Chapter 5

Here is true immorality: ignorance and stupidity; the devil is nothing but this. His name is Legion.

- Gustave Flaubert

Thalia had been expecting to be sent back to her room and confined there until her dinner with Dante Connaught. If not that then at least she would be put to work cleaning or whatever it was that was required of her as a slave. Yet neither scenario occurred.

Instead, Thalia was led to another part of the strange residence where a tall, young woman with sharp features and skin as pale as snow worked silently to cut and tame the young she-wolf's thick dark hair. This and the shaping of Thalia's eyebrows were accompanied by a manicure minus any polish while Ms Thorton looked on, making sure everything was done exactly how she wanted it.

Now Thalia's hair no longer sat in a mangled and damaged mess down to her hips. Instead the colours of obsidian, espresso and molasses felt in silky waves over her shoulders, the ends curling ever so slightly just below her shoulder blades which protruded unhealthily.

Thalia watched silently from her perch on the giant bed where her day had started as Ms Thorton rummaged through the giant walk-in closet, the metal hook of each hanger scrapping sharply across the rod every few seconds as the blonde reviewed each garment before dismissing it and moving on to the next one.

“Ah here we go.” Ms Thorton finally announced in her usual accent that Thalia still couldn’t place. She quickly walked over, holding a fitted navy dress with sleeves that would come up to the elbow and a boat-cut neckline. “Everything else is too big for you at the moment. This will look beautiful and is appropriate for dinner with Mr Connaught.”

“It looks expensive.” Thalia murmured, eyeing the dress as if at any moment it was going to jump up and attack her.

“It is but Mr Connaught wants the very best for his girls.” Ms Thorton declared as she pulled the dress off of the hanger and unzipped it. “Now come and hurry up and get changed. It’s nearly eight and Mr Connaught is waiting for you.”

Honestly, Thalia just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep. Her body was still trying to recover from years of neglect and exhaustion but the young woman made no attempt to protest as she obediently removed her current outfit and pulled on the one Ms Thorton had ready for her. Despite it being a fitted dress, the soft fabric felt buttery against Thalia’s skin and while seemingly light as air, warmed her cold flesh instantly. The dress’s skirt fell to her knees, hugging the soft curve that started at her waist and expanded over her hips and thighs to highlight the subtle hourglass silhouette she still had.

“Perfect.” Ms Thorton muttered behind her with a small nod of approval before handing Thalia a pair of flat shoes. “It’s time to go.”

No sooner had Thalia put the shoes on, Ms Thorton was ushering her hurriedly out of the door and into the hallway. Again there was no one around except the two women, one following the other through the maze of hallways.

“Are there other girls here?” Thalia asked as they walked.

Ms Thorton’s comment about how their employer looked after the girls in his employ and Thalia suspected that didn’t mean the likes of Ms Thorton. That wasn’t to say Ms Thorton was poorly cared for, quite the opposite in fact. Her red bottom heels, tailored pencil skirt and matching jacket were the very epitome of power dressing not to mention each article of clothing and the subtle jewellery were undoubtedly designer. However, the young she-wolf could tell that in this place, where Ms Thorton sat in the hierarchy and where Thalia sat were very different. Ms Thorton was a loyal and dedicated employee and Thalia was a possession.

No amount of expensive clothing or jewellery would change that.

“Yes.” Ms Thorton answered curtly as they were descending the giant sweeping staircase.

“Are they like me?” Thalia asked curiously.

“Yes and no.” The blonde replied. “Mr. Connaught has offered them the same contract as he has offered you. Your freedom provided you assist him. However, you are the only werewolf. Up until now, Mr Connaught has only sourced the services of human girls.”

Thalia blinked in surprise at this, her mouth falling open at the revelation but not words escaped and she quickly shut it.

“You will meet the other girls in a few days.” Ms Thorton carried on. “For now you are to give Mr Connaught the courtesy of your undivided attention and presence as he so rightly deserves.”

Thalia couldn’t help but frown at this but before she had a chance to pick apart the statement or ask anymore questions, Ms Thorton came to a stop outside a set of double doors that were white with intricate gold trim that replicated rope along the raised borders while climbing roses and leaves decorated the panels. The blonde quickly pushed the giant doors open to reveal a spacious suite that resembled a luxury apartment in Monaco or Uptown New York. As they walked through the lounge area with its modern furnishings and lavish decor, Thalia couldn’t help but feel in awe of what she saw. She had never seen something so luxurious or stylish in her life.

As they approached the other end of the Lounge, Thalia spotted the large open planned kitchen with a small dining table and two seats positioned adjacent the giant wall to ceiling windows. The sound of someone moving around in the kitchen drew Thalia’s attention away before she could take in the sight beyond the windows only to find herself met with an even more surprising sight.

Crisp white shirt sleeves were rolled up to expose deep golden skin, muscles rippling underneath as the man carefully chopped herbs on a marble chopping board. Despite it now being eight in the evening, Dante Connaught looked surprisingly vibrant still dressed in suit trousers and a waistcoat. The top two buttons of his white dress shirt were undone to expose the rise and gully of his collarbones and more of that otherworldly skin. Piercing blue eyes slowly lifted from his ministrations to land on Thalia, a warm smile spreading across his achingly handsome features.

“Kaló apógevma, Ms Georgiou.” Dante smiled, setting down the knife in his hand and wiping his hands on a tea towel. “I’m glad you could make it.”

“Hello, sir.” Thalia bowed her head, feeling her hollow cheeks warming with a faint blush.

“When shall I return to collect Ms. Georgiou?” Ms Thorton spoke up, reminding Thalia that they weren’t alone. “10pm perhaps?”

