Chapter 9

Legions know fear and troubles of a hundred kinds.

- Jeffrey R. Holland

Even though Thalia knew Priyanka wouldn't be at dinner that evening, she couldn't stop the worry gnawing in her gut. The other girls seemed unfazed by the absence of their friend and were happily chatting to each other. Even Jennifer had made an appearance and seemed in a much better mood although kept her distance from Thalia.

However, when almost a week had passed and Priyanka still hadn't been seen by any of the girls, Thalia knew something was going on. Whenever Thalia questioned Ms Thorton or Dante, they had merely changed the subject or made some vague excuses. Dante was certainly more convincing than his assistant. It seemed that he just had to utter the words don't worry about it. She is fine and Thalia would forget about the matter until late that evening and when there was no one to ask.

Thalia was also no closer to working out anything about her master or this strange place he called a home. The more she tried to concentrate on finding answers, the more her mind would become muddled and distracted. Even shifting and going for runs held the same charm as they did before. Thalia simply couldn’t shake the feeling there was something going on that she wasn’t meant to know about.

Then one evening Jennifer didn’t turn up for dinner.

Immediately the girls began to worry but Ms Thorton was there straight away to tell them Jennifer was fine and would be dining with Dante that evening. That seemed to settle the others' concerns but Thalia found herself even more troubled. First Priyanka disappeared and now Jennifer? Something wasn’t right. Why were these girls just disappearing like this?

“Miss Georgiou,” Ms Thorton’s sharp voice cut through Thalia’s daydreams as she stared out of the bedroom window. “Mr Connaught has requested your presence at dinner this evening and I am here to assist you in getting ready.”

Thalia sighed, forcing herself to look away from the window. The weather had turned stormy overnight with ugly grey clouds racing across the skies and the bare trees being assaulted by the squally winds. Thalia had found herself in a glum mood when she woke up that morning and hadn’t really wanted to do anything or speak with anyone. She had been frustrated when Ms Thorton had all but dragged her to her weekly doctor’s appointment and at one stage a warning growl had left her when doctor Mckinley had attempted to take some blood.

“I’m not feeling too well today, could I perhaps decline?” She asked as she watched the tall blonde rummaging through the walk-in closet once more.

“I’m afraid this is non-negotiable, Miss Georgiou.” Ms Thorton replied without missing a beat before returning with a wine red silk dress. “This will be perfect. Now, go shower. I’ll be here to assist with your hair and make up.”

Sighing, Thalia did as she was told even if she did drag her heels a little. When she stepped back out into the bedroom, Ms Thorton was indeed waiting for her, along with the silk dress and heels. On the vanity sat an assortment of makeup and brushes as well as a crystal flute filled with what appeared to be champagne.

“Now, I believe this is going to be a special evening and Mr Connaught has insisted I make sure you look and feel ravishing so you drink this,” The blonde picked up the glass and handed it to Thalia. “And I will do the rest.”

In her mind, Maeve shifted. Neither of them trusted the drink. Ms Thorton hadn’t brought champagne on other occasions so why now? She considered ignoring it but a glance into Ms Thorton’s steel blue eyes told her that wasn’t an option and she took a large mouthful to show Ms Thorton she was indeed complying.

However, almost immediately Thalia felt strange. Her muscles seemed to relax and her mind felt hazy. She could feel Maeve in the back of her mind but now it felt like there was a huge distance between them filled with something thick and unmoving. Thalia’s first instinct was to get rid of the rest of the drink and try to get whatever else was in her stomach out. However, as she leaned forward to try and put the glass on the vanity, a hand caught her wrist.

“Ah-ah.” Ms Thorton’s voice seemed far away and yet the most important thing in the world. “You need to finish it all up.”

Thalia didn’t want to and yet the moment she was instructed to finish the drink, her hand seemed to move on it’s own, bringing the glass to her lips that parted to let the remainder of the fizzy liquid fill her mouth and disappear into her stomach.

“There we go.” The older woman took the glass and set it down, looking at Thalia in the mirror. “Now be a good girl and let me finish getting you ready. Mr. Connaught is looking forward to your company this evening.”

Whether Thalia heard her or not, Ms Thorton didn’t seem to care. The young she-wolf remained stationary, unmoving like a doll as the blonde carefully styled her hair into classic waves and applied make up carefully to Thalia’s golden skin. By the end, Thalia looked like a different person and yet she remained unresponsive, her eyes transfixed on her own reflection and yet not moving or actually seeing.

