Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3


Ratchet and I spent all of our first day here with Merigold and her crew. When she found out we planned to stay in our sleeper shell we have in the truck we use to transport my car she lost her shit. She talked it over with Viper and insisted we stay at her old house. That was two days ago and now Merigold wants to meet at the diner in town for lunch. I walk in and look around to see if I can spot her and see she is in a back booth. When she sees me she stands up and hugs me when I reach her. When I sit down Merigold says “ I’m glad you came.” “Of course I came. Why wouldn’t I?” Before Merigold can answer the waitress comes over. I take a quick look at the menu while Merigold orders. Merigold orders a club sandwich and fries. It is nice to see some things never change. That is Merigold’s go-to food when we go to any diner. I order a bacon burger loaded and bacon cheese fries. I’m a big girl and I like to eat. I will not hide who I am or starve myself to suit what someone thinks I should look like.

As soon as the waitress leaves Merigold looks at me drops her smile and says “ Ok spill it.” “ What do you mean?” I ask. Yes, I have been hiding a few things from her but I didn’t think she would call me out on it so quickly. “ Kelly, I have known you since grade school. I know when you are hiding something. This trip to come to see me, I know it just isn’t just about Marco’s birthday. I saw your car, I know that isn’t Frankenstein. So tell me what is going on.” Damn Merigold used my real name so I know she is serious. And she noticed that the car she saw wasn’t the original car we built when we were kids. I should have known I couldn’t hide anything from her. And I don’t want to hide things from her. She has been by my side through some of the best times in my life and the worst I just don’t know where to start. Somethings I still don’t know the answers to.

“ Merigold you are right, Hermana. I didn’t tell you the whole truth when we arrived. I’ll start with Frankenstein. The car you saw was Frankenstein 2.0. Three months back I was at a race. Everything was fine until the last two laps. I was in second place making a move towards first. I made the corner and was about to pass the first car when something went wrong and I lost control.” I have to stop as the memory of that night comes rushing back. I feel Merigold place her hand on mine to stop it from shaking. Shaking that I didn’t even realize I was doing.

I take a deep breath and continue. Merigold needs to know what happened. And I need to not let the accident keep me from moving on with my life and keep me from racing again. I have been racing most of my life and I have been in more accidents and fender benders than I can count but this last one. It shook me. Bad. I can’t get the feeling of being stuck in the car out of my head. I know I can’t let fear rule me. I have to get back to racing. That is another reason I came to see Merigold. She has always been my rock and biggest cheerleader. I know she can help me get back behind the wheel and on the track. But I have to finish telling her my story first. “ The steering wheel became tight. I couldn’t move it enough to turn away from the wall. I was going close to a ninety-five when I hit the turn. I needed to pass the guy and he was holding the inside so I went to the out. He tapped my front bummer. Just a tap. Nothing I couldn’t handle. Before anyway. I mean you have seen me race. You know a tap is nothing”

Merigold doesn’t say anything just nods for me to continue. Before I can out food it set in front of us. I don’t talk again until I have a bite of my burger and a couple of fries. Merigold remains quiet and eats. She knows I will finish when I was ready. I take a drink of my water and started talking again. When we hit I was spun I couldn’t get control. The next thing I know I am rolling and then I hit the wall. I couldn’t move. I was pinned against the wall upside down. My seatbelt was stuck. The blood was rushing to my head. I was dizzy. Then I smelled gas. I knew I had to get out of there. I tried to reach the emergency latch for the seat belt but I couldn’t reach it.”

I look up and see Merigold on the verge of tears. I don’t want to upset her but it can’t be helped. “ I felt like I was going to pass out when I saw Ratchet and the emergency crew coming over. They had to cut me out and pull me through the window. We got about ten feet before the fire started. I saw them putting it out but by then the adrenaline started to wear off and the pain kicked in. I passed out a minute later. I woke up in the hospital two days later with Marcos holding my hand.” I look and see Merigold was pissed as hell. I can’t blame her. I didn’t call her and tell her. And when we did talk I never mentioned the accident. I hold my hand up for her to stay quiet so I can finish.

“ Long story short I had a concussion, a broken wrist, a few busted ribs, a nasty cut on my shoulder where a piece of metal went through my suit, and a fractured ankle. Overall I was lucky. I was stuck in the hospital for a week. Then Alric and Mac took me home along with Marcos. They all took turns taking care of me until I was better. While I was recovering there was an investigation. Normal for any wrecks on the track. My car was looked over with a fine-tooth comb and discovered that my power steering was tampered with. But after checking cameras and records they couldn’t figure out how it happen. And Frankenstein was totaled. I had to start from scratch. Again. With the help of Marcos Alaric, Mac, Matt, River, and my crew we rebuilt him. Better than ever. But he still felt like he was missing something. So when Marcos said he wanted to see you I knew what it was. I need you to do another paint job on him.”

Merigold took a minute before she said a single word. Then she screamed at the top of her lungs to the dismay of the others in the diner. “ How could you keep something like this from me. For months we have been talking and you never said a word. I thought we were family. How could you not tell me? You know I would have been there for you. I would have dropped everything.” Merigold rants. I place my hands on hers hoping to calm her down. “ That is why I kept it a secret. Yes, you are my family. I know you would have been on the first plane out if I had told you. But you have a life here. Kids that need you. Two husbands and a boatload of brothers that need you. Not to mention two businesses you run. I was well taken care of I didn’t want to burden you.”

My sweet loveable sister has tears running down her face and is still pissed as hell. We have finished eating by now so she slams some money down on the table. “ We aren’t done with this conversation. Not by a long shot. Follow me to the clubhouse. We will finish this there. I need to see someone.” Then she leaves. I shake my head. I know she needs a minute to absorb what I had just told her. I place some more money on the table to make sure our check is covered and make sure the waitress has a decent tip. I always make sure to tip a little extra. Most of them survive off their tips and I was them once before my racing took off. I walk out to my bike. A sweet black and red Suzuki GSX-R750. My driving around town vehicle. Then head to the club.

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