“No need Ms Thorton.” Dante’s rich deep voice was warm and rich like caramel, enchanting blue eyes never leaving the little she-wolf. “I will escort my guest to her room when our evening is done. Take the rest of the evening off and ensure we are not disturbed unless it’s important.”

“Of Course, Mr Connaught.” Ms Thorton gave a respectful nod of her head before excusing herself and disappearing through the very same doors that Thalia and she had walked through just moments before.

The silence that felt was not actually silent at all. The soft playful tones of classical piano played faintly, lazily traveling through the air to tease and seduce. Soft warm vanilla light bloomed around them, highlighting certain parts of the space whilst plunging others into deep shadows giving the feeling of intimacy and privacy. The air was warm and Thalia’s heightened sense of smell picked up the woodsy scent of thyme, the deep oaky tannins of red wine and the fatty but robust richness of lamb.

The smell made Thalia’s stomach flip in excitement and she realised that it had been a while since she had last eaten. Two days perhaps? The days had sped by with all the drama that Thalia had barely had time to think about her hunger. Now though, as the delicious scents wafted to her she realised just how ravenous she really was. There was something more though. The smells reminded her of evenings in the winter months where her mother or the elders of the pack would prepare stews that would not only fill one's belly but warm it like a hot water bottle. Her mother liked to do her stew with orzo but Thalia was much more fond of the lemony potatoes that would come with roast meats and fish.

"Please, take a seat Thalia." Dante's voice drew Thalia back to reality gently, her coffee brown eyes focusing on the handsome man towering before her.

She gave a nervous nod of her head and moved to take a seat at the dining table so she could watch her mysterious owner and also peek out into the inky black night. Her host moved with smooth confidence towards the table, lifting a crystal decanter of red wine that had been allowed to air.

“How did your visit with the doctor go today?” Dante asked as he poured a glass of wine for them both and took a seat opposite the young woman.

“Fine.” Thalia replied cautiously. “He said he would send you a report.”

“He did.” Dante nodded. “But I wanted to hear about your experience. When did you last have a check up?”

“When I was ten perhaps, so eight years ago.” Thalia frowned softly as she remembered how very different that visit to a healer had been. No one had been interested in her reproductive organs or heat cycle. The thought of her consultation just a few hours ago still made her skin crawl.

“I can imagine that your appointment today might have been stressful.” The blonde male seemed to know what Thalia was thinking about making her blush in surprise. A smile crept onto Dante’s lips at the sight. “I assure you we only want to make sure you are as fit and healthy as can be.”

Thalia nodded softly, her mind going back to their initial discussion. “Is this because you need my help with something.”

“I’m afraid so, yes.” Dante nodded. “It will all make sense soon enough but for now, my main priority is making sure you recover from your awful ordeal thanks to Lars and his men. I have made arrangements for them to be taken care of so no more young women suffer like you did.”

Thalia’s eyes widened in shock at the revelation, something icy and sickly trickling through her veins like poison. Had Dante just implied he had Lars killed? Why? Did Lars not provide Dante with a service that was invaluable to him? Or had Lars served his purpose and was no longer required?

“Here’s to a new chapter in your life.” Dante raised his wine glass, his eyes sparkling like gems and his hair like smoked gold in the sensual light.

Thalia raised her glass, her pulse fluttering in her throat as her nerves bubbled in her chest. “Yamas.” She whispered.

Drinking on an empty stomach wasn’t a good idea even for werewolves and yet Thalia was too afraid not to take a sip of the wine. It’s spicy danced on her tongue before the taste of dark fruits, chocolate and oak bloomed making the underside of her tongue tingle. It slid down her throat and into her stomach like a small ball of comforting heart, the alcohol slowly spreading out into her limbs to make them heavy.

“Now, I don’t know if this will be any good but I wanted to do something special for you.” Dante explained as he rose from his seat and walked over to the oven. “Also the doctor reported that you need a boost in iron

Thalia watched curiously, her cheeks suddenly feeling warm as she took another sip of her wine, marvelling at it’s subtle sweetness and woodiness. Red wine made in Greece either came as extremely dry or semi-sweet. Thalia often went for the semi-sweet stuff which one could buy in plastic litre bottles. It held the same sweetness as a good port but nowhere near the richness. The dry stuff had always been too strong for her and reminded of twigs from the olive trees and the dry earth at the height of the hot season.

The scent of rich tomatoes and herbs hit Thalia’s sensitive nose all at once followed by the familiar gamey richness of lamb. Dante moved quickly but with enough confidence and calmness that within a few steps he had sprinkled the chopped herbs into the Le Creuset dish and set it in front of Thalia with a shallow dish of wild greens.

“An old friend of mine taught me this dish when I lived in Athens for a summer.” Dante mused as let the steam rise to reveal a sumptuous dish of lamb casserole.

“It looks and smells delicious.” Thalia admitted, her eyes wide in wonder as she saw the giant pieces of perfectly cooked lamb next to shallots and carrots, bathing in a rich sauce.

“Thank you.” Dante chuckled and set about ladelling the meal onto a plate along with the dark wild greens before setting the plate in front of the young grecian before serving himself. “Please, dig in. I’m eager to know your thoughts.”

Thalia didn’t need telling twice. She was undeniably famished and the small amount of alcohol she had consumed had left her feeling a little light headed. The bitterness of the greens melded with the sweet richness of the meat and sauce as Thalia let the taste melt onto her tongue. A soft moan of delight escaped her before she realised, her eyes going wide in shock and embarrassment. Across from her, Dante chuckled in amusement, his tone friendly and not mocking.

“I take it, it is good?”

Thalia nodded, taking her time with the second mouthful as she accustomed herself to the intensity of the flavours and the delicious taste of the lamb.

“I’m glad you like it.” Dante smiled fondly. “And after you have had your fill, would you like to go for a run?”

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