Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Later that evening, we all made our way up to the third floor. Each of us had our own private dressing rooms with different stylists. Sitting in this chair made me feel a little special as I didn't have to do anything but sit still and look pretty. The name of the lady who working on me was Melissa. She was a little bit older than me with this cool haircut. She was telling me about her life and how she works for the Hadid's. They pay good money according to her, and the check they were going to cut for these next eight weeks was going to be huge. So huge that she wouldn't even have to work again. To me, that was insane.

As Melissa finished my make-up, she came out with a bag that I assumed was the dress I was wearing. Looking at that bag didn't excite me in the slightest. Any fancy and long flowing dresses weren't my thing. I liked dresses, but not like this because I could never afford it. But first times the charm, right?

Putting the dress on, I was surprised at how well it fit. My Grammy knew my size well. Most things I get are way too big because of how small I am. However, this fits like a glove. It was off the shoulder, exposing my breast a little bit and making them look great. It was a pretty blue color with a lighter shade of blue flowers sewn into it. They were around the sleeves of the dress, going down a little bit further. Hugging around my waist tightly, then flaring out at the bottom. This was a nice gown. Simple but elegant. My hair helped as well with two French braids connecting in the back of my hair. A few curls were left out in the front. To say I looked gorgeous was an understatement. I looked damn good. It made me smile at myself because I realized that I could be pretty like other girls too. Even if the money wasn't all there, my Grammy did an excellent job.

I thanked Melissa, as this wouldn't have been possible without her help. Though, I doubt I could compare to these other girls and what they were bringing to the table. But it didn't stop me from walking downstairs as I was met with eyes looking up at me. Some seemed stunned to see me dressed like this. I did come here in literal sweatpants, so I guess I would be shocked too. The look showed that Autumn Monet could be more than just a sweatpants kind of girl. It made me happy to see them looking at me in a different light.

As I reached down the stairs, Twila and Bradyn came over to me, gleaming to see me. They both looked amazing too, but it wasn't that surprising. Their dresses from earlier were just as stunning. Though these girls could pull off anything with the drop-dead gorgeous bodies they had. The bodies I would kill for. Sadly, I was just tall and thin with great hair.

"Autumn, you look stunning!" Bradyn kept looking at me up and down.

Twila nodded in agreement. "Damn girl, I didn't know what to expect with you wearing those stupid sweats. This looks great on you." She complimented. In her own way of course.

I laughed. "Are you sure? I hope it's good enough." I asked nervously about they were just saying that. Confidence wasn't something I held.

"If you have to ask, then it's not enough." That snaky voice said.

We all looked at the top of the stairs, seeing that chick with the bad vibes again. I couldn't lie and say she didn't look great because she did. Personally, it looked kind of over done with the train she had trailing behind her. But what can you expect from someone like that? I didn't have any confidence, but at least I wasn't letting it kill me.

She walked down the stairs smirking at me like bitch, I'm better than you. Little did she know, I didn't give a shit about her. We barely even knew each other, and she was making this weird competition with me unexpectedly. How can you have a problem with someone you haven't even talked to? It made no sense, but if it helps her sleep at night, so be it. Who am I to stop her weird obsession?

Being that all the girls were down here, one of the servers led us to the dining room where this huge table sat. Two chandeliers hanging above them illuminating the place very well. Bradyn, Twila, and I made sure we all sat close together. I sat between them. I wasn't sure what to do, but I watched as everyone took napkins and put them in their laps. I thought I would do the same to show some table etiquette.

After we were all settled in, the servers came around handing us menus, which was really appalling to me. We were getting menus like we were at a restaurant. It had all kinds of appetizers on it and three delicious dinner options. Don't even get me started on the desserts. My mouth was watering just thinking about it. Finally, I was getting actual meals. I wasn't sure if I could contain myself with all these different options.

Before that could happen though, the door opened again and that lady from earlier came in, dressing in the most elegant dress known to man. She was also accompanied by a man who was her husband. They were so intimidating to me. It was hard being in a room with them because of how different we were. I wasn't anywhere close to their league, and it was obvious.

