03. New Identity
I heard him taking a sniff at my head and neck making my heart spike in an alarm.
"Hmm, is that perfume you got on Kavya?"
"Umm, sure?" I didn't wear perfume perhaps it was the shampoo he smelt from my hair wash earlier.
He gave me another strong sniff at my neck, making me a little freaked out and nervous at what he was doing.
"Ok Eww! What was that?"
"Sorry sunshine, it's your scent, it's quite unique."
Ok, he's acting weird around me. Was that a compliment? I couldn't even tell.
More importantly!
" Whatever. Look [sighs]. What do you mean you're putting me in the trunk?!"
I squirmed on him, and Mark put me down on the ground. I quickly removed the blindfold, staring up at him angrily.
"I know you're upset. But where I'm taking you, I can't let anyone see that I'm bringing you there. It's sort of like a classified place."
He explained, making me stop glaring at him.
"Classified? Like area 51?"
"Not exactly like that Roseville." He mused making me roll my eyes.
"Oh my god, are you trying to smuggle me into a different country? Am I going to be an Illegal Immigrant? I'm not cool with this Mark." I shook my head and crossed my hands over my chest.
Mark laughed and pulled out my passport from his pant pocket.
"This is a fresh passport I had my team make for you since that a--hole burned down your house. I was going to give this to you as part of your other gifts..."
"I'm getting more gifts?" That brightened up my mood a bit.
"Yes, if you behave yourself and let me do my job to keep you safe. Please put on that blindfold and get in the trunk, and no more questions Kavyaa." He said in a serious tone making me grow silent.
After handing in my freshly made passport, I tucked it away safely in my vest pocket.
"Fine, I'm only doing this because I trust you."
I got in the trunk and put on my blindfold willingly this time. I didn't know Mark that well, but I knew him well enough for him to keep me safe after I told him about Kane and his gang.
He'd let me know that they were on his most-wanted list and they were going to come after me again if he didn't take me away from the city quickly.
"Please, don't make a sound, no one must know, I've got you inside the trunk."
"I hope you realize this makes you look like a kidnaper if they do find me?"
He cracked a grin finding me amusing.
"Lucky for you, I won't let that happen." He shut the trunk, and suddenly I heard a sound of a spray going off outside.
"Dude? What are you doing?"
"Keeping you safe sunshine, now please stay quiet, and please don't make a sound." He stopped spraying and walked away, then got in his car.
Well, I wonder where he's taking me so discreetly like this?
A few minutes later, I heard the sound of other cars.
Then I felt the car dip into a low slope, and some strange sound of metal could be heard. The car was no longer on the road.
Soon after, I heard the sound of water.
The car came to a stop again it felt like we were in some kind of queue.
I wish I could get out of this trunk to have a peak, but unfortunately, I was told to stay quiet.
Whatever, no matter where he is sending me, I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later.
Luckily for me, there was a little light inside the booth of his car that was switched on. His booth was dusty and he had some shoes inside that were somehow ripped from the front. I also happened to find a shirt that was ripped too. Wow, is this Armani? Damn, how could he damage a designer shirt, and once again, what is with these tears and rips?
After ten long minutes, the car started again and this time I felt it climb up a steep metal slope.
Mark then slowed down the car once more.
What the hell is it with these pit stops?
Mark rolled down his window, and looked at the guard at the border patrol.
"State your name and purpose here?" The guard said.
"My name is Mark Gambini, and I have business in town."
"With whom?" The man inquired.
"Does it matter?"
The guard then scoffed and went around the truck sniffing out the vehicle for any illegal material. He obviously wasn't your normal human and didn't require the use of dogs to sniff out anything out of the ordinary.
However, he stopped at the back of the truck and caught on to a slight sweet smell.
He turned on his heel to let him go through the toll gate, when suddenly he heard a sound go off...
Kavyaa quickly grabbed her nose trying to cease another sneeze from escaping.
Mark let out a slight sigh. He couldn't afford to open the trunk and risk exposing her.
Curious as to what the stranger was carrying the security guard went back over to his window.
"You mind opening the truck sir?"
"Is there a problem officer?"
"Yeah, I'd like to see what's in the back of your car." He snapped, in a rude tone.
"Do you have a warrant for that?"
"No, but the law is different around here." He threatened now cocking his shot gun. He flashed his eyes orange, making Mark look at him in a strict manner.
If humans were entering this part of the territory they needed a really good reason to be here. Whether it was for business purposes or visiting people or seeking asylum, they needed top authorization and green luminous papers to enter this part of town.