“Perfect, now for the dress and we can go.” Ms Thorton encouraged, guiding Thalia towards the dress.

Just ten minutes later, Thalia was following the blonde woman out of the bedroom, following the familiar route towards Mr Connaught’s suite. The young she-wolf felt like she was a passenger in her own body, unable to control anything as she followed Ms Thorton obediently. She could feel everything from the way the silk of the dress hugged her body to the tickle of her hair on her naked shoulders but she couldn’t do anything about it, all she could do was watch as she was led to Mr Connaught’s presence and made to wait for her master to open the door.

“Ms Thorton. Miss Georgiou.” Dante’s smile was disarming and perfect and yet there was something in his eyes that had Thalia’s preternatural instincts on edge. “What a lovely sight. Miss Georgiou, please come in and take a seat.”

Inside Thalia was screaming not to go in but her body moved on it’s own, as if controlled by Dante’s voice. She walked calmly into the familiar apartment and took a seat on the two-seater. In front of her on the coffee table was two glasses and a bottle of some form of white wine. Piano jazz played quietly from hidden speakers but Thalia could make out the other two talking quietly to each other before a door shut and movement let Thalia know Dante was returning. This evening he had opted for a midnight blue dress shirt with coal grey pants. There was no tie and the sleeves were rolled up to expose his strong forearms, the golden skin practically glowing in the soft light. His eyes sparkled like sapphires as he observed Thalia sat silently on the settee, unmoving, her dark eyes watching him almost expectantly.

“I’m glad you could join me again, Thalia.” He finally spoke as he took a seat next to her. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you for some time about our arrangement.”

“Our arrangement?” Thalia asked curiously.

“Yes.” Dante leaned forward, his hand curling around one of Thalia’s. “If you recall, I said I needed your help with something and well, that time has come.”

“Is this to do with what happened to Priyanka and Jennifer?” Thalia asked.

Dante smiled, clearly impressed that Thalia was so observant. When he had started the search for a she-wolf, he had no idea he would end up with such a beautiful and intelligent young woman in his presence. Yet, from the moment he laid eyes on Thalia, he knew she would exceed all his expectations and requirements. Her Alpha heritage was strong and while there was an innocence about her, Thalia was inquisitive and intelligent. She also was incredibly beautiful with her full hips and beasts. Her skin was like gold. Dante could almost see the first gods in her. Aphrodite would certainly be jealous of this woman’s beauty.

“I know you are worried about them but I promise, they are okay.” Dante squeezed the young woman’s hand reassuringly. “You and the other girls will see them very soon but tonight is about you. Come, let’s dance and I will explain everything.”

Again Thalia found herself moving without her own permission, her body following Dante to a space away from the furniture. She felt Dante’s hand on her lower back as he pulled her close to him, his other hand holding hers. The scent of Dante’s spicy cologne wrapped around Thalia and she felt the heat of his body mingling with hers in this intimate closeness. In any other situation Thalia would have let her shyness take over yet, with the scent of Dante’s cologne and the way his eyes closed a circuit with hers, Thalia felt strangely calm.

“Do you have a mate, Thalia?” Dante asked as they danced slowly.

“I do not.” Thalia confessed. “Or at least I have not found them.”

“Whoever they are, they will be extremely lucky to have you.” Dante murmured. “I know I am certainly lucky to have met you. Together, we can achieve great things. If I were your mate I would make sure you were worshipped like the goddess you are. If only we had met under different circumstances.”

Thalia felt the tip of Dante’s nose brush against her cheek softly, the heat of his breath dancing over her naked shoulders sending chills down her spine. Her body was reacting to his slightest touch and internally Thalia was confused and yet she couldn’t bring herself to resist it. She felt drunk and yet sober all at the same time. She wanted to pull away to try and clear her head and yet at the same time she was desperate to stay wrapped in Dante’s arms.

“Thalia, I hope you can understand that I enjoy your company very much and in the small amount of time we have been together, I have grown attracted to you.” Dante carried on, his voice low and intimate. “I want to take care of you and not just because I need you to help me with something but because you deserve it.”

“What is it you need my help with?” Thalia asked, her voice faint, as if she was in a trance.

“I need you to give birth to my child.” Dante whispered. “Can you do that for me? Can you be the mother of my child? Can you birth me an heir? Say you can do this for me, my goddess.”

Thalia smiled, looking up into those hypnotic blue eyes like she was in a dream. “Of course I can. I’ll help you by having your baby.”

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