Chapter 4

The large doors pushed open slowly, a soft whistle accompanying the movement as soft early spring air raced to escape through the opening. A delicate spicy scent mingled with the light scent of flowers, coming forth to wrap itself around Thalia like a loved one, coaxing her forward on wobbly legs to enter the room after Ms Thorton. Her heart thrummed in her chest like a caged bird making her lungs ache.

The room appeared to be much like what Thalia had seen of the property. Pale vanilla sunlight poured in through several tall but narrow windows as navy blue curtains billowed on the breeze that came through the open panes. The patterned marble floor reflected the lazy sunlight softly. The main colour was a soft milky coffee colour with thin rectangles of black bordering strips of cream to create an intricate rosetta pattern spreading from wall to wall, corner to corner.

The room was not lacking in furniture or decor. Cream walls were bordered by patterned trims at the ceiling and floor while a heavily gilded gold mirror hung over a marble fireplace big enough to house a small family. The loveseats and armchairs surrounding an octagonal coffee table were made of navy velvet and looked as soft as clouds, inviting all to climb onto them and sleep. Paintings of beautiful landscapes and romantic scenes hung proudly from the walls and several crystal vases were dotted about filled with pure white lilies.

However, it was the far left corner that drew Thalia's nervous attention.

Floor to ceiling bespoke shelving held books of different sizes and thicknesses sat on shelves between heavy bookends and busts of soft faced damsels or generals and warriors on regal steeds.

In front of all of this was a giant heavy looking oak desk that Thalia guessed was at least a hundred years old and large enough to be mistaken for a bed. And sat behind the desk covered in paperwork, a lamp and laptop and phone, sat a male that Thalia could only describe as an Adonis.

"As requested sir, this is Thalia Georgiou, the new acquisition." Ms Thorton spoke up as she came to an abrupt halt before the male leaned back in his seat.

"Georgiou?" A rich deep voice escaped him with interest. "Greek?"

Silence stretched between the three before the stern blonde cleared her throat, gesturing for Thalia to speak up.

"Uh. Yes." Thalia whispered, her cheeks heating under the gaze of both this stranger and Ms Thorton.

"Unfortunately," Ms Thorton continued with a flawless professional grace most personal assistants would be envious of, opening the folder in her arms and tapping away at the tablet as it's cold blue glow illuminated her strict features. "She isn't exactly what you requested however, I have been assured she is intact and she is from an Alpha bloodline. We are in the process of tracking her pack to confirm.

"Initial observations are that she is malnourished and currently has a number of injuries which will need to be examined and possibly treated.

"Full bloods have been requested to confirm there are no diseases that could impact viability. We will also need to determine her cycle but otherwise, Miss Georgiou appears to be a suitable candidate."

The man stood slowly, towering over both women as he strolled out from behind the desk. Thalia knew she was roughly 5' 4" so she guessed this male was at least 6' 2" with a dark imposing aura to go with that towering size. He wasn't a werewolf, that much Thalia could discern yet Thalia could also tell he wasn't human. His sky blue eyes stood out against his golden tanned skin and dark blonde eyebrows and perfectly styled hair. His features were sharp but beautiful, like those possessed by models or gods. It was easy to see that under the crisp white dress shirt, slate grey waistcoat and dress pants no doubt taylored in Italy or Savile Row, lay a body hard with muscle and yet lean like the warriors depicted in so many statues.

However, despite looking like he was blessed by the gods, Thalia couldn't help but feel unnerved by thean. Something under that fine exterior was dangerous and dark, far darker than anything Thalia had ever dealt with or witnessed before and she felt her wolf stir at the hint of a possible threat.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Thalia." The male spoke in a warm tone as he sat on the desk, long legs stretched out in front of him. "My name is Dante Connaught."

"It's nice to meet you too Mr. Connaught." The small wolf whispered, keeping her eyes low.

"Please, call me Dante." Dante smiled, showing off perfectly white teeth and a small dimple on his right cheek. "Do you know why you are here?"

