Chapter 1

Then Jesus asked him, 'What is your name?' 'My name is Legion,' he replied, 'for we are many.'

- Mark 5:9

Present day*

Thalia couldn't tell what time of day it was but it felt like she had barely closed her eyes to capture a few precious hours of sleep before she was being jolted awake by the sound of keys forcing the old lock on her cell door open before the giant metal door groaned in protest on its hinges as it was opened. The sounds had become her alarm clock over the few years she had been held in this perpetual hell and yet she still dreaded the moment it came.

Her eyes were open long before the sound of heavy boots stomping over the wet and mildew covered floor met her ears. She had been here long enough to know who was coming to drag her out of this dark hole they kept her in. Rusty (not his real name but she called him that because his hair was the same ugly orange colour) had a limp, Yellow (yellow teeth from chain smoking) scuffed his heels along the ground but today she had the displeasure of being escorted by Hammer (because his punches felt like being hit with a hammer).

"Get up." Hammer's gruff voice growled as a painful vice-like grip squeezed Thalia's upper arm and pulled her off the bed like she was a doll. "The boss wants to see you."

Thalia didn't bother to reply and tried to keep up with the large male's pace, cold bare feet slapping against the soggy stone ground. Much to her dismay it was still dark out, suggesting she hadn't been down in the cells for all that long. A torrent of dread built itself inside of her quickly as her mind raced to try and remember if there was something she had forgotten to do. She had cooked dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. She had taken the trash out. She had even spent the evening serving this gang of disgusting creatures drinks and trying not to react when they groped her or slapped her backside. She had learnt that they got off on the tears and humiliating her.

No, she was sure she had done everything she was told to do so she didn't know why she was being dragged away from the solace of sleep to be brought back upstairs.

The lights were still on in the old dining hall that doubled not only as where these rogues ate but where they partied. Once upon a time it had probably been a really nice space but now it's flimsy wood panelling and seventies carpet were just dingy and sad. The carpet felt stale and rough under Thalia's dainty feet despite the fact she had cleaned this carpet dozens of times over the year. The room constantly stank of stale booze, vomit and cigarette smoke and only half of the lights worked. If they were drinking constantly the men were gambling or fighting and all of it happened here.

"Got the girl for you, boss." Hammer grunted as they approached a table.

He gave Thalia a rough shove causing her to stumble a few steps forward until the table was right before her, its occupants' hard eyes scrutinizing her.

Rogues weren't a pack nor did they have a pack structure at least, not like Thalia had grown up with. However they did have some strange hierarchy much like a gang with a boss, right hand man and then cronies to do all the dirty work. It was somewhat ironic that these men who had been kicked out of their packs because they couldn't adhere to the pack structure, had established an organised hierarchy similar to a pack.

"Thalia, thank you for joining us." Lars, the leader spoke, voice gravelly from years of smoking and drinking.

"Good evening, sir." Thalia managed in a demure voice, her espresso brown eyes flicking between Lars and the man he regarded as his second-in-command.

"I need you to go with Marcus here on an errand." Lars was commanding not asking.

"An errand?" Thalia asked before she could stop herself.

"Yeah. Marcus needs to make a delivery and you're to go with him." The leader leaned forward in his seat to pick a packet of cigarettes off the table. "You leave in ten minutes so I suggest you make yourself presentable."

Thalia wasn't sure what was meant by that. She had next to no clothing and she didn't possess makeup or hair products except for a couple of rubber bands and an old hairbrush to help keep her thick dark hair out of her face. She didn't own shoes, because she was never allowed outside and she certainly had no personal effects. She wasn't about to say this though. Talking back would earn more than a scolding and her ribs still smarted from the last time she apparently did something wrong and needed punishment.

Without a sound, Thalia scurried to the bathroom to hide for a few minutes. She didn't want to go back to her cage but she also didn't want to sit around with that lot. Swallowing broken glass sounded more appealing.

The bathroom was much like the rest of the hovel that the rogues used as their base of operations; a dump. Thalia couldn't count the number of times she had cleaned this bathroom and the others only for it to look no better than when she started. These men were honestly animals and not because they were werewolves.

