Chapter 4


“YEAH SHE CAN” says a voice behind him, I know she is pissed. How the hell is she still standing after being awake for 24 hours.

Graham turns around and turns white as he looks back at the daughter he once knew. She is no longer the little girl he left behind.

She glares at him but all of a sudden we hear a growl “MATE”

We all look back at Blake, he is staring at Izzy. Oh shit, this is not going to be good.

Izzy looks at him while walking up to Graham and Dale, with no expression on her face “You need to back off” she says snarling.

I can tell Puna is trying to come through. The power coming off her is intense. Alice looks at her cousin and smirks.

“Don’t talk to......” but Dale is cut off by her growling and her eyes change colour from blue to bright green “You wouldn't want to piss me off BROTHER” we all look back at her stunned.Alice and I know what Puna and Izzy join their voice together is like, but this is amusing to watch.

I look over to Blake, Blake is still staring at Izzy, his mate.

“What? You didn’t think I would not know that you’re his son? I guessed who you were at the station, you both smell the same” she says to Dale but she turns to Graham “And you acting like the dad I always had, will never work. You have never been there for me in ten years so why should I want you in my life now” Graham looks hurt, but what did he think he would achieve by coming here? I told him Izzy doesn’t want anything to do with him. She didn’t even know about Dale, and she still doesn’t know about the sister she hasn’t met yet.

She takes a step closer, her eyes not leaving either of them. Puna is close, her power is magnified with Izzy’s anger towards them both. I wonder if they can feel it like we can.

“You are going to listen and listen well, I don’t want anything to do with you or that family you have. You left me on my own for ten years to survive and I managed perfectly well. If you come back in here, I will let my panther out and she is not as friendly as I am, she is worse” she says snarling “Now leave and take whatever it is you need and go”

She walks in between them and heads over to me.

That’s when I realised that she is in her Minnie mouse PJS, she must have sensed him outside the house earlier.

Blake is still looking at her. Before anyone else says anything, she turns to him “Oh and Alpha, I don’t want a mate” she says.

He growls loudly “You don’t mean that” he says, barely holding himself and his wolf together.

She looks back at him and shrugs “Take what I said and leave, I am only here for a few weeks and then I am leaving again” she says.

Blake looks back at her but doesn’t say anything, he looks hurt. I know some of the reasons why she doesn’t want a mate as there are awful memories to remember. She hates men in general and for a good reason.

The power coming off Izzy is hard to handle. After a few moments, I turned to Graham and Dale, “I think you all should leave now” I say “don’t forget the cakes on your way out.”

Dale looks at me and smiles, mouthing thank you. He looks at the cakes but you can tell he wanted to talk more.

Blake hasn’t moved from where they are standing. He is still looking at Izzy.

Dales pulls him back, leading him through the door to the SUV that has just pulled up. Graham wants to talk more but sighs, he grabs the boxes and takes them with him. Alice holds the door for him.

Once he places them in the second SUV that just pulls up, Graham goes to the SUV and climbs in. It drives away within seconds.

Dale steps back into the cafe once more and comes back in for the last box. Izzy and myself have been watching them from the counter. He stops by the door and looks over his shoulder to us “I know what our father did, I don’t condone it. I want to get to know my older sister, if it is possible” he says, Izzy lets slip a small growl.

He stares at her with a glint of hurt “I am sorry Izzy” and turns to leave.

Alice shuts the door and looks back at us.

“Well cuz, I am so glad you are here” she says with a smirk.

Izzy walks up to her and smiles. They hug. They both look back at me but before they both can say anything.

“How did you know?” I ask Izzy.

Izzy looks at me for a moment, “I smelt his scent outside, it woke Puna up. But I knew about the other things, I have always known I just never told you” she says.

“I hate that man more, he never came for me” she says with the hatred seeping into her again. I know she is hurt. Graham has a lot to answer for and he may also be the cause of Izzy not wanting her mate as well.

“Well let's get this place closed, you look like you should be in bed “ I say with a laugh.

Izzy looks down and Alice notices too. They both laugh. We head around the cafe to make sure that everything is turned off, tables are wiped over and chairs are in their usual places.

Izzy yawns.

“You need to rest,” I tell her.

She nods, “Let's go home” she says and turns to Alice “You coming, we could have our famous sleepovers”

Alice looks at her with a smile but shakes her head.

I know that won’t happen as Alice is going to the ceremony with her mate.

“I can’t cuz, you need your beauty sleep” she says

“Don’t tell her about Paul yet mum” she mind links me. I smile. Alice only knows some of the reasons why Izzy doesn’t want her mate but she is scared to tell her already, not knowing how Izzy would act when she finds out.

Izzy lets out another yawn, we laugh.

“Come on Sleeping Beauty, time for bed” I say leading her out through the cafe door and head towards the house.

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