Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Sunday was a boring day that went by ironically slow. Not much happened and we were around the house the entire day doing absolutely nothing. It was nice getting to lounge around with the girls though. We watched some movies and even had a little slumber party in Twila's room for the night. This was my first-time having girl friends to hang out with aside from Kira. I never had a group of girls that I get to be myself around and it was a great feeling. Hopefully even after this silly competition we can still be friends. I had to introduce them to Kira as well!

Not only that, but I didn't magically run into Cyrus at all. Judging by how rude I was at the jewelry store he took that as a leave me alone. That's all I wanted anyway and there was this sense of refreshment in him not bumping into me purposefully. My day was a little boring without that happening not going to lie. With our differences, it was appealing to have him annoy me. As much as I hate to admit it.

Now it was Monday and all of us were sitting in the dining room at nine in the morning. Waking up early every day was killing me, but this was going to happen on Mondays as our competition weeks start on a Tuesday. It was weird, but we were told to be down here by nine. The table was set with fewer seats this time around. It only sat us six girls competing. Sitting across from Jenna was draining but she didn't say anything to me and vice versa.

The servers came around again handing us menus. A breakfast menu this time around and my stomach did a somersault. Coming here was going to be the death of me. All the wonderful foods for me to try were mind-blowing. I'll gain a little weight from being here and that's fine for me. I needed the extra pounds anyway. The lack of nourishment from home was pretty evident in my appearance. I just wish Summer were here to experience it all with me.

I decided I was going to get the chicken and waffles with a fruit cup on the side along with some coffee. Everything sounded delicious, but this was about to hit the spot right. Bradyn got the pancakes with eggs and bacon, while Twila got French toast. We were all served mimosas that were divine and a little more than I was expecting. Things couldn't get any better.

We finished ordering our food and right on the money came Mrs. Farah. Her dark hair neatly pulled up in a bun with her silk, grey pajamas on. Her robe was made of diamonds. It was crazy how much money they held. Who gets a robe made of diamonds? Who? Only Hadid's. I thought it was a little excessive. You don't need to show off how much money you have. It was getting a bit much.

She came and stood at the end of the table as one of the servers, Jeremy to be exact, handed her a cup of coffee adding cream and sugar. We hadn't seen her since we got here, and it was now Monday. There must have been something big happening for her to be here. My ears couldn't wait to hear what she had to say this time.

Sipping her coffee, Mrs. Farah looked back at us with that same smile on her face. "Good morning, ladies, I hope you enjoy your breakfast this morning." She greeted, sending an extra wave over to Jenna, whom she obviously liked. Why were we competing again?

"I have some exciting news to share with you all. Regarding Saturday, we will be having our annual Hadid party ball!" She said excitedly. Everyone is losing their minds except me. I had no idea what she was talking about.

As they all clapped, she smiled, taking another sip of her coffee. "There will be a lot of important people here, so this is a test to see how you all behave in a formal setting. You will all also receive one dance with Cyrus where we will be picking numbers to decide the order." She said, another server came over with a bowl of little pieces of paper in it.

The fact that we had to draw numbers was absurd, but whatever to get us by. The bowl went around the table as we all picked a piece of paper with our number on it. The dance was only fifteen minutes each and was dumb anyway. How do you get to know someone in fifteen minutes? Then there were important guest going to be there and we will have to be even more on our best behavior. I couldn't wait to see what I'll be wearing this time around. Probably some dress that I don't really want to wear. Though my mind couldn't get over the thought of food! I bet the spread was going to be fantastic.

After we all picked our numbers, we opened them at the same time Jenna screaming like a maniac. It was safe to assume she got the number she wanted with the way she was jumping for joy. How did Farah take a liking to her? What exactly did she bring to the table aside from being rich? She was twenty-three and acted like a child. Could it get anymore pathetic than that?

Her aside, I looked down at my paper and saw the number six. I was last and it didn't bother me at all. It gave me more time to check out the desert tables when it was time. However, it was going to be a waste being in a pretty dress just to see him last out of everyone. But man, those desserts were going to be amazing.

"Please everyone remember your numbers and don't forget to be on your best behavior." She reminded us before walking away in a hurry.

I crumbled my paper up not really caring about it as much as everyone else did. The breakfast came out and it smelled delicious! I almost forgot about this whole party thing until Jenna brought it up again.

"I can't believe I'm number one. How lucky is that?" She squealed talking to the other two girls, Ocean, and Sienna.

They agreed with her, excited. "I got third! It's only fifteen minutes but it's something." Sienna said thrilled for those fifteen minutes.

"I'm fifth, but it's better than last." Ocean didn't sound so happy. In fact, she didn't look like she should even be friends with them.

Jenna looked at me while I was stuffing my face with some chicken. "Don't worry, I'm sure the person who got last is sitting right in front of me." She smirked like that was supposed to get under my skin or something.