They both sat down, placing napkins in their laps. They looked up at us and smiled.

"Good evening, ladies, you all look lovely tonight." The woman said. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Farah Hadid and this is Cairo Hadid. The competition has officially begun and from here on out you are expected to be on your best behavior." She said as we all clapped others in enjoyment, me because I wanted it to be over.

Cairo cleared his throat with a proud smirk on his face. "Allow me to introduce, Saida Hadid. My fourteen-year-old."

In came a little girl with dirty blonde hair like her dad's and brown eyes. She reminded me of my little sister with how adorable she was. The dress she wore was so extraordinary that I couldn't take my eyes off it. Being able to have beautiful clothes must be nice. Summer would kill to wear a dress like this girl. And Saida was such a beautiful name. It would stick with me for a while, that's for sure.

"And the man himself, the heir to my fortune, the bachelor, Cyrus Hadid."

All our heads turned as the man of the next eight weeks walked into the dining room. He was tall, with wavy brown hair sitting on top of his head. I could see through his suit that his body was immaculate. The smile he wore on his face with his pearly white teeth was super captivating. Those blue orbs twinkling as he looked around at all of us. I'm sure we were all gawking at him because admittedly he was gorgeous. This was something I wasn't counting on.

Cyrus walked over to his seat at the table on the other end. Bradyn was seated next to him on one side, while another girl with shoulder-length, chestnut hair sat next to him on the other. They both couldn't stop looking at him, and I couldn't tell if it was because he was cute or because he had money. Either way he was getting some looks and some seductive ones at that. Especially from that girl who has a problem with me. I got it, but I didn't. He was just another guy to me.

He looked up after sitting, still smiling brightly. "Good evening, everyone." His voice was this nice mixture of husky and delicate. It's like an orgasm waiting to happen.

Looking around, I could see everyone drooling while his dad sat there proud, and his mom grinned like the Cheshire cat. Honestly, it was all a little creepy. He was still a human, and there is really no need to get all bent out of shape about it. All my mind was worried about at this moment was the food as the servers came back taking our orders. I wanted the whole menu, but I settled for a salad to start with, followed by smothered chicken and seasoned herb potatoes. It was so satisfying to have a meal for once. My mouth was already watering.

After everyone received their appetizers, Farah decided that we were going to go around telling a little bit about ourselves. Like we were in middle school. All I wanted was to eat, but these were the rules.

It started and I learned that the girl with the shoulder-length hair name was Sienna. She was twenty-two and was getting ready to take over her mother's real estate company. Twila went next and she was twenty-two as well. As expected, she was head of her mom's modelling company. The girl next to Sienna, Ocean, was twenty-three and was an upcoming runway model. She had curly, ear length hair and had just the perfect hourglass figure. Bradyn, twenty-three, was working on her fashion designing alongside her dad. Then we got to the bitch, Jenna. She was twenty-three as well and just had everything under the sun, from modelling, acting, to designing. She even apparently knew the Hadid's, as their parents were good friends. Talk about an advantage.

All eyes fell on me as I blushed, afraid to even speak about who I was and what I did. Nothing even compared to the things they all had. There was no big inheritance coming in, and my mom wasn't some big fashionist in the industry. What was I bringing to the table here? Nothing of high regard, that's for sure. What were they going to think when they heard? Nothing good, of course.

I looked down, clearing my throat, preparing myself to speak. “Um, I'm Autumn from Greendale. I'm twenty-two years old, and I have a fourteen-year-old sister named Summer. My mom, who I look like, name is Iridessa." I was scared to say more because it wouldn't go over well.

Everyone kept looking at me, waiting for more, but I didn't want to talk. It was a little embarrassing coming here without much of anything. I had my little pay check that I brought with me, but that amounted to nothing as well. Unfortunately, my family did not have money. It wasn't always like this. Things happened and we fell into this slump. Still, my life was great in my eyes. No amount of money could change that. So why was it so hard for me to say?

