Squad on the Town

Finally Squad Weekend rolled around and it was time for Alexia and Luca to meet up with their friends. They put their belongings in the backseat of Luca's truck and began the journey to the palace. It was a beautiful day with clear skies. After turning on the radio alexia rolled the window down, letting the air hit her face secretly hoping to catch the scent of her mate. They arrived at the palace first and went to meet up with Edmund after dropping their bags in their respective rooms.

Looking up from his desk, Edmund noticed their approach. "Is it time already?" he asked.

"No worries the others aren't here yet." Luca responded.

Ding! Their phones chimned.

"It's the group Text" Alexia said looking at her phone."They are pulling into the gates" She added.

"Well this is as good of a stopping place as any, Let's go meet them outside." Edmund said while rising from his desk andputting the papers he had been working on away.

The three of them walked out of the palace doors as the other four rolled up.

“What up squad?” Chris said to them with a grin as he and Thomas grabbed theirs and their mates' luggage out Chris's Jeep.

“It’s one weekend, why do y’all have so much luggage?” Edmund asked looking skeptically at the jeep.

“Hey, Chris and I each brought a backpack. Hazel and Tab on the other hand are packing for the apocalypse.” Thomas retorted giving an exasperated look and holding his hands up.

“And you always forget something!” Tabatha said defending herself.

“Let’s get the love birds settled in before this weekend turns into couple counseling and I think none of us want that” Alexia said uneasliy then turning to walk into the palace.

Since Alexia and Luca arrived before the rest of the group they headed to the den to wait with Edmund.

"How are you?" Alexia asked looking at Edmund.

Sighing he made his way across the room to pour himself a drink before speaking "I've been better. Mom went to visit her sister and Caspian is off being king so I have been left to take care of the castle." The twins gave him a sympathetic look. "Well, we're here to help you blow off some steam." Luca said. "I appreciate that" Edmund said. "It is much needed."

After having finished unpacking, the mated couples walked into the room. “Does it seem more quiet than usual to you guys?” Thomas said walking into the den with his mate and the others behind him. “It’s because my brother isn’t here. Rogues have been increasing along the border so most of the royal guard went with him to patrol to acess the situation.” Edmund said.

“Ah” Thomas said fitting the pieces together then walked over to the bar to pour himself a drink.

"We had rogues hit us last week. Dad is not very concerned but still taking precautions." Luca said.

"Good" Edmund said. " We've been monitering their activity. They haven't done anything to be alarmed at but we still want to be ready." The men nodded in agreement.

“Let’s do something!” Hazel exclaimed. “I’ve been cooped up in the car and I need to burn some energy!” She said.

“Isn’t that Chris’s job” Luca said giving her a knowing look causing the group to laugh. “Get your mind out of the gutter!” Hazel said with her face growing red. “Well he isn’t wrong” her mate said causing her to smack his arm.

“Ok! Here is the plan.” Luca said taking charge. “Everybody go change and get dressed, we are going out tonight!”

“Out?” questioned Alexia looking at her brother.

“We’re all alpha’s kids we don’t get to go out?” Tabatha said from the couch.

"Well, tonight we’re going to be reckless teenagers and eat, drink, and dance. Any objections?” Luca asked looking around the room at their faces.

“No” they said in unison smiles spreading across faces.

“All right then, Squad rolls out in 20.” Luca stated clapping his hands.

In twenty minutes they were changed and pulling out of the palace drive in Edmund’s escalade. The girls wore tight mini dresses and the men button downs with slacks. They stopped at a restaurant to begin their journey. Each taking time to tell the others what they had been up to since the last time they saw each other.

After they had eaten they piled back into the cramped escalade and found a popular club to go dancing at. As they walked up the door the bouncer barely had to take a glance at the group before ushering them into the VIP section. One alpha was good for a business's media buzz but a whole group and a prince? The owners would be beside themselves with glee.

The music was hypnotizing, beckoning the group to the dance floor. Alexia danced rotating between Edmund and Luca. She took a break to get a drink from the bar.

“I’ll have whatever you recommend” Alexia said to the bartender, who nodded and then went about making her drink.

“Wow” a voice said behind her. She turned finding a male behind her, looking her up and down. He was handsome but had an arrogance to him that told her he was probably a warrior. “You look like you are an angel who fell from heaven.” He said giving her a smile that was probably supposed to make her swoon but instead repulsed her. “So was lucifer” She said giving him a wicked smile before grabbing her drink and returning to her friends leaving the male stunned.

"What did you say to that guy? He looks terrified?" Edmund asked her when she returned to the group. Smiling Alexia responded with "Oh nothing. Hopefully rethinking his life or at least his pickup line."

"Wicked woman" he muttered shaking his head.

She began dancing again but being unmarked for a female was like a welcome sign to douchebags. A guy came up behind her on the dance floor putting his hand on her waist. "Remove your hand before I remove it for you" she growled. He laughed and before he could finish his laugh she grabed his arm snapping his wrist. He immediatly stepped back holding his wrist "You Bitch!" He yelled with anger in his eyes that quickly simmered into fear when Luca, Edmund, Chris, and Thomas stood behind her.

"You were saying" Luca said mockingly, staring him down.

"Didn't your mother teach not to touch a lady without her permission?" Edmund asked toying with him.

"I-I'm s-sorry" he stumbled "p-please forgive me?" he said looking at Alexia with eyes the size of saucers.

She waited. Starring him down in a way that made him tremble. After a minute had passed she said "Go and do not let me see you again." As soon as the words were out of her mouth he ran for the exit.

"Well now it's a party" Chris said laughing.

They promptly resumed their dancing, forgetting the ordeal completely. Edmund took Alexia's hand as the DJ switched to salsa song. She swayed her hips as he moved his feet, getting lost in the music.

After a few dances she paused for another drink. This time Tabatha and Hazel accompanied her.

"So tell us" Tab started. "Were you disappointed that your mate wasn't Edmund?" she said in a hushed voice to make sure the boys did not overhear them.

"Yes and No" she responded hesitantly. "I mean... I would have loved to have known and been friends with my mate but our relationship has always been friendly and not romantic." She said as she watched Edmund on the dance floor with another female.

"That makes sense" Hazel said in agreement. "I do wonder who y'alls mates are though.... I imagine with who you are they are definetly going to be strong. I bet we find out at Leadership training." She said confindently.

"I agree and I think your mate is going to be strong and handsome" Tabatha said smiling at Alexia.

"I will drink to that!" Alexia said cheerfully as the three girls clinked their glasses togther.

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