04. Betas breaking bad news

Location: The Pearl Moon Pack House

Two of the most influential members of the pack clan stood outside the cave entrance, of the pack house.

Cave entrance?

Yes, it was designed to be more of a dungeon area to hold rogue wolves in town.

So who ran that show?

Alpha Ethan and the 2 of his top betas of the Pearl Moon Pack.

Jaxson and Klaus.

A strong whip sounded, followed by an angry growl.

A sound of a man being tortured could be heard outside the entrance of the cave.

"I didn't do it! I swear on the Moon! "I didn't Alpha Ethan!" The man cried in pain as another electrical shock whipped over his paining body.

"Then tell me? Oh, innocent one, who killed the waitress in town?"

In a matter of seconds, the tortured man watched in fear as the Alpha, with his furiously silver eyes, got inside his head with his 'Sandolore' mind technique.

This made him kneel down and clutch his head from the sudden pain.

This evening, Alpha Ethan was feeling rather angry. Even his top betas feared to enter inside the cave when he used his strong mind powers like that.

Jaxson being close to the cave, didn't dare take the a step forward.

Despite his fear, he nudged the more terrified-looking beta forward.

Both the betas had experienced Ethan's wrath before, and they wished not to agitate him.

"Would you like to do the honors Klaus?"

Klaus shoved him back and scoffed.

"Shouldn't you since you granted him access to our territory tonight Jaxson?" Klaus recalled making Jaxson scoff.

The two betas started shoving each other like immature twelve-year-old brats.

Despite being two of the best pack top fighters, they wussed out when it came time to break the news to their Alpha.

"Granted who access?" a deep dark voice asked out of the blue.


The betas yelped in surprise seeing their Alpha with a scar going down his face, standing at the entrance.

They didn't even hear him come up the stone staircase! He was like a freaking ninja.

The betas straightened up ceasing their moment of fear and stood in their professional-like manner of being his business informatives, which ran half of this town.

"Greetings Alpha Ethan, Klaus has something he wishes to tell you. [Nudges Klaus forward]" Jaxson shot a small smile towards his friend secretly telling him 'you got this!'

Klaus gives a short annoyed look to Jaxson before quickly turning his attention back to the boss. Jaxson was always the first to land him into trouble since the third grade with the Alpha.


Ethan snapped still pissed at the fact that he found out that the rogue wolf they caught two weeks ago was not the killer in town.

When he tried to look harder into the rogues mind for the true killer, all he saw was a fuzzy image.

Two hundred years ago, his Sandoleres powers were completely different.

Not after that d!ckhead up in the mountain made him go partially blind in one eye and weaken his inner wolf strength.

"Www...Well, we have an unexpected arrival this evening."

"Who?" Ethan asked

"Jaxson, your turn!" Klaus grabbed Jaxson quickly.

K: No, you tell him!

J: Noway you do it!

K: Hey! I am not the stupid toad who jumped him for tonight's meeting!

J: It's not like I had a choice! You know who he is you sour wolf!

The betas started bickering using their mind links, completely forgetting that they were in the presence of their quite annoyed Alpha, who could easily hear their private conversation.

Suddenly Ethan grabbed both men's collars and shoved them against the cave wall, roughly.

"What's up your a$$es that you're both so afraid to tell me about? This is not like you guys! Now, you two will tell me before I get inside your head and cause you twice the pain as I caused the young rogue down there, or I'll just throw you down the stairs!"

As they swayed to the tipping point, he grabbed both their ties, ready to let them tumble down the dark cave stairs he was coming from.

"No! Ethan wait, jjj just calm down.."

Jaxson loved his suit and didn't want it to ruin, plus it was quite an expensive suit he cherished.

"Please, we'll tell you the truth but, you're not going to like it!"

"Try me." He pulled them back and let them go. Klaus and Jaxson quickly adjusted their tailor-made Italian silk suits and sighed out of relief.

"Well, it's our old Alpha."

"Old, ex Alpha." Jaxson corrected, Klaus.

"Your brother from another mother."

"You know? Your dear cousin, that you challenged many moons ago and won the title?"

Ethan was shocked. There was more to that story, that only he and his cousin knew.

"Mark Gambini?"


Ethan scoffed.

"Why is that banished old fool on my territory?"

"Well, he's here because of an emergency..."

"And he's not arrived alone."

Earlier, Jaxson met with the duo, alongside.

Ethan took a wild guess that he'd probably arrived with his mate. Whom he did not get along with.

"I mean I wouldn't have let him through if I knew he'd smuggle in a human to our territory..."

Now that didn't sound like his mate.

"He smuggled in a lamb?" Ethan grabbed Jason's collar angrily.

In werewolf terms the word 'lamb' meant human. Only 20% of the town here on Pearl Island was human.

