Chapter 8
My heart pounds as I stand alone in the house after the garage closes. I walk back into the main floor and I look around me. The house looks acceptable. I look at my phone. 4:00. I have barely any time to get ready if I’m going to be there by five.
I dash over to the glass elevator and press the button, summoning it. I see the car slide down, and the doors open. I step inside and turn toward the doors, waiting for them to close. I press the button for the next floor up. The elevator can’t move fast enough. The doors open and I burst out. I breeze through the hallway and into our spacious bedroom and through to the closet again, pulling my shift dress over my head as I walk and tossing it into the laundry basket. I pull off my panties and step out of them, kicking them in, too. Now I’m completely naked.
I walk across the plush carpeted closet to my skirts… I look through, sliding the hangers, fingering the garments, searching for something… I notice a baby blue suede skirt… I pull it out and hold it away from me, considering it. I set it on the center island. I step over to the blouses, looking through them.. I choose a matching monochrome silk blouse and hang it on a hook beside my three-way-mirrors. I turn to the center island again and slide open my panty drawer. I pick out a lacy sliver thong, and slide the drawer closed. Moving to the next drawer over, I slide open my bra drawer and choose a matching silver lacy bra and slide that drawer closed, too. I place the set onto the island next to my skirt. I look at my outfit and nod. I pick up the panties and slide into them, and then the bra, quickly fastening it in the back.
I run into our private bathroom, plug in my curling iron, and do the quickest makeup ever. I throw a couple of curls in my hair, and then run back into our closet. I pull the blouse off the hanger, it clanking noisily against the wall. I fling it over my head and slip the smooth silk over my body. I rush to the island and grab the skirt. I pull it on, tucking the silky fabric into the soft suede, and zipping and buttoning up the back. I rush to my bag shelf and grab my round black quilted Gucci crossbody and sling it over my body. Then I rush to my shoe area and choose a pair of black suede boots, grabbing them. I rush them to the chair beside my mirrors, sit down, and wiggle into them, pulling them over my knees, up to my thighs. I stand and step into the mirrors again, taking one last look at my complete look. I turn, scrutinizing myself, adjust my blouse a bit, fix a lock of hair, press my lips together, take a deep breath, smile… I nod. Cute.
I walk out the door at 4:45. I’m late. I had wanted to leave by 4:30, this was barely enough time to walk there. But, it would take longer to drive and find parking, and it’s a beautiful fall day anyway. I walk briskly, my boots clicking on the sidewalk, the crisp air brushing across my face. I am zinging. My palms are sweating a bit and my heart is pounding. I feel every sensation, notice every detail as I walk there. The fall leaves, people on the streets, bright blue sky, traffic noise… I am as light as air. I see it up ahead. It’s a cute little café, with a garland of roses and vines over the door, hanging down lavishly to the ground, and a cart with giant reed baskets of roses for sale in all different colors out front. My heart pounds harder and faster.
I round the corner and walk in through the iron, industrial looking, open door. The tile sounds different under my heels as I step inside, and I hear people chatting and the hissing of the espresso machines. I scan the crowd, not seeing anyone sitting alone… It is a cute café with brick walls, black wooden tables, and flowers everywhere, adorning the shelves and as centerpieces for the tables…. And it smells like sugar and chocolate…
Suddenly I see a wave from the corner, it’s Sophia. She’s smiling, hand fully extended, waving me down. She’s sitting at a table in the corner with three other women. I feel a rush of anxiety in my chest and stomach. I didn’t know other people were going to be here. They’re dressed in jeans and oversized button ups, sweatpants and cropped boat-neck sweatshirts, showing off toned abs… I instantly feel overdressed. And yet, they look so glamorous, even in their casual attire.
I feel ridiculous that I thought this was a date.
I feel my face flush as I walk across the café towards them. I am so self-conscious. I feel suddenly so awkward in my boots, I don’t know how to walk. As I approach the table, they look up, all of their gorgeous eyes on me, pausing the conversation. I can feel my heart pounding in my ears.
Who are these women? Sitting in the chair next to Sophie is a striking woman with shimmering dark brown skin and gorgeous hair in braided rows. To her right, a beautiful blonde with long thick layers, creamy skin and aquamarine eyes that are as striking as Zane’s… And seated to her right, a Kim Kardashian knockoff with long straight brown melting-into-golden-honey hair that hangs to her waist. They are like some kind of goddess-creatures.
“Hi!” Sophia exclaims, jumping up and smiling widely at me. “I’m so glad you came!” She throws her arms around me in a hug. “Here, sit down.” She says, gesturing to the open seat across from hers and sitting back down.
I pull the chair out, it scrapes loudly along the floor, and slide in, scooting the loud chair in again. I slide my bag onto my lap.
I feel the other women’s eyes on me, curious.
“Girls, this is Natalie, a friend of mine,” Sophia announces. “This is Drea,” The woman with dark skin and braids nods at me. She looks stoic and unimpressed.
Sophia gestures across the table toward the blonde woman, “Vanessa,” Vanessa smiles a pursed-lipped smile and flashes her blue eyes at me.
and Soraya.” The Kim Kardashian look-alike scratches her face beside her nose with one perfectly manicured glossy pink nail. She blinks and tips her chin up, looking sideways at me. She gives me a cold smile and a tiny, almost inaudible, scoff.
“Hi,” she says.
“Hi –”
“We won’t be here for long, as soon as we get the call we’re going to need to head back –” Sophia is going on.
“The call?” I ask.
“Yeah – oh I’m sorry – this week is so busy! We’re on a break from fittings. I was hoping we’d make it here – or I would have texted you. I don’t know if you know – but its fashion week –”
I did. Working in PR in Manhattan I couldn’t help but notice fashion week. People in the streets were dressed up, photo shoots and brand kiosks popping up daily around the city.
Sophia went on, “—and we’re walking for the Alexander Accardi show. So, things are really crazy right now with last minute fittings and changes and everything.” She shakes her head, running her fingers through her dark wavy hair, which his half-up half-down in a cute bouncy ponytail.
“Oh…” I said, nodding and taking all of this in.
“Tonight we have a dress rehearsal, and then tomorrow’s the show. So, as soon as we get the call from the Gio, the designer, we have to get back and get into makeup and our outfits.”
I nod.
Models. They’re fucking runway models for Alexander Accardi. That’s why they look so ethereal, even in their sweats and boxy button ups. Even without makeup. There is an aura about them. Each one of these women has her own world about her…
And now my head is spinning.