Thalia shook her head. So far her experience had been rather peculiar. She had been drugged then woke up in a beautifully lavish room, allowed to bathe and given new clothes. Now Ms Thorton was rambling on about her health and 'being intact', whatever that meant, and her new master was talking to her almost as if they were equals.

No, she had no idea why she was here and frankly, it was all rather overwhelming!

"I'd like to help you and in return, I need your help with something." Dante explained, pushing away from the desk and approaching Thalia slowly, his movements like that of a cat stalking a mouse. "How does that sound, Thalia?"

Thalia watched with widening eyes as this giant of a male stopped merely inches from her, forcing her to arch her neck to look at him. Those hypnotic blue eyes sparkled playfully but something much darker hid within those celestial orbs.

"You paid for me Mr Conn...Dante. I am at your service." She replied eventually remembering that she was a possession here. She had to make sure what she said pleased her new master.

Lars was as cruel as could be if he didn't like something. How many times had he had Thalia beaten just because she hadn't done or said something right? While Dante Connaught looked every bit the gentleman, there was no telling what he could be like. He could be a lot worse than Lars and his goons.

"I may have paid for you but I want you to think of this as not me owning you but me buying your freedom and in return I just need you to do something for me."

"And what is it you need me to do?" Thalia asked timidly.

Dante smiled, something predatory hiding behind that perfect face. With how close he was, Thalia could make out the smattering of freckles over Dante's cheeks and the bridge of his nose as well as the single dark freckle under his left eye.

"For now Thalia I need you to rest and heal. You have clearly been through a lot in your short life." Dante replied. "Ms Thorton here is going to take you to see our doctor then I'd very much like it for you to join me for dinner this evening to discuss your stay here."

It seemed simple enough but Thalia couldn't shake the feeling that there was something between the lines that she couldn't decipher. She thought about refusing but she knew full well that she was in no position to do so. She was weak and she had no idea of how to get out of this place. On top of that, she had no idea where she was or any way of contacting her family to get help. While something about Dante terrified Thalia, he was certainly treating her better than the rogues were.

However, no matter how she painted it, she was still a prisoner. Her cage just happened to be one hell of an upgrade.

"Okay." She nodded softly watching as another smile split across the tall man's face.

"It's settled then," Dante announced, moving away gracefully to sit back at his desk. "Ms Thorton, please make the necessary arrangements for our guest to be checked over by the doctor and then bring her to the dining room for eight pm. I shall have the chef prepare something in accordance with the doctor's instructions."

"Of course Mr Connaught, it'll be my pleasure." Ms Thorton replied with a subtle bow before turning to Thalia. "Come this way Thalia, we have lots to do before your dinner and we don't want to be late."

Thalia felt Ms Thorton grab her arm gently but with enough grip to remind her who was in charge. Despite wanting to ask more questions, Thalia could only follow Ms Thorton as the blonde ushered her towards the doors like a woman on a mission. Thalia couldn't help herself and caught herself glancing back at the mysterious man behind her, catching a glimpse of him watching her before the doors shut, blocking the view.

The clinical starkness of the doctor's office was almost blinding to Thalia's sensitive eyes that were still used to the dingy dim lighting of her previous prison. It seemed that natural light was welcomed here with windows set to let in as much as possible. Thalia had been in awe of the impressive gothic style skylight that adorned the atrium that seemed to be the very center of the Goliath sized building.

It hadn't gone unnoticed by Thalia that, despite the numerous corridors and doors they had passed through to get to this office, none of the doors seemed to lead to the outside world; a thought that made Thalia's skin crawl like eels twisting into each other.

Now she found herself sitting on a stylish plastic white chair in an equally white room with other equally stylish plastic chairs. Despite there being a rounded receptionist desk, there was no one else in the spacious waiting room aside from Thalia and Ms Thorton who sat typing away on her phone.

After what felt like forever, one of the doors opened and a middle aged man in a white lab coat stepped out. His balding head gleamed in light and soft pudgy hands clasped around a file as he walked over.

