Heart Broken

She didn’t know how long she had been there on the ground when she heard a voice calling her name. "Alexia! Alexia! Alexia!"

She couldn't make out where it was coming from or who was saying her name and she did not care. She hoped to fade into oblivion.

“Alexia! ” Edmund said grabbing her shoulders and pulling her into him. “Lex, what is wrong? What happened?” She sobbed harder. “Lex, tell me what happened” The tears still fell unrelenting. "It's going to be ok." he said trying to coax a response out of her.

“Lex, I can’t help till you tell me what happened.” Desperate he tried pleading with her. "Please, Lex, just tell me what happened."

Lightening struck a tree nearby. Edmund swore. He needed to get her out of here but could get her to move,

He had seen her from his window while he watched the storm then raced to her when he noticed she was laying on the ground, Afraid something would or could happen to her.

She incoherently sobbed a few words.

"Lex, I know you're trying but I can't understand you when you're crying." He told her trying to be as gentle as possible.

She straightened herself, tears still running down her cheeks. “He’s my mate” she breathed barely audible causing her to cry more. She buried her head into her hands.

“What? Who?” Edmund asked confused. He had seen her not too long ago.

She shook her head still crying.

"Lex...tell me." He said trying to probe her.

“Caspian” she said in a voice as quiet as a whisper. "Caspian" She repeated. Edmund became still. The breath in his lungs had been knocked from his body. Staring at Alexia like she had three heads. He finally snapped out of his trance and moved into action.

“Let’s go inside and talk” Edmund said as he pulled her up, guiding her to the back door, and into the kitchen.

He set her down in chair. He found towels and went about wrapping them around her as she dripped water onto the floor of the kitchen. He then set out to make tea and gathered various pastries allowing her a chance to calm down a bit.

He set down the tea and food in front of her, he waited until her breathing became even and her tears were ceasing.

He fetched clean clothes from her room when he felt she was stable. She took them thankful for his thoughtfulness and went to a near by bathroom to change. She put the wet clothes in a bag and went back to her seat taking a deep breath to steady herself.

Then, carefully, Luca sat down in the seat next to her, with a face of concern he took her hand, trying to offer her some sort ofcomfort.

“What happened? Start from the beginning and tell me everything. Take your time, we aren't in a rush.” He said in a soft comforting voice. Taking a sip of tea she sat up straight as she began.

“I-I smelled a scent. It was so perfect that it had to be my mate so I followed it. It was faint.” She said barely able to get the words out.

"It was at least a few hours old" her voice shook as she spoke. "So, I hurried-d. I didn't want to lose it."

“ I followed it to his bedroom door and wh-hen I got there…” She trailed off. “H-he was with a woman. I heard them” She said as the tears began to fall again. He let her cry. He did not push her anymore, letting her cry as much as wanted.

When she finally stopped crying, mostly from crying her eyes dry, she took a few bites of the food Edmund and found for her. They stayed there all night in silence. Her eyes found a spot on the floor and she stared feeling numb to pain.

As night faded and dawn was on the horizon Luca stumbled downstairs into the kitchen.

“Coffee” he said looking half dead. “ I could not sleep last night. I kept feeling like something was wrong.” He turned seeing Edmund and Alexia his eyes widened at the disheveled look of his sister. She had been through the ringer.

“Lex, what happened?” he asked looking at them suddenly very awake.

Alexia recalled the night’s events, taking her time,and sipping her tea. She cried a little but Luca was patient waiting for her to continue. Luca grew angrier with each word. "Son of Bitch" he hissed. "Sorry" he said looking at Edmund. "No need, I am just as pissed at you." The men got up and walked around the kitchen to fetch more coffee.

"Do we know who it could be up there with him?" Luca asked Edmund in a hushed voice while Alexia sipped her tea. "No, he doesn't have a girlfriend and I haven't seen him with anybody" the young prince responded looking deep in thought.

After finishing another glass of coffee, Luca went back upstairs packed both of their belongings then loaded them in his truck.

"He's probably going to smell you we he wakes up, so if you don't want to have that conversation right now, we need to get move on." Luca said to his sister.

"I-I don't think I can face him yet. I keep hearing them in my head..." Alexia trailed off. "Then let's head out" her brother responded.

The three of them walked out to the truck together.

“Thank you Edmund” Alexia said hugging him at the same time then turned climbing into the front seat. She brought her legs to her chest, curling into a ball. Holding herself togther.

“Anytime Lex” he replied.

Luca put the last bag in the truck and said to Edmund shaking his hand “Ed, thank you for taking care of lex. I don’t know what we would have done without you.” Nodding Edmund stepped back as Luca got into the front seat and pulled the truck away from the palace.

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