07. Meeting with the Alphas pt 2

"A favour?" Ethan scoffed.

"I saved your life up on Storm Mountain, or have you forgotten that dear cousin?" Mark reminded.

Ethan had come close to having his heart and eyes ripped out thanks to an ancient and deadly monster that Kane tried to free to gain power. However he got lucky when Mark who'd been keeping an eye on crazy Kane came to his rescue before he ended up being dead meat after the beastly creature betrayed him. Ethan and Mark engaged in a deadly fight and if it wasn't for Mark, Ethan could have not only lost his eye but his life up on that mountain with that beastly creature.

He knew he owed him.

"Fine. Send her in."

"One more thing. This girl is special to me."

Ethan chuckled finding that amusing. He cocked a brow.

"Special? I thought Haru was the special one?" He remarked coldly.

Mark grabbed Ethan and pinned him up harshly against the wall.

He growled louder than he ever did, shaking the entire room, and frightening his little fishes in the tank.

{R} Congratulations, you pissed him off.

{E} Shut up Roman!

In order to engage in a fight with him, Ethan quickly shut down his inner wolf thoughts.

How could he?

This was Mark, the one who was twice as powerful as he ever was. Ever since he'd received those bad claw marks from the creature they sealed up a hundred years ago, Ethan had unfortunately lost

"Don't bring my mate into this. Just remember I am trusting this sweet girl in your care. Let me remind you she's underage. I don't want you, or any of your wolf pack getting any ideas to claim her or even think about marking her. She is your guest for the next three months before the Blood Moon comes up, I will be back to take her. Moreover, she better not have any problems with you as her guardian. I swear I'll come back and murder you myself if she does? Is that clear?"

"Crytsal." He choked out when he grabbed his throat tightly.

Mark let go of his throat. Ethan choked out breathing again.

{R:} Damn his strong.

{E:} Shutup!

Mark straightened out his brown leather jacket and helped Ethan get up from the floor.

"Get off me. I don't need your help!" Ethan shoved his cousin away.

"So do we have a deal?" Mark asked in a serious tone.

To sum up his whole reason of being here, was to baby-sit his lamb and keep the wolves away from her for the next three months?!


How dare he sleep with his beloved, then come back and order him to take care of this lamb, whom he found special.


The girl didn't even look that hot. However, she did look cute.

Then, Ethan had a wicked idea.

Why don't I make use of his little lamb?

"I'll only be her guardian if you have a re-match with me out in the old Arena just like old times?"

{R} You know he just kicked our a$$ right?

{E} We have three months to train very, very hard to redeem our honor. I think we deserve that.

{R} Not when our powers are down.

{E} Will you let me worry about that later? We can always get our true powers back.

Roman his inner wolf groaned out annoyance.

Mark chuckled at that.

"You're not gonna let it go? I beat you fair and square."

"I know, but I don't want to be considered as the second Alpha. It's humiliating. I want that number one spot and you and I will have a re-match and only then will I agree to protect your special little lamb?"

Mark knew Ethan was being stubborn. However, if he was going to get him to look out for Kavyaa, he'd have to agree to his trivial match that he could end in 5 minutes.

"Fine! Once I return for her after 3 months, you'll get your rematch. In 3 months, I hope you treat her kindly and keep her out of the wolf zone."

Ethan didn't care about the rest of the deal.

As long as he agreed to let him kick his a$$ in the Arena he was happy to take care of the girl.

"You have a deal brother." Ethan shook his hand firmly, making Mark finally relax.

A knock came on the door.

"Mark? Is everything ok in there?"

Upon opening the door, he saw the worried-looking girl staring back at him.

Mark glanced towards his favourtie human girl, and gave her a warm smile.

"Everything is fine in here Mia, please come in and meet your new guardian."

Kavyaa walked in, and first, she noticed the room was three times more elegant and rich looking than his secretaries' room.

No in this room, she saw more than just one aquarium, and this room had a huge desk in front with two black swivel-type chairs.

It was empty.

Suddenly, Kavyaa felt extremely high energy similar to that of Marks.

She felt someone sniffing closely at her neck from the back and she heard a very low growl, that had her heart skipping stones.

E: Hmmm, she smells delightful dear cousin.

M: Behave before I chop your d!ck off

Ethan smirked intrigued by the girl's presence.

Alarmed by the strange feeling behind her, she quickly whipped her head around. When she turned around she saw no one. Strange she could have sworn someone was behind her.

The wind howled violently against the window as the heavy rain of the storm started to pour.

Kavyaa put her hands around herself trying to locate that second wild presence around her, but she couldn't see anyone else other than Mark present in this large room. Where the heck was her guardian?

{R} Why don't the other she-wolves smell as nice as her?

{E} I don't know Roman? But you're right, she smells awfully nice.

Ethan couldn't help himself and took another secret whiff at her head, making Kavyaa quickly turn around, feeling that wild presence behind her yet again. This time she could feel something behind her and that lightly brushed her shoulders from the back all the way down to the small of her back. A small shiver ran down her spine.

Kavyaa gasped turning around and seeing nothing but a white wall. She was puzzled that a wall could do that, and then she a bad thought about being a ghost. She quickly moved away from the wall and instead admired some plant pots near the aquarium.

She relaxed herself once more seeing a beautiful bonsai plant.

M: Stop scaring the poor girl and introduce yourself.

Mark spoke secretly via his mind link.

{E} Excuse me? You're the one that brought her to me, shouldn't you be the one introducing me to your little lamb Mark?

This time he tugged at one of her loose twirls from her messy bun, making Kavyaa grab her hair in confusion.

What the heck was happening behind her back?!

She shot a look at Mark, but he was all the way by the window and away from her. It wasn't him touching her hair.

Her heart momentarily spiked with a little fear growing in this room. Something was not right. Something was surrounding her. She could practically feel it's heat behind her. Kavyaa quickly turned around to see what it was and to her surprise she saw no one.

"What the hell?" She lowly murmured under her breath.

Ethan grinned smugly as he secretly played around with her. So what if he couldn't beat him on a physical or mental level? He could always have fun with his little lamb whilst he was away. He noted that the girl was trying to catch him out, which was odd since normal humans couldn't sense them so quickly.

M: Stop messing around Ethan!

E: I'm sorry, it's just fun seeing her so confused.

"You feeling cold Mia?" Mark noticed her rubbing her arms through her thin burgundy cardigan.

"No.." She replied trying to look behind her once more.

Just then a bolt of lightning struck and flashed across the room. A horrific face suddenly came into her vision.

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