The Party

Alexia wore a green slip dress that came to her knees with simple black open toed heels. She could hear the excitement of the pack house in her room. Luca came in with a “Hey sis” in way of greeting. He looked her over and said with a smile on his face “My knuckles are going to get real bloody keeping all those male wolves away tonight but you look good.”

“Thanks Luca, you don’t look too bad yourself." His blonde hair styled perfectly. He had the same blue eyes as her. There was no denying they were siblings. "Have you snuck a peak downstairs yet?” She asked.

“And risk mom’s wrath? Not a chance.” He replied looking in the mirror while fixing his cuff links on the sleeves of his navy blue suit. “I have though, been checking the group chat and squad seems to think it’s the party of the year.”

“Mom will be so pleased.” Alexia laughed picturing Shelia standing proud.

“I don’t have my phone! Tell me what’s going on!” Alexia pressed.

“Ok! Ok! Hang on. Alpha Eugene’s beta is already drunk. Great. Thomas and Chris are making bets to see which warrior tries to stick their tongue to the ice sculpture. Mom will be thrilled. Ohh and Edmond just walked in and yep all the she wolves are throwing themselves at him per usual.”

Alexia rolled her eyes. "Tell them put me down for 50 on dad's warrior Tony." She recalled the time Tony ran around the practice field in heels and dress singing barbie girl for a bet. The man had no shame.

Just then their parents appeared at the door. “Ok my babies it’s about time! Oh! I can’t believe this day is here. Happy Birthday my angels!” Their mom said while hugging them. She fixed Luca's tie and a stray hair of Alexia's then stepped back next to their father

“No father could ask for better children, I am proud of the people you both have come.” The father said as he shook Luca’s hand and kissed Alexia on the cheek. Shelia stood next to her husband nodding in agreement.

Out of the corner of her eye Alexia saw Luca fighting back tears. She smiled. Both of them always wanted to make their father proud, Ecspecially Luca since he will take over the alpha position.

"All right we better get this show on the road, We will go down and then introduce you two so you can make your entrance." Their mother said as she made her way to the door. She blew them a kiss as she and their father disappeared.

After their parents went back downstairs, Luca and Alexia moved to the staircase to await their discent. She shifted her weight from each foot. "

“Here we go, head high and shoulders back” Luca said as they heard their names announced and they descended the staircase into the waiting party below.

Luca and Alexia made their way over to their group after being stopped by many well-wishers. Alpha Jacob welcomed everyone and the band began to play. By the time they made it to the squad most of the guests were on the dance or talking amongst the selves.

“Happy Birthday!” the squad sang together.

“Thank you, Thank you” the twins smiled and said.

Alexia’s eyes caught Edmond’s. Nothing. No spark. Not her mate. She could have sworn she saw a hint of sadness in them. But then he smiled grabbing a bottle of champagne and glasses and said “A toast to the birthday boy and girl! Finally the youngest of us is finally legal!” Causing the group to all cheer.

Alpha Jacob cut in then, "Edmund" He said sticking his hand out for the prince to shake "It's been a while, how is the family?"

"Edmund shook his hand with a smile. "They're great, mom and Caspain send they're regards but are sorry they cannot make it."

"Oh I'm sure Caspian is surrounded by work to do in the Kingdom." Jacob said, not at all hurt by their lack of attendance. Bidding a farwell to the group and a reminder to make wise choices, he went to go mingle with the other guests.

"I will claim the first dance with the birthday girl" Edmund declared. "I better watch my back now or your fans my try to shank me" Alexia said with smile on her face. They all laughed and began to dance. When it was time to cut the cake both siblings were tempted to push the other’s face into it but the look their mother was giving them made them think better.

By the end of the night the squad ended up by a lake near the pack house with bottles of champagne and food they had swiped before coming outside. The boys ties were undone and the girls shoes long abandoned. The sky was turning light blue as dawn approached.

They told jokes and stories, laughing the entire time. It was Chris who said “So, neither of you found you’re mates?” Hazel elbowed him "You Idiot" Hazel said through gritted teeth. "I know you're right but why?" he said shocked and confused.

“No” Luca replied with a look of wondering in his eyes.

“Well, that means we're still on for the annual squad weekend at the palace next week.” Chris said confidently.

Edmond laughed “Mom looks forward to the squad coming to visit since she likes having the house full, especially since dad died.”

“Well Judy does make the best cookies” Thomas went on and began to list all his favorite foods to eat at the palace.

"I don't think she appreciated it when you boys got drunk and slid down the staircase in laundry baskets knocking over a priceless vase." Alexia said eyeing the boys.

"No she did not" Thomas responded, grimacing at the memory. "She made us run laps around the palace till we puked and then made us clean up our puke. T'was not a good day"

They’ve always hung out at the palace a lot since it was harder for Edmund to get away. It was also a mid way point between all their packs. "How are royal duties?" Alexia asked Edmund. "Boring. Absolutely Boring. But it helps Caspian and he is always busy. So I will solve problems between busy body she wolves and cry baby alphas." He responded.

“Don’t forget that August 1st we start Leadership training and were all going to be at the palace for three months!” Tabatha said.

“You know all the other young alphas and Lunas are going to hate us right?” Luca said. "They will go out of their way to try and knock us down."

“Oh, Most definitely” Christopher replied. The Squad was the strongest of the future Alphas and Lunas which caused the others their age to be very jealous.

“They hate us cause they ain’t us!” Thomas chimed in.

"Grant is going to be there." Hazel said causing a groan to sweep across the group. Her cousin was arrogant and only caredabout how he looked. He also was not fond of the group and made it his mission to get under their skin.

"Forget them, we stay together and have each other's back." Luca said as the rest of the group agreed.

Alexia sat in the grass contemplating the upcoming months “How many others will be there?” Alexia asked.

It was Edmund who responded with “At least 100.”

Jeez, Alexia thought, that is a lot of alpha blood in one place.

“Someone is going to get into a fight.” Alexia said

Edmund said in a calm voice “It is not a question of if as to when.”

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