Farah looked a little confused as she furrowed her eyebrows. "What does your mom do?" She asked, wanting answers.

Avoiding eye contact, I poked a tomato with my fork out of nervousness. "Well, she works two jobs. It's nothing special, she works mornings at the local grocery store and nighttime she's a server." It was a little hard to say and it didn't help that I was met with silence.

Cairo looked stunned, not knowing what to say. "And what about you? What do you do?"

I sighed. "I work at this bakery down the street from our home."

Silence came again and I started to feel hot. All the things these girls were doing were amazing and I had nothing in comparison. They were all wondering the same thing, why was I here? It made me feel small, but what could I do about it? This was my life and how it was supposed to be. This could have been someone else's spot, and here I am taking it away from someone more deserving.

Jenna smirked, crossing her arms and enjoying every minute of this. "So, in other words, you're poor?" She was dragging it on at this point.

Looking up at her, my mind said to curse her out, but my heart refrained. What she was saying was true. Couldn't argue when the truth was the truth. Still, it hurt to know that this was going to be what they thought of me. I'm sure Twila and Bradyn wouldn't want to associate with me after this. It really blew because that was my only chance at not feeling left out. Now I felt lonely.

Trying to contain my emotions, I stood up from the chair placing the napkin back on the table. The food I wanted before was no longer appetizing to me. All I needed was to get some air and get out of this embarrassing situation. And that's what happened.

Excusing myself, I made my way back to the back porch with the swinging bench, sitting there wallowing in my misery. A tear slipped out of my eye, following a few more behind it. It wasn't so bad at first, but gradually, as the night went on, it got worse. I should just pack my bags and go home. Feeling like shit wasn't worth the hassle this was.

Wallowing some more, the glass door opened again, and I looked up to see Cyrus. He looked at me with a little bit of concern on his face. Of all the people to come after me, he wasn't the person I was expecting. Especially because he was a bachelor. The guy we were supposed to be fighting over. Why would he care about some poor girl like me? I'm sure he could have whoever he wanted. Besides that, we didn't even know each other and yet here he was.

Walking over towards me, he sat down on the bench, not really knowing what to say at first. We stayed silent while I quickly wiped my tears. I didn't want him to see me crying and ruin my make-up. The night was still going on though I desperately wanted it to be over with already. What was going to be an amazing dinner turned into bullshit.

Sitting in silence a little longer, he looked at me, still trying to figure out what to say. "Um, I'm sorry about what happened. You seemed uncomfortable with it all." His voice was soft, in a whisper tone.

I sniffled playing with my fingers, avoiding eye contact. "It's not your fault my family is broke." I said that with a lot of sadness lingering in my tone.

"I'm sure it's not yours either but are you really going to let what my mom and Jenna say get to you?" He went on, "they're not the brightest of all, trust me, I know."

That made me laugh because it seemed true. They both seem to only care about money, and I wasn't about that kind of life. I shouldn't be letting their words get to me. I was better than this. My life may not be all amazing, but at least my morals were intact. That's the most important thing to have anyway.

Cyrus stood up brushing himself off. He looked down at me with a small smile forming on his face. "Maybe this whole thing means nothing, but if you don't mind, I would really like you to come back and stay with us for the next eight weeks." He meant it. "You seem interesting, and I wouldn't mind getting to know you more. Plus, I'm sure you don't want your dinner to get cold. I advise you to come back in while it's still fresh and hot."

With that, he opened the glass door, waiting for my response. I stared at him for a moment, not sure how to comprehend this situation. He wanted to get to know me, after seeing all the girls and hearing everything I said at the dinner table. I barely had any money, yet he still wanted me here. It warmed my heart, but I didn't get out of my seat because of that. I got out of my seat because he was right. My food was going to get cold if I didn't go eat it right away. Potatoes were gross when they were cold and hard. So, I followed him and took my seat where everyone was getting their plates handed to them. They seemed to forget what happened, and we all enjoyed our meals. I guess it would be fun to know him a little bit more.

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