Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

This really got under my skin as it was clear she was talking about me. I mean it was a dead giveaway with her eyes landing directly on me. Plus, I was a standout because I dressed so down. I was in sweatpants and a normal long-sleeved shirt. I had no make-up on and thankfully my mom let my hair down because the bun would have really set things off. Just looking at her, I knew we were going to have some sort of problem. Her attitude alone confirmed that for me. She was the opposite of Twila and quite frankly, I didn't want to be friends with her anyway.

Taking her eyes off me, she greeted two of the other girls there. They knew each other quite well, making this even more obvious who I had to avoid. I wasn't a huge fan of cliques, but if that was what was going to get me through, so be it. Not being a part of their world, I needed at least one person on my side, and I think I've gained that in Twila. However, it didn't stop me from feeling so insignificant compared to these ladies. It was frightening to say the least.

Not wasting another moment, the ladies kept talking as the glass door opened one more time. Out came another lady who didn't seem to be a part of the competition. You can tell she was very much older than the lot of us, looking about my mom's age. Her chestnut brown hair cascading down her back with her dark blue eyes staring at every one of us. She was small in stature, but she looked like a tough lady. Like she didn't take any shit, and she wasn't one to mess with either, making this even more stressful.

As the door closed again, the woman cleared her throat, poised and reserved. "Welcome ladies," she began, "I'm excited to have you all here. I hope you're excited." Her voice was calm with a sophisticated manner to it. "A couple of things you need to know before these eight weeks transpire."

Rules. I hate rules and regulations. It always ruins the fun, and who knows what happens if you break them?

"First off, your weeks will be from Tuesday to Saturday, partaking in whatever task is to be done. A little test if you will. Saturdays are usually reserved for parties, balls, and dinners. While your dates will take place between Tuesday and Friday. However, this first dinner will be taking place today, leaving tomorrow for something else planned." She started to explain, and I started to get nervous. Balls, dinners? What kind of crap was this?

"On Sunday's and Monday's, you are free to do whatever it is that you want. If it's something outside of these gates, please contact one of the drivers and we prefer that you go out with someone other than yourself just to be safe. It's going to be eight long weeks, so I expect you all to be on your best behavior and prepared for anything. Am I clear?" She asked, her eyes scanning through.

We all nodded and with that she smiled, clapping her hands. The door opened again, and a few men came out. One being the guy that drove me here. They were all cleanly dressed in black tailored suits, and their hair slicked back. They all stood in uniformed positions with their hands crossed in front of them. They took a bow, greeting us graciously.

"These are the butlers and the drivers, and Jeremy is the main server." She pointed to the man in the middle. "Whenever you need something, please find one of them. You also have a stylist for every event, so no need to worry about getting yourself prepared for tonight. However, that is only for dates with the bachelor and whatever takes place on Saturdays. Everything else is up to you." The more she talked, the more I felt bored out of my mind. "Please follow them upstairs to your rooms, your name is on the door and welcome again."

With that, she left, leaving us to follow the men upstairs. I wasn't going to lie and say I didn't feel intimidated by all these people. They all had money, power, and exuded elegance. I had none of those things and yet somehow, they still chose me. What qualified me to be a contender here? None of this made a lot of sense to me. Nobody else here was like me or came from what I come from. The question is what did my mom do to get me in here? It was strange.

Nevertheless, there was no time to dwell on it as we were all tailing behind the men upstairs to the second floor. The third floor was where we would meet these stylists the lady was speaking of. That sounded great to me, as I was extremely excited to be styled by a professional. Though, the nerves were also there because I didn't know what was going to happen at this thing. What kind of questions were they going to drill me with? There were certain things that could not be talked about with mere strangers. I had to stay calm and collected, nonetheless.

As we got up the stairs, we turned the corner as the men began pointing out rooms. As I got to the end of the hall, I saw my name imprinted on a gold sign on the door. I took a deep breath before opening the door. I wasn't sure what to expect, but when I opened it, my mouth fell to the floor. It was so big with so much open space. The bed was huge which was crazy for one person, but a king-sized bed sounded great to me. The TV that hung on the wall looked huge as well. I couldn't even tell what size it was. Spending eight weeks in this wasn't going to be so bad.

My bags were already in there except for the ones that contained my dresses. I'm assuming that they were on the third floor like the lady said. Either way, this was great. I sunk into the bed, sighing in relief by the softness of the blankets. This made me wish my family were here. I'm sure they would appreciate it as much as I did.

Stripping me out of my dream world, I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Twila's face. I smiled looking at her as she waved to me. "Woah, this is a huge ass bathroom!" She screamed. The bathroom connected our rooms. Which was freaking cool because I liked her so far.

Laughing, I got up and walked over to her room to see that it was the same as mine. "This is amazing. I can't believe I'm staying here for eight weeks." I gushed.

"I seriously thought my house was big. My house looks like a dump compared to this." She said, not too happy about that. In my head I thought if she only knew.

Then, without much notice, another door opened. "Anyone in here?" A voice called out.

Twila and I walked over to the bathroom and realized that there was another door connected to our bathroom. This was one of the girls I saw outside. She didn't say much when we were downstairs. She was the same height as me with strawberry blonde hair and slender looking hazel eyes. Her chest was a lot heavier than mine and I'm assuming every girl here just carried more than I did. It made me wonder what they were eating that I wasn't? Sure, I usually had about one meal a day but not by choice. There was something in this Sunbury water that I missed.

When her eyes made contact with ours, she smiled graciously at us running to give us hugs. She was the affectionate type, which I had no problem with. However, hugging really wasn't my thing, unless you were my sister . It was a bit strange at first, but I hugged her back, so I wouldn't come off as rude. I couldn't ruin my chances of making friends already. Being a bitch wouldn't get me far.

"It's so nice to meet you both, I'm Bradyn!" She was cheerful. A lot more than I was.

I smiled. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm Autumn. A, for short." I introduced myself.

"Twila." She smiled, "It's great that we were sharing a bathroom and not anyone else. Some of the girls here are not so nice."

That caught my attention because I felt like I knew who she was talking about. That girl walked in right before we got the run down seemed like such a bitch.I wonder why she was chosen, but it seemed like she had money. If Twila was saying something bad about her, then I'm sure she was the one to avoid.

Bradyn agreed. "Yeah, you seem nice, so let's make the most of it, shall we?" She questioned as we laughed.

While we continue to get to know each other a little more, my mind kept wondering what was going to happen at this dinner. How was this styling thing going to work? Most importantly, when were we going to meet this guy? I had so many questions with little answers. The day was dragging, and I was already over it.

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