"Hold that thought."
Mark pulled out his phone and dialed the person that could help him out at the border patrol.
"Greetings Alpha Mark, hope you're arriving on schedule, sir?"
Alpha? Yes, he did recall his glory days when he used to be Alpha around here. But ever since meeting his mate things had changed for him.
"Hey Jax, thanks for that, but I gave up that title many years ago, hey so I seem to be stuck at the border patrol, can you help me out?"
"Who's the fool that can't recognize the previous Alpha of our pack?"
"Well it's been over three hundred years and I've been gone a long time Jax, so I'd say it's the new generation of pups."
Mark offered the guard to take his phone.
"Someone above me and you would like to talk to you." Mark said in a pleasant tone.
The guard accepted the call reluctantly and spoke to the person over the phone.
"Let him pass guard 589" Came an authoritative voice, that made him snap his head towards the security camera by the pole.
The guard sharply looked at the stranger and then backed away to talk more in private.
"Beta Jaxson, he has something in the trunk sir."
"Does it smell like a human or an animal?"
"No, but..."
"Whatever it is, the Alpha Ethan will personally deal with it. Let him through our territory, or you're fired." Jaxson then cut the call.
The guard then came over to Mark, and gave back his phone.
"Any problems officer?" Mark asked in his smug voice.
"No. You're free to go."
The gates opened up and Mark gave a smirk at the young wolf guard.
"Much obliged."
He speeded off, making the wolf guard cuss at him.
After driving yet another ten minutes, he let out Kavyaa from the trunk.
"Thankgod, dude your trunk stinks!"
"Apologies, I should have cleaned it out before." He scratched the back of his head.
"Yeah, and why do you have ripped tennis shoes and shirt in there?"
That was hard to explain since Mark wasn't technically speaking human. He was actually a 432 years old, but he quite literally looked 32 in human years. Thanks to his were genes, werewolves aged quite slower than the average human.
He would find it difficult to tell his beloved human friend that he was a werewolf since he did not wish to scare her away.
In fact he wanted to know more about Kavyaa. Moreover, he had seen her display her mysterious abilities in his wolf form when he had saved her from Kane's clutches.
Mark being a powerful wolf from a Trueblood line of werewolves had the ability to see into human minds. He could see into their thoughts and could discover deep secrets of what they were hiding, and he had quite a powerful ability to inflict pain by using his mind powers.
He'd caught many criminals and their hidden stash of drugs making him a top cop at his precinct.
However, when he tried to read Kavyaa's mind when she was sleeping at his house, he found it difficult. It was as if her mind was surrounded by a thick wall of black misty cloud, that he couldn't see through.
Which was not usual for a human. They usually had white misty cloud around their thoughts that he could easily infiltrate through with his mind power. In contrast, Kavyaa was a big mystery to him, which piqued his interest.
Since he couldn't learn about her at the moment, Mark knew he'd have to find out about her in other ways, without letting her know. Right now, however. He had a duty to protect her from crazy rogue Kane who had a bad history with his cousin, the current Alpha.
"I'm sorry you saw that, I can explain, I'm not a crazy guy that did that."
"Then who, or what did this?"
"Umm, my dog." He quickly replied like no big deal.
"Your dog? Dude I've been at your place and I've met your lovely wife who by the way makes the best pancakes in the morning, and I saw no dog at your place?" She asked in confusion.
"Thank you sunshine, i'll let her know that. And yes you didn't see any dogs at my place, because the dog that I work with stays at work." He pinched her cheeks wide making her smack his hands away.
"Oh, you mean like a guard dog?"
"That's right, they're the special canine dogs we need when it comes to raiding drug cartels. Well anyway, I was training with that dog and well, he got carried away thinking I had drugs on me, which I did back then because well it's all part of the training..." He explained, to cover up his tracks.
Kavyaa found his job quite interesting and sat back in the car as they discussed more and more about it.
"Well, if I don't end up being a florist, then I might try out the police academy."
Mark chuckled, finding her amusing.
Kavyaa was shocked at his reaction. Did he just mock her?
"What? You don't think I can take on the bad guys?"
"Kid, you should stick to what you truly love."
A flashback of Kane attacking her in the woods made her stomach swirl in fear.
She was no match for Kane anyways.
"So why a florist?" Mark asked distracting her from her worried thoughts.
"I don't know, I guess I love plants."
I bet you do. Mark secretly thought thinking back to the wall of thorns that had also grown out wild red roses soon after she fled.
