Chapter 2
"Open your eyes." I heard a familiar voice say as I felt myself being shaken awake.
I groaned and instinctively stretched out my arms and legs to try and rid my body of the dull aching pains that seemed to spread across my limbs.
Was I dead? The last thing I remembered was my father shooting at me.
But I was still alive. Am I dreaming, or am I already in hell?
"You're not dead...stupid human!" The man who I now recognise from the woods earlier, hisses out, continuing to roughly shake my shoulders as I groan back in immense pain.
I open my eyes slowly, seeing a deep purple, bruised looking sky above me, causing me to sit up slowly in confusion in order to examine it further.
That's odd... I don't think I've ever seen a sky turn this ugly purple colour in my life. Especially not in my town anyway.
"Stop focusing on the damn sky and get up! We have places to be!" The man Lupin- now standing beside me - says roughly as I flinch and wobble to my feet in an instant from his tone.
Was I saying my thoughts out loud or could he read my mind? What the...
He didn't stop glaring at me until I regained my full balance - allowing my mind to catch up with my movements.
"Follow me." He eventually stated with a huff, leading us through the woods which I can now fully confirm are not the same woods from back home... the trees were more spaced out and it wasn't anywhere near as cold here either.
How long did I pass out for if he managed to get me all the way here?
Wherever the hell here is...
I could have been knocked out for days?
I walk behind him slowly, before seeing what looks to be a village from up ahead. It didn't look like a normal village though... everything looked dull and unkempt... old fashioned if you will...
Oh great I can maybe find a police station here!
"There are no police here." Lupin grumbles, causing me to gasp in realisation that he can in fact read my mind.
I didn't imagine it... but have I gone insane?
"W-What?" I question warily, causing him to halt in his tracks - sighing.
Moments pass of him rubbing his forehead, before he turns himself sharply in order to bring himself face to face with me now as I suck in a breath at the sudden movement.
"Listen carefully human because I won't repeat myself nor will I beat around the bush here with what I am about to tell you..." Lupin starts intensely, checking my face to ensure that I was giving him my full attention - which I most definitely was.
"I am what you dumb humans would call a demon. I live in Revnok which is a completely different universe to where you're from. I teleported us here because like it or not, you were dumb enough to fall for my trap by taking my hand. You chose to trust me and now you'll have to live with that. The people here aren't normal. There are werewolves, witches, vampires, demons and most importantly Lycans... any creature you found in a horror book growing up... well sweetheart you'll find them all here." He takes a break to let me process what he said thus far as I just stand there with my mouth agape feeling like I've been verbally slapped.
What. The. Fuck. Is. He. Saying!
When did we board the crazy train?
"All of these creatures will pay a lot of money to own the likes of you - you are a very weak yet valuable human here! Now, the auction begins in ten minutes and we are running late thanks to you passing out on the way here because you couldn't handle the teleporting... if you do as you're told then you might just survive but that is your choice! Figure it out Dani and figure it out fast." He almost whispers the last part, causing my eyes to well up with tears.
Where the hell was I? Was this man deranged? Or was I the deranged one now? A land filled with mythical creatures? He even claimed to be a demon if I heard him correctly... I mean sure if you asked me to describe what a demon looks like I'd probably describe him but that's besides the point...
I can't believe what I'm hearing... had I finally broke under my fathers abuse and gone completely mad? I'm probably locked up in a hospital right now imagining this full thing! Yes that's it! There's no other explanation!
"Move it!" I hear him hiss out agitatedly which causes me to begin following behind him without another thought, groaning now at the pain coming from my tore up feet patting against the cobble.
As we step into the busy village I glance around at the people, deciding that everyone seems pretty normal so far... the village itself looked worn down and eerie though.
This man was clearly insane. These folk all looked human to me. What drugs was he seriously on?
I made sure to stay close to Lupin since I didn't really have anyone else here to help guide me around and quite simply because I felt scared.
Keep your eyes peeled for a police station Dani, there's got to be some sort of authority that can help me out around here...
I soon follow Lupin down a small alley before coming to a door which was guarded by a huge (and when I say huge I mean a 7ft tall kind of huge) man. I glanced up at him, my eyes widening when noticing his eyes shift in colour from brown to gold.
I gasp on cue, with my mouth hanging agape in utter shock. I didn't imagine that? His eyes just completely changed colour...
I stood gaping up at the man for a few more seconds, who by this point didn't look too amused with my staring. I soon felt a tight tug on my arm causing me to stumble forward and into the building.
As we walked down a long hall I noticed the place was a lot more modern as compared to the other places I had seen outside.
The flooring was a crisp white colour whilst the walls were painted a deep red. The lighting was dull however and the corridor seemed to go on for miles - every step making me more nervous.
Why was I nervous? Because believe it or not I felt some sort of weird energy pulling me further and further down the corridor... I felt intrigued to know more about where I was and who I was about to encounter... I couldn't help myself or prevent myself from trailing behind Lupin like a lost puppy dog looking for a home.
It felt like I was in a trance...
We soon halted in front of two very large white doors as my heartbeat started to quicken slightly with anticipation. What was happening to me?
Lupin stopped briefly to glance over me, looking frustrated as he studied me from head to toe.
I don't blame him... my body was tore up and absolutely filthy at this point... my dirty blonde hair was matted on my head and had practically turned brown from dirt and not to mention that I must have stunk bad too.
"I can't promise you that you'll get a good one looking like that." He rolled his eyes, causing me to screw up my eyebrows in confusion and stare down at my feet.
A good what? What is happening here? Is this some sort of rich illegal sex ring?
But before I could get the chance to ask any further questions he continued-
"Now this is the last act of kindness that I will give to you... only speak when you are spoken to and by all means DO NOT TRY TO RUN it's no use. These creatures are some of the most rich and powerful beings and if you want any decent chance at staying alive around here then you must obey them... is that clear? No matter how horrible and scary they are to you, you need to OBEY!" He aggressively whispers the information to me in a hurry as I nod back in understanding- although I didn't understand the bulk of what was going on at all - I felt too scared at this point to do anything else.
I grew agitated under Lupins hard stare as I began to sweat with fear again.
I still couldn't shake the very small part of me that felt intrigued to see what was behind the white doors... but before I could give in to that small dose of curiosity the fear engulfed me completely with Lupins next statement...
"Here we go..." Lupin all but whispers before he pushes open the large doors blocking my view with his large back of what was to come...