Sighing tiredly, Thalia dragged herself to the sink and peered into a cracked mirror that hung sadly on the custard yellow wall. She didn't know what she was thinking she'd see but the reflection that peered back at her knocked the air from her lungs. Black circles hung under her espresso brown eyes that were dull and bloodshot from exhaustion. Her lips were as pale as her skin. She remembered when her olive skin had once glowed a nutty brown from living under the Mediterranean sun. Now its pallor made her look sickly under the layer of grime.

She wanted to cry but there was no point. She had learnt a long time ago that crying didn't help. Instead, she turned on the faucet, cupping the frigid water in her hands and splashing it onto her face to try and wash away the dirt sticking to her face. Drying her face with the threadbare sleeves of her sweater, she forced herself out of the bathroom before Lars sent someone to get her. The males hadn't left the hall but Marcus was now on his feet, greasy chin length hair framing thin sharp features. His water blue eyes narrowed as he dragged on a cigarette, watching as the curvy little female scurried in.

"Let's get going." Marcus finally spoke, barely acknowledging Thalia and turned on his heel to head out. "Now, woman!"

Thalia didn't hang around, following the male with her head bowed out into the night. The air was bitingly cold and it hit her underweight form like a freight train. Sucking in a shaky breath, Thalia nearly coughed as the frigid fresh air filled the insides of her lungs. It felt like a lifetime ago since Thalia had been outside last. She had watched the world go by from inside her prison, the seasons coming and going and yet Thalia hadn't felt the tickle of spring rain on or the raw heat of the summer sun for so long. It almost felt wrong to be outside now, as if she was somewhere where she wasn't meant to be.

She picked up her pace to catch up with Marcus as he approached an old SUV. Another male was leaning against the old rust bucket, waiting for them. Thalia had seen him around before but only a few times. This unknown had Thalia unsettled but she couldn't say anything. She had no control here. She was to follow orders and stay quiet.

"So is this her?" The male that Thalia didn't really know spoke, black eyes staring right into her, stripping her down to her soul.

"Yup." Marcus growled.

The male smirked, continuing to regard Thalia like she was an obedient puppy who was desperate for her master's affection.

"Not sure she meets the requirements, Marcus."

"Well she is the best we can do at short notice so shut the fuck up and get in!" Marcus barked, already having had enough of the whole situation.

The comments left Thalia confused while this strange male's destructive gaze left her nervous. As much as she despised Marcus, she hoped he didn't leave her alone with the other male. The thought simply filled her with cold dread.

An uncomfortable silence filled the SUV as they left the complex and drove out into the night. The dark haired girl was able to finally see their surroundings despite the blanket of black. They were somewhere remote with narrow roads and fields and trees in all directions. The terrain was certainly different from what Thalia was used to, making her wonder just how far away from home she was. She had always known she was not in Greece anymore but had hoped she was still in the southern parts of the continent. That didn't seem to be the case.

One hour ticked by and then two and while Thalia tried to remain awake, exhaustion was doing all it could to drag her down into the comforting depths of slumber. Her eyes would slowly sink shut only for her to force them back open suddenly. Each time it would take her just a little longer to realise she was falling asleep.

Thalia thanked the goddess when the car finally rolled to a stop in an old layby. By now dawn was starting to break and the once black night was lightened to a eerie blue making it easier to see where they were. The little Greek wolf thought that perhaps they were making a pitstop and neither man in the front made any attempt to get out. Marcus simply cut the engine, filling the space with silence.

"Where is he?" Marcus growled, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it.

"He'll be here." The nameless male replied calmly, opening a window to let the stench of smoke escape.

"I'm not waiting here all day." The older male grumbled, narrowing his eyes at nothing in particular.

"You kind of don't have a choice." No-name sighed, sounding fed up with the older male and his moodiness. "It's this or he kills us all."

Thalia gasped in alarm at the chilling statement. What had she gotten herself into!?

She didn't have any time to dwell on it though as pale vanilla light peeked through the spaces in between the trees ahead. A few moments later, a black sedan rolled into view, the light of its head beams blinding Thalia momentarily before the car turned, rolling a stop twenty feet away from them.

"Finally." Marcus grunted and unlocked the doors. "Everybody out. Let's get this over with."

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