia looked lovingly at her little sister and said “Knowing mom I’m sure it will be plus you’re the baby so she has to go out with a bang.” Shelia would definelty go overboard for her little baby. Morgan laughed “So any luck in the mate department?”

Alexia shook her head “No, not even a wiff of something nice. I walked all over the pack today getting ready and I smelled nothing.”

“I bet your mate is Prince Edmond because your whole group is mated to each. Hazel is with Christopher and Tabatha with Thomas. You’re the only girl left and Edmond is the only available male.”

“Morgan, Edmond is my best friend I don’t think he’s my mate.” Alexia said.

“That means he most certainly is your mate, just you wait and see.” Morgan declared with a face of determination.

About that time the hair dresser and makeup artist finished their work. Alexia turned to look at herself in the mirror and smiled. Her long blonde hair curled to perfection and her crystal blue eyes were mesmerizing. Morgan was ecstatic. “Oh Lex! You look so beautiful!”

Alexia smiled because she felt absolutely beautiful.

She looked at herself in the mirror and couldn’t help thinking of her mate.

Morgan’s words reappeared in her mind.

What if Prince Edmond is really her mate?

Will she be happy to live with a mate she doesn’t love?

A little worried, but Alexia still broke into a smile.

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