2. The Bad Boy.


"It's senior year bitches." My gay and smart as hell brother barged into my room.

"F*ck's wrong with you, man," I growled and rolled over in bed.

"Ouch." A shrill voice rang out beside me and I cussed.

"What the f*ck are you doing here, Liv?" I asked as her blonde hair poked out of the covers she was under.

This girl was getting on my last d*mn nerves. She was supposed to have left already.

"Ohh, you better hope mom doesn't find out," Caleb said and turned to exit my room.

"Please?" I begged questioningly and his footsteps slowed.

"Dmn you, Ace, do you really think I'll clean up for you every gddmn time?" He was not pissed. It was just something we did to make sure the girl got the idea that whatever had happened was not fcking happening again and that she was not the first b*tch that had slept in my bed overnight.

"Ace, what is he talking about?" Olivia asked, frowning.

"Time to go, babe, you were great and all last night, but that's what it was and what it will ever be," I said and rolled my eyes at the confused look she gave me. It wasn't like she didn't know my reputation.

Chandler high's resident bad boy.

"B-but, I-I t-thought," she stammered, trying to get the words out. "You said you loved me." She finally said, and it was the craziest thing I ever heard.

Love? That word had been crossed out of my dictionary a long time ago.

"Must've been the booze talking." Caleb offered, "Time to go, Olivia, my mother is crazy, you don't want her to find you half-naked in her son's bed." He said and pointed to her clothes on the floor.

I nodded my head in support of Caleb's claim about our mother, she was indeed crazy and I was sure as h*ll didn't want to get on her bad side this morning.

I loved my unlimited allowance and I didn't want anything to f*ck with that.

"There's an explanation, right? you'll explain everything later right." She gave me the weirdest look ever.

Fck, I really need to control my mouth when I'm high, just how much bllsh*t did I tell her to make her like this.

"The s*x was good, at least what I can remember of it," I said and stood up from the bed. "You have to leave now," I said and threw her clothes at her. "You should have left when we finished."

Anger flashed across her face as she picked up her clothes, dressing hurriedly.

"You need to take responsibility. You can't just tell me you love me and leave me after f*cking. You did that last time, and it's not that hard to admit it." She said and tried to touch me.

Caleb was quicker though. He caught her by the upper arm before she touched me and pushed her out of the room.

"Follow him, he'll get you out of her quietly." He said and nodded to someone outside.

It had to be James, he was my second accomplice who always helped me cover up all of my sh*t.

"Thanks, bro," I said when Caleb closed the door.

"She was a b*tch." He said, and then we both started laughing.

"But for real though, you got to stop fcking around. You've done so much fcking in high school that you seem to forget college and the seemingly endless stream of b*tches."

"I've got enough f*ck power bro." I joked and he laughed, shaking his head.

"Get dressed quickly, mother will soon come up here." He said and turned to leave.

"Thanks, bro," I said.

"Any f*cking time, that was fun." He said over his shoulders before closing the door behind him.

This was my fucking life.

My father was a billionaire, which meant he could afford to give us a life many could only dream of living, but that also meant he was always busy and almost nonexistent in our lives.

My mother was a true wealthy American housewife. I didn't even think she loved my father because his absence did not seem to bother her. She loved the life her marriage to him availed her though, and she would do anything to keep living that way.

She didn't mostly care about what we did, and by we, I mean Caleb and me because we were her only two children. as long as we didn't do anything to affect our father's reputation, you could smoke, drink alcohol, party hard, f*ck bitches, whatever really, as long as you weren't caught.

Because of our parent's negligence, Caleb and I grew impossibly close to each other and it was more amazing when Caleb got promoted to the same grade I was because he was such a smart ass.

I was glad that I had a brother like him. I was the older one but it seemed like our roles were reversed. I was the irresponsible one while he was the level-headed one, and he always seemed to put me in check.

I had a great life, all things considered, but if there was one thing I wanted, it was love. I'd never admitted it, but I'd never felt love and I wanted to feel it. My parents treated me like a kind of investment and I felt no love from the women or girls I was constantly frolicking with. Most of them wanted to be with me because of my reputation and status, including Olivia.

She was the cheerleader captain, and she needed a strong boyfriend by her side so that she would be unstoppable and untouchable. However, as much as I liked f*cking her the two times I had, it was not enough for me to allow myself to become her arm candy.

I wanted something deeper than that, and the closer I got to leaving high school, the more I longed for it.

"Good morning mom," I greeted her with a peck on her cheek before sitting down at the table.

"Hmmm." She folded the newspaper she had been reading at the table and she flexed the gold wristwatch on her wrist. "You're five minutes late," she commented. She scrutinized me from head to toe, and then she looked away and picked up the paper again.

She didn't disapprove of my bad boy lifestyle. In fact, she secretly loved it. It was a thing of joy to her and her cohorts that she had a son who behaved like a man.

I sat beside Caleb at the table. Judging from the frown on his face, I could tell that he did not have a good conversation with mother. She probably had gone off on him again because of Neil.

"Are you going to school with Neil?" I asked him and he nodded his head.

"I would've invited him for breakfast, but then you already know that dear old mother disapproved." He said.

He was my mother's favorite son. Though she didn't really love the both of us, she cared for him more than she did for me, and he could get away with a lot more than I could from her.

"I have no problem with the fact that you've decided to waste your God-giving gifts of procreation by f*cking boys, but that doesn't mean I'll allow you to bring an inbred into my house." My mother dropped her paper in anger and glared at Caleb.

Well, at least now you'll understand why we both cuss a lot.

"Mom!" I exclaimed in shock.

"What is it, Ace?"

"He has a name, his name is Neil, and I sure as hell don't give a f*ck if he's inbred." Caleb flew into a rage, he dropped his cutlery noisily, pushed his plate back and he stood up angrily. "I'm going to pick up Neil."

"I'm leaving too," I said and stood up after Caleb stormed out. It was no use talking to my mother. she'd act however she wanted and would never change her opinions once she set her mind on something.

"Olivia?" She asked, stopping me in my tracks. "Her mother is in my boat club."

I ignored her and walked out, mounting my bike I roared the engine and sped off.

I had to get somewhere before school.

"Ace man, didn't expect to see you this morning, you want a delivery?" Jack asked me as I walked into the warehouse.

I was a bad boy and like every other bad boy, I had gotten mixed up with drugs, gangs, and violence.

"Nah man, I'm here for a private pickup," I said and headed to the back of the warehouse. I knew my way around.

I needed drugs to help me through my day today. My mother had managed to f*ck up my morning and I didn't think I could go on without a quick fix.

"I thought you quit," Maxine asked as soon as I pushed open the curtains that separated different sections of the warehouse.

"I need a fix," I said and lowered my eyes, ashamed that I wasn't strong enough to defeat the urge, I had promised Caleb that I would go clean and I had all through summer break, but I felt like I was drowning and I needed not to feel anything right now.

"What kind?" She asked and bit her full lips invitingly.

Maxine was five years my elder but that didn't stop us from fcking occasionally when I needed it or she did. She was my first and somehow I was addicted to her mouth and her pssy.

"I need some snow, can only take a BJ, don't wanna be late for school," I said and the smile on her face showed her pleasure.

"I'll take payment in kind." She smiled as she pulled me into a supply room and zipped my pants down.

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