Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Angel POV

The bright sun rays fell all over the room waking me up. And that was my alarm.

I hell my head in pain . Oh god it is throbbing like hell. And just like that yesterday’s events come in rushing . I didn’t plan on getting drnk. But that lady left me alone and a guy had annoyed me like fucking hell and that ended me taking up god knows how many shots.

I directly went to the kitchen and took some Advil and blinked my eyes. I prepare a coffee for myself. And grab my phone to see tones of messages, 21 messages from Dani and 10 from Liam. I checked Liam’s first because I know what Dani would sent me.

Why are you not taking my calls? Are you there?

I am taking Dani home. She is not in a good condition. And why didn't you inform me that you guys went for a party??

Shit he is gonna have an argument plus lecture with me. I rub my temples thinking about how boring it would be. His one glare will make you sit at where you are. I scroll through Dani's messages.

Dude where are you?? Shit woman were you planning revenge on me from dragging you from home by calling Liam here?? You could have made me clean the house woman! Hvytftyfdeyuhrfhjdhfrtirtjrfkrtuufehfjjeofri

She would have cleaned the house!!!??? That took my entire concentration. Shit I should hve seeked revenge. I laughed at the last comment, it meant that the woman was completely wasted and I a afternoon with a glare on her face. Liam didn't come in he just dropped her out as he had some things to do.

“I am innocent here" I said

"I don't trust you" she said

I chuckle.

"I really wanted though after you texting me that you would have cleaned the house instead of informing to Liam" I said sitting beside her.

"Who me!?? I haven't sent anything like that" she said

Here I thought she was sober while saying that. Wow ! For a moment I thought my best friend had matured, my fault my grevious fault.

Sunday came in so fast. Its always like that. When you want work days to move fat they become the turtles in the rabbit race and weekends end so fast. Liam had messaged me in the morning saying that he wanted to meet me in the cafe. Dani had a flight today so she wasn't there at home. I saw the kisses chocolate lying on the kitchen counter. Oh yeah I forgot to say Liam has made it a habit of seting gifts, chocolates, bouquets on a daily basis.

I pull over a blue oversized sweater and pair it with black jeans. I am not a heels person so I go for shoes. When I entered the cafe I saw Liam on his phone.

"Hey!" I hugged him.

He smiled.

We ordered two coffees and talked about random stuffs. He considers me as his sister.

"Angie Dani isn't taking any of my calls. I know she is out of station. But come on can't she attend her boyfriend's calls?" He pouted. I playfully slapped his hand seeing his childish behaviour.

"She might be in duty .You know right her jobs requires continuous attention" and he just nodded back maybe thinking of the sad reality.

"Hey if you are such restless send flowers to her like you usually do" I said winking and sipped my coffee.

"Flowers!?? What flowers are you talking about?" he acted all oblivious

"Ha Ha I know you thought that we wouldn't realise it. but we ain't fools mister to not know it was you who sent it" I said smirking.

"Angie first of all I don't know what you are telling to me and I have never sent anything to Dani in my whole life. I have sent flowers to her during ours first years of dating but that I did it personally. And these days I am really busy . You know right how irritatig woek can be " he said.

And I stared at him blankly. If it isn't him , then who hell is sending them and that person knows about Dani's favourites.

Oh God!

"Does she keeps those things with her?" I could sense from his talk that he was beyond pissed.

"Yeah she does . I mean we thought all this while that it was you so yeah." It didn't take him even a minute to pay the bill and he was out. I didn't make him wait so I got in his car fast and the car went damn fast.

I am scared. No not of Liam but about the person who is sending these . He or she is gonna face Liam's wrath for sure. But by the gifts my gut says its definitely a he.

He barged in he house and went directly to Dani's room. He read the notes and tore it.

"Are there any more?" he asked gritting his teeth.

"Yeah.." I said and I showed him the rest.

One thing is that Liam is really a good person. He is real fun when its happy mood. But if he is pissed or angry, it's better not to talk to him until he talks to us.

He has never shouted at me beacuse he says that when he sees me it makes him remember his lost sister.

I opened the cupboard and make way for him to see it.

He started going through al the flowers and chocolate boxes . And a tag made our attention towards it. The tag had 'Precious land" written on it.

My phone rang and it was a call from one of our clients. Liam said that he was leaving and went.


Liam’s POV

I was pissed out completely. I park outside the flower shop named Precious land. I found a guy in the counter .

"Who orders tulips daily?"

He looked at me with widened eyes.

"S-s-ir" he stuttered. I wasn't in a mood for dramas.

"Whoooo!????" I yelled at him.

"SirI don't know who it is. But I get a call daily from a number. I can give you that." He told and showed me the number.

I typed that number and pressed to call.

“Good afternoon, Knight enterprises how can I help you?"

Knight. No no. And I ask the stupidest question.

"Who's your CEO" I ask. Don't say that name.

"Its Luca Knight"she told and I hang the call.

Luca ... so it was him who sent it.

How could he and how dare he.

We might be best friends bt that doesn't mean he can fuck around my girlfriend.

I went directly to his office , and he was typing in his laptop. when i entered.

He snapped his head up on the sound of door closing.

"Liam ...woah dude what a surpr-" before he could complete it I cut him off.

" Stay away from my girl" I gritted.

He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean and man why are you so pissed out!?" he asked.

"You are saved from my punches just because you are my friend. STAY AWAY FROM DANIELLE" He stared at me and stood shockingly.

"D-dani is your girlfriendf!?" He asked hestitantly and I nodded.

I left because I didn't want to listen to anything otherwise I would have burst out.

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