"Yeah, what kind of plants are your favorite?"
Her eyes went wide with excitement. When it came to plants, Kavyaa was a whole other encyclopedia about that matter.
She went on and on describing, winter flowers, summer flowers and so many kinds of orange to red flowers forgetting the main question.
Mark was happy to know that he had distracted her from her on going nightmare with Kane.
Then the car finally entered the town and Kavyaa was in awe.
"I'd give you a tour of where I grew up sunshine, but it looks like I'm on a tight schedule tonight. So what we'll do is we'll quickly go and see your apartment."
"I have an apartment?"
"Unless you want to live with your new guardian?"
"No thanks! I'm a young adult, and I don't need adult supervision. I can handle it."
"Yeah about that."
"I forgot to mention a few details."
Mark drove her through town, and Kavyaa took in her new surroundings. The town looked lively and great at night. They passed by the mall area, as well as the Red Light district zone, where she saw many call girls on the street.
They whistled at Mark trying to get his attention, but he swiftly drove past the hookers.
They soon passed through a nice lovely neighborhood and soon came to a two-story building with a range of apartments nearby.
"Mark I see no cars or lights in the windows? Does nobody live here?"
The only ones that lived here two hundred years ago, were him and his bachelorette betas. They used to have house parties and wild rowdy nights with the un-mated she-wolves, during the red moon night.
The red moon night only occurred once in a year, and Mark knew he couldn't keep his precious lamb too long in this territory filled with lusty wolves.
"This building is practically empty."
"Oh? Lucky me, at least I don't have to worry about no loud neighbors."
Nope, you just have to worry about the canine fools that roam the night. Mark thought.
But he didn't have to worry about that since he'd be having a meeting with his cousin soon to discuss why he brought this forbidden fruit to his territory, at short notice.
There was a human zone in the other part of town. But Mark didn't want Kane to find her so easily if he managed to infiltrate the territory to look for her.
Something told him, that he would come searching for her. He clearly knew something was strange about the girl or he wouldn't have chased her down like that.
He opened up the wooden white door and switched on the lights. Kavya's eyes wandered around the dusty old lounge room, with a three-set couch covered in white sheets.
All whilst he quickly texted Jaxson.
Mark: Hey Jaxson let Ethan know I'll be coming over in half an hour.
Jaxson: Alpha Mark? Your meeting with him is scheduled for tomorrow sir?
Mark: Apologies for the short notice, but it's quite an emergency that I see him tonight. Infact, I'd like you and Klaus to be present for this meeting.
Jaxson: What is this meeting about? Is it another rogue attack sir?
Mark: No. It's about the special package I've brought in town. Now no more questions, I'll see you guys soon.
Mark tucked his phone away.
"It's a little dusty..."
"This place is great Mark!" Kavya ventured into her new home in delight, cutting Mark off quickly. She had never ever had a place to her own.
"Umm, how much is the rent?"
"Mark, if I'm going to live here I have to pay you rent right?"
"Hmm, you have no job and you have no money."
Her face fell when she realized that she was no longer an orphan, but homeless.
"I can get a job! I'll pay you back!" He cut her off with a heavy laugh.
"Sunshine, I'm just messing with you. Don't look so worried about the money. I have a solution for that too. Besides you're not going to be here for too long."
Kavyaa raised a brow.
"Wait this isn't a permanent location?"
"No, this is just a temporary one until I get you a permanent one out of this island."
Bingo, hearing water around, whist she was in his trunk made more sense.
"We're on an island?" She asked cracking a little grin as if she discovered something.
"Crap, you weren't supposed to know that, anyway, pretend like I didn't mention that, and sit down for me and have a look at this document."
"Ok? What's this about?" Kavyaa took her seat on the wooden chair at the small round dining table.
"Your new Identity." Mark produced the a4 sized document infront of her.
"Mia Chavez age sixteen years old..." Then she read out loud and then grew silent and shocked as she read more. She saw her profile picture and read in more detail where she lived and what school she was attending.
Wait what school? She re-read her status profile again.
Student at Apollo Highschool?
Realization suddenly came down on her like a ton of bricks.
"You're making me go back to HIGHSCHOOL?!" She shouted out in disbelief, almost falling of her chair. She just graduated from Highschool a year ago. Kavya was meant to be a college student not a high school student!
Mark looked at his watch and then grabbed her hand pulling her out of the chair in a hurry.
"Mark, what the heck!"
"Almost forget we have to go meet your new guardian."
Kavyaa was shocked
"You were serious about that too!"