When the truck came to stop Alexia crawled out of the front seat without a word.
"Do you want to tell mom and dad?" Luca asked his sister with a look of concern. Unable to muster words, Alexia shook her head. Her eyes looking out into the distance. Far away.
Nodding as if he was expecting that answer Luca responded "Alright, I'll handle them." She walked up the stairs of the packhouse dragging her feet and into her room, only making it there by muscle memory.
She went straight to her bed and clutched her chest. Her world shattering before her eyes. Unable to stand the pain, she squeezed her eyes shut as tightly as she could muster.
Two days past with Alexia only leaving her room to eat. She hadn't felt up to be social, not even taking notice of the group chat. Past tears, she lay in bed contemplating. Part of thought she should have stormed into the room and claimed her mate. Another thought she should move on and block the expierence from her memory. She made no move to do either.
While contemplating once again Luca strolled into her room "Get up" he said.
She put her head under her pillows, her hair sprawled out and starting to mat at the lack of tending to. "Leave me alone" she said the sound muffled by the pillows.
"No, you're gonna get up and pack. We're going camping" her brother insisted crossing his arms across his chest.
"I am perfectly fine where I am at, thank you very much." she stated with no will to move from her cave.
"You must certainly are not. With the amount of Taylor Swift that has been coming from this room, you are not fine." Luca said matter of factly.
Taking in a deep breath Alexia sat up. "Why are we going camping?"
"Simple. You need to get out of this room but I don't think you want to be around people. Plus, We're wolves. The woods are good for us." He shrugged.
She had planned on whalling in self pity tonight but camping might be nice. "Alright" she finally breathed.
"We leave in thirty, pack a bag. I've already told mom and dad so don't worry." Luke said over his shoulder as he walked out.
The twins hiked most of the day. The mountain air clearing Alexia's mind. They stood at the edge of a cliff looking out to the valley below.
"What do you think?" Luca said as they gazed out.
Alexia took in the sight before saying "I'm glad I came, thank you..."
"Don't thank me yet, I have surprise..." he said looking secretively.
"What?" she asked looking nervous.
About that time a voice came around the corner, one that she would know anywhere. "What up Squad?" Chris. Oh Chris, with Thomas, Tabatha, and Hazel right behind.
The goofball made Alexia smile for the first time in days.
"I told you we were going the right way!" Thomas said.
"I'm pretty sure we took a few wrong turns" Tabatha retorted.
"Both of you shut up" Hazel interupted while walking over and hugging Alexia. She held her as she said "All for one and one for all."
"Edmund sends his best but he's drowing in paperwork" Luca added.
The grouped hiked some more until they decided to make camp. They ate what the men hunted, cooking it over their campfire.
Keeping the conversation light the stuck to telling jokes and even singing very off key songs. They finally decided to call it a night with everyone settling down into their sleeping bags. Chris went around kissing every member of the squad on the head causing a chorus of chuckles and giggles. "Goodnight best friends, go to bed, get your beauty sleep. God knows some Luca needs it." he said to them all with his signature smile.
"Goodnight Chris!" They sang in chrous.
"HEY!" Luca protested.
At the break of day the group rose, putting out their fire from the night before. They said their goodbyes and split into their two groups to head home.
Alexia ran home. Recharged from the trip. She didn't know what she was going to do about Caspian but she was going to face it head on.
When they reached the packhouse she went straight for her room. Throwing the windows open to let fresh air in she began to clean her room. She washed her bedding and dirty clothes. Tidied up her room and bathroom. She even dusted, playing music and dancing while she worked. When she finished her room was spotless.
She was surveying her work when there was a knock on the door. "Come in" she chimned. Morgan strolled in siting on the bed. "So mom and I were thinking we are gonna go buy new dresses and wondered if you want to come with?"
"Why do you need new dresses?" Alexia asked.
Morgan looked at her confused "For the ball of course?"
"What ball?" When?" Alexia said trying to remember a ball on the schedule.
"What do you mean what ball? The ball everyone has been talking about. The King is throwing a ball for the alpha's and their families the before Leadership training starts. I guess it's like some celebration, I dont know nor care. Anyway there is a ball and we're going. Have you been living under a rock or something. How didn't you know about this?
Well not a rock but a pillow Alexia thought to herself.
Alexia's stomach did summersaults. She didn't know what to do. There was no way to avoid him and when she saw him they would have to have THAT conversation.
She could fake being sick but she was gonna be living at the palace for months. She would see him eventually. Head on she thought to herself. Face him head on and look gorgeous.
Yes she would face him at the ball looking her best. She would be beautiful and brave no matter what.
"Well, I guess I will need a dress" Alexia finally spoke.