"Ah, doctor McKinley." Ms Thorton's voice killed the sterile silence as she stood. "This is the new patient, Thalia Georgiou. Mr Connaught has requested a health check and the standard blood tests to be done."

“Right, of course.” Doctor McKinley muttered, eyeing Ms Thorton nervously before looking at Thalia. His heart rate stuttered rapidly and Thalia could smell his stress, its bitter tang souring her mouth. “This way please.”

Thalia found herself numbly following the orders of the doctor and Ms Thorton as she was ushered into an examination room and made to change into a crisp white hospital gown. Ms Thorton settled herself tidily on a chair in the corner of the room whilst the doctor fumbled to find gloves and other tools to assist him with his mission. It didn’t go unnoticed by Thalia that the man trembled ever so slightly but enough to make him drop his gloves a couple of times.

This man was scared. Was it because of Thalia or because of the blonde in the corner watching him with the same critical gaze as an angry cat.

“Normally the nurse would take your bloods.” McKinley explained as he settled on a stool and rolled to the side of the exam bed that the little Greek wolf lay on. “Tell me, when was your last period.”

Ms Thorton laugh was like a bark startling both doctor and patient. “She’s a werewolf, Doctor. They have heats. Did you not read the notes I sent you? Honestly. Why Mr. Connaught keeps you around is beyond me. Miss Georgiou, when did you last go into heat?”

” Thalia felt her cheek flame in uneasiness, brown eyes darting from her chaperone to the doctor. “It has been maybe a year

McKinley frowned at this, jotting something on his clipboard. “I see that before here you were being kept in below standard living conditions with little in the way of nutrition. I would say that the lack of cycle is due to stress and poor diet. Werewolves need to shift regularly and have plenty of exercise as well as a good diet. Am I right in thinking it’s been a while since you shifted as well?”

Thalia nodded shyly. It had been too long in fact. Initially it had been agony trying to keep her wolf in check, however as the years went by, Maeve became less responsive until she was no more than a stirring in the back of Thalia’s mind.

The sympathetic look in the doctor’s eyes caught the young she-wolf off guard and she flinched when his hand patted her own hand gently.

“Not to worry, Thalia.” Mckinley smiled kindly. “I’m here to make sure you get back to full strength. Now, if it’s okay with you I’m going to take some blood and then I need to check your weight, height, ears and eyes.”

Thalia simply nodded, shutting down mentally so she could endure the intimate nature of the whole ordeal. She was aware she was underweight, however she found herself unsettled by the way Ms Thorton continued to put emphasis on her reproductive system. A pelvic exam confirmed her virginity and that she wasn’t suffering any ailments while Doctor Mckinley explained his observations and what he needed to do next as if talking to a child. By the end Thalia felt exhausted and gratefully changed back into the outfit Ms Thorton had made her put on when this day started.

“I will write up my notes and make sure that you, Mr Connaught get a copy.” Doctor Mckinley announced as he moved to his desk, removing his gloves along the way. “For now, vitamins, plenty of red meat and dark greens. Complex carbs and to be honest a few fatty deserts wouldn’t hurt. The tests will confirm what I already know which is that Thalia’s cortisol levels are too high so she will need plenty of rest and perhaps look into some meditation. Finally, she needs to shift and get outside. The more she shifts the quicker her body will replenish and heal itself.”

Thalia felt her heart flutter at the mention of her being allowed outside and to shift. She hadn’t been allowed to let Maeve free to run through the grass and play. She didn’t know if the wolf would even know what to do. Would she even come out?

“Thank you, Doctor McKinley. I’ll let our employer know.” Ms Thorton nodded before looking to Thalia. “Come, we need to get you ready for dinner with Mr Connaught. We don’t want you to be late now do we?”

“Thank you, Doctor Mckinley.” Thalia glanced at the man shyly.

“No problem at all, Thalia.” Mckinley smiled. “I will see you in a week for a check up. Make sure to get dessert tonight. The Chef makes a delicious salted caramel and chocolate ganache pudding.”

Thalia could help but smile a little at the cheeky wink the doctor gave her before she turned and followed after Ms Thorton to her next destination.

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