The majority of this island was run by the wolves. Only the human mayor in town knew what the Alpha was and the rest of the lambs in town were clueless about their existence.

Those who found out about their kind and tried to flee the island almost immediately got killed or hunted down, never to be seen again. Or some took an oath and joined the pack, becoming one of them.

The only way off this island was through the ferry and you could only get permission to go on it if you had the correct paperwork.

Many had tried to escape with fake paperwork, but always got caught by the border patrol guards.

Ethan on the other hand was both happy and angry when he learned of his arrival.

Moreover, he was curious to find out why on Earth he would bring a lamb to his territory.




Back outside the awaiting lounge area of the pack house. Mark and Kavya patiently waited.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about your new identity and your new guardian earlier. But trust me, I'm leaving you in good hands, Kavya."

Mark said with complete confidence.

Kavya sighed and nodded at Mark. He had done so much to keep her safe, not to mention give her a place to stay on her own.

"Hey, it's Mia Chavez remember?"

Mark took Kavyaa's hand and kissed the back of it, looking down at her warmly.

"Thank you for your understanding Mia."

He winked, making Kavyaa chuckle and shake her head at him. Her eyes roamed about the waiting lounge which had a lavish looking fountain.

Kavyaa was in awe of this place and she wished to explore the big looking mansion but Mark wouldn't dare let her venture inside alone.

After all, it was the pack house, where lustful, un-mated wolves roamed about.

Kavyaa noticed a few people dressed in military uniform and nudged. They held powerful looking shotguns in their hands, making her nudge Mark.

"What's with all the security?"

Plus the cctv security cameras, she noted around the place.

Especially one staring right at them at the entrance.

Mark put a friendly arm around her shoulder.

"You're guardian is a big deal around here Mia. Kind of like a VIP in town and these warriors..."

"Warriors?" She asked in confusion.

"I mean guards are hired to keep him and his family safe." Mark quickly rephrased.

"Who is he exactly, I mean what does he do to afford such a grand place?" She asked out of curiosity. Most of her guardians weren't as wealthy as this one.

"Hmm, he's a very big business tycoon and owns a big corporation of hotels and restaurants in town Mia."

Cool a hotelier?

Kavyaa nodded at that. She found it odd that Mark was now referring to her fake identity. Mia, it was short and simple.

She knew she'd have to get used to people calling her by that name here.

Urgh and school too.

Her true name belonged in her passport, which she stored safely back in her bedside drawer.

"Wait, would my guardian know my real identity too?"

No. He wanted to keep her real age secret from Ethan since he knew he would toy with her in other ways, which annoyed him. For Kavya was his precious virgin friend whom he'd protect for a lifetime.

"It's better if we kept him in the dark. Besides, you don't need another person to know about you. You already have me. And you're not staying here for too long." No way he was keeping her here till the Blood Moon.

Mark had simply brought her here to keep Kane of her tail. He'd be a fool to step in Ethan's territory since he was the most wanted man.

Many have sought him out and tried to find him. Thinking they could catch him for the Alpha dead or alive. But most of the warriors that went to hunt Kane down, were either killed or found their mates in other packs, decreasing their chances of coming home.

Since the pack warriors were becoming lesser, Ethan decided no longer to hunt Kane, but to kill him on sight he ever set foot in this town.

"How long am I here for?"

Mark calculated quickly when the next Blood Moon that makes the wolves in town go crazy in heat, would be. He'd be sure to get her out of town before she sensed things getting weird around her.

"3 months."

3 months of high school as Mia Chaves?

Didn't sound so bad. All she had to do was keep a low profile, how hard could that be?

Kavyaa smiled pleasantly at him.

"Ok. So, "I'm a sixteen year old kid" that's moved from out of town to attend school here because my parents are biologists up in Alaska."

"That's right sunshine and don't you forget it!" Mark pinched her cheeks.

"Mark stop! That's so annoying, i'm going to drool if you keep this up!" She slapped his hands, making him laugh.

Trying to remove his hands from her cheek, Kavyaa rolled her eyes.

"Well you better not drop a drool or I'll spin you over my head." He teased.

"Quit playing Mark!"

Despite his high level of energy, she found Mark to be teasing and enjoyable to be around with.

The door opened up and Mark stopped his playful tactics

Kavya immediately sensed another high level of energy when the door opened up. At first she thought there was a dog about, but to her surprise it was just a well dressed man in a suit and tie.

"Greetings, Mr Gambini and Miss Chaves. I am Jaxson Devaro, Mr Ethan Verrono's right-hand man and one of his personal secretaries."

How many secretaries does this guy have? Kavya secretly thought.

After shaking her hand Kavya instantly got a high aura around him. The man had a charming smile and smiled down at her.

Kavya shot a small smile back in at him, ignoring the strange animal vibes yet again.

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise Miss Chaves, please come through Mr Verrono will see you two now."




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