I rolled my eyes not paying much attention to her. The waffles and the chicken were all too good to be ruined by her negative energy. I didn't care about this little game she was playing with me. Shit, I didn't care about the actual game we were supposed to play. All I wanted was to eat my breakfast in peace. But you can't do that when some bitches eyes are fixated on you. I've concluded that I was around too many vaginas, and I needed a breather.

Ignoring her comment, I finished off my breakfast and walked out of the kitchen. Dealing with her bullshit wasn't worth it. It's only been a few days and I was tired of being around a bunch of chicks. Granted, that's what I'm around at home but at least there's a little variety. Unfortunately, there was no testosterone here. All but one and it was just my luck running into him.

Rounding the corner, there he was looking to be in a hurry. That all changed once he locked eyes on me. His wavy hair appearing disheveled all while dressed in a white button up with blue slacks to match. As much as I wanted nothing to do with him, I couldn't deny how well fit he looked. His silver studded watch complimenting his entire outfit. Ugh, my eyes are always deceiving me.

"Cyrus!" Someone yelled. It sounded like it was his mom who he was trying to get away from.

Panic rose in his facial expression as he grabbed me by surprise dragging me into a small room nearby. Cyrus locked the door covering my mouth as to not to be loud. He waited until his mother's footsteps were gone to finally speak to me. Someone was having a rough day and I could relate to it. However, it didn't mean I wouldn't have my usual snide remarks with him.

"How do you always find me?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my small chest.

He turned around with a smirk on his face rolling up his sleeves up. "I don't know princess you seem to always find me."

I revolted at the way he called me princess. I wasn't anything of the sort and especially not for him. We still needed to keep our distance. No matter how much enjoyment this brings me being around a male for once when I'm sure we weren't supposed to be doing this. I would get in a lot of trouble. Was this against the rules? My brain couldn't quite remember, nor did it care too.

Silence took over us again as I looked around this tiny room. There was a small fireplace in here with a sitting area surrounding it. Followed by this grand piano that was closed and quite dusty. It looked like no one had been in this room in ages with how things went untouched. This being the smallest room I've been in; you could still tell that not any ordinary people owned this room. The expensiveness never died with their suede seating around the fireplace. Who knows how much the piano costs as well. Those things weren't cheap.

Cyrus watched as I looked around admiring everything. He had this weird look in his eyes that I couldn't exactly get a read on. Though looking back at him, there was this weird tension between us. I didn't know what it was but boy, I was afraid to find out.

He chuckled scanning my body, biting his lip in the process. "I always thought you were pretty but seeing you braless in this oh so tiny silk nightgown really turns a guy on." He remarked.

Looking down, my cheeks got red hot as I realized I was still in my pajamas. My breasts were small enough to not ever have to wear a bra that slipped my mind that it wasn't there. How embarrassing could this get?

Turning around, I covered my chest feeling nervous that he was staring at me in that way. But at the same time flattered. It's been a long time since a guy has found anything about me sexually attractive. The fact that this was coming from Cyrus was a little displeasing, being that I said I needed to keep a safe distance between us. However, there was no denying the attraction. It was all just for fun anyway. What harm could it do?

Cyrus came walking up to me, turning me around towards him. He slowly cornered me against the wall, his one hand sliding slightly up my thigh causing me to shiver. His hand kept going up as he gently grabbed my small waist, raising my already short nightgown a little more. My breath caught inside of my throat as it became harder and harder to breathe. The lust coming out of his bold, brown eyes was indescribable. His scent encapsulating me while my hands in turn moved to grab the unbuttoned parts of his shirt.

There was no thinking involved in what we were doing, that's for certain. My body is moving at its own accord as his hand now found its way from my waist to my breast. Cupping it in his hand as a slight moan escaped my lips. He smirked creating a circular motion with my breast in hand clearly to get a rise out of me. That wouldn't last long as his name was called once more. Thank fuck!

"Cyrus!" His mom yelled some more sounding a bit angrier than she did the first time.

He rolled his eyes dropping his hands from around me. "Shit." He murmured. Looking back at me, he bit his lip again not wanting to be done with our interaction. "Listen, will you meet me tonight in the kitchen?"

My eyes widen at his request. "What? Are you crazy I'll get in trouble!" I whispered yelled frantically.

"So, we can wait till ten. That's usually when everyone is sleeping anyway." He grabbed my waist again this time a little harder pulling me into him. His member feeling oh so hard against me. "Sides, we have unfinished business to attend to."

As much as I hated this, he was right. After he stopped touching me, all I wanted was for him to touch me again. We barely knew each other but that didn't stop him from wanting more and it wasn't stopping me from having fun. The only thing is to remind myself this is all for fun. Nothing else will get involved in this. Absolutely nothing!

He let go checking his watch as to not piss his mother off some more. "I'll be waiting. Ten o'clock!" He yelled before walking out of the door.

Finally letting out the breath I was holding in, I leaned against the piano trying to process what had just happened. The tension that was once oblivious to me was obvious now. This guy was going to get me in trouble. But it didn't stop me from liking said trouble. The question is....

Was I really going to go?

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