3. The Bad Boy and the Good Girl.


I had a hard time refraining myself from smiling when I walked out to the schoolyard, I found a dark-haired girl fussing over my bike.

It was a very hilarious sight. I looked at her, taking in her appearance.

She wasn't the type of girl that would catch the eye from a distance. You would not see her beauty that way because it was hidden inside the hideous clothes she wore and the thick glasses she used to shade her eyes.

"What are you doing here, Em?" I asked her, irritated about the fact that I had been thinking about her.

There was no beauty to her. She was just a plain Jane, a job to me at most and nothing else.

"I'm going." She replied and turned to dash away from me, but I caught her by her upper arm and stopped her from leaving.

Just how shy was she?

"Wait," I said and I noticed a piece of paper sticking out from the side of my bike.

I picked it up and read through it. No wonder she was acting so awkward, she wanted to thank me for helping her this morning.

"You shouldn't let them pick on you so much, you're way smarter and more beautiful than them all." I did not know what possessed me to say all that, but as I stood in front of her, I realized that it was true.

There was a unique beauty to her and if she would just exchange the glasses for a more fashionable one and if she would quit wearing grandma's clothes, then she could easily be one of the hottest girls in school.

She looked like she was struggling to accept what I had said and then she looked down at her shoes shyly.

"T-thank y-you." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Be brave," I said and lifted her chin up so that she could look me in the eye.

She had such beautiful hazel eyes that I wanted to forbid her from using these thick shades to block them ever.

Her eyes looked so warm and her cheeks began to gather color, I didn't even realize it but my hand moved up and grazed her blushing cheeks lightly.

Her eyes began to water as I stroked her cheeks and tears soon started to pour down her face.

It hurt me for some unknown reason that she was crying and I just wanted to comfort her.

"It's okay, don't cry now, I'll make sure nobody hurts you ever," I said and moved closer to her.

I meant what I said as a promise.

I took her face in my hands and took off her glasses wanting to see her eyes and face clearly. I didn't exactly always pay attention in class but I could tell that something was wrong with her because her skin looked really pale and her lips looked suddenly dry.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked her as her eyes began to close, she began to sway and her knees buckled.

Thankfully, I caught her on time before she fell to the ground.

She fainted.

I lay her carefully on the ground and I ignored the weird stares people were giving us. One hard glare to them, and they all kept walking without saying anything.

"Wake up, Em," I said softly as color began to seep into her face, she groaned softly as she started to wake up.

Thankfully, she wasn't sick. I knew the cause of these kinds of fainting spells. I had caught my mother from falling to the ground a couple of times when she was fainting and it was always because she was on some stupid diet to keep her figure for my father.

"Have you eaten anything all day?" I asked with a frown on my face, I didn't want to think of Emily undergoing such dieting, she was already skinny, too skinny if you ask me.

I liked my women with a bit of flesh on them, then again she wasn't mine and wasn't about to become mine.

"Yes." She said weakly and it was obvious that she was lying, I chuckled quietly to see that she was such a bad liar.

I liked the fact that I could tell that she was lying. It didn't mean it didn't annoy me that she was lying though.

"I need to get home." She tried to get up from the ground but I stopped her.

"I don't think so," I said and pressed a cold bottle of water against her lips. "Drink this, you must be dehydrated."

I was an athlete so I knew the importance of drinking water and I always carried a bottle of water with me, strapped to my bike.

"Thank you." She mumbled and drank the water.

"Thank you." She said again when she was done and gave me back the bottle.

I looked at it and was impressed by how much water she had drunk.

"Where are you headed?" I asked her when she got up and looked much better, I gave her back her glasses and she adjusted it on her nose, blocking the pretty eyes that were looking up at me.

She was tall I considered, most girls looked up at me and would have to reach up to reach my face but she was different.

I mean, she was still short to my six foot three height but it wasn't that short.

"Home." She said and I watched her as she adjusted her skirt. I wondered how she would feel to ride behind me on my bike in such a long and big skirt.

"Okay," I said.

I swung my leg over my bike and started it, I placed my helmet securely on my head before I turned back to her.

"Hop on," I told her and patted the back seat of the bike twice while watching her



The look on her face was so hilarious I almost burst out laughing, it was better than the reaction I thought she would have, she was completely shocked and mortified.

"You want me to do what?" She asked again, shaking her head at me.

"I want you to hop on, I'll drop you off at home," I told her even though I had no intention of dropping her off at home first.

"I can't, I'm going to take the bus, my friend is coming to pick me up." She didn't know which lie to stick to.

"I don't like it when you lie to me," I told her truthfully and stared at her. "Why don't you want me to drop you off, honestly?" I asked her softly.

She lowered her head and I thought for a second that she was going to ignore the question. "I've never been on a bike before." She confessed and I nodded my head.

Well, that sounds about right.

She was scared.

"You'll be fine, there's an extra helmet and you have to hold onto me tightly. I'll drive slowly, I promise," I told her and stretched the second helmet to her.

"Okay." She said softly and took the helmet from my hand.

She had well-manicured fingers, her fingers looked so good I wondered what she would do if I were to suck on them now.

Bad thoughts.

I shook my head, I watched transfixed as she loosened her hair from the tight bun she had it in behind her head and shook it free.

It fell down her shoulders in a wavy mass and she looked so young and innocent as it bracketed her face.

She had thick and beautiful long hair, no wonder the file said she had Mexican ancestry.

Almost immediately, she placed the helmet on her head and secured it.

I watched her silently as she gathered her skirt and awkwardly sat down on the bike behind me. She hesitated to wrap her hands around me and I did it for her.

"Hold on tight, baby," I said and wrapped her hands around my waist. Her hands felt really soft and I wanted to hold it longer but I had to drive.

I started driving and I felt her hands tighten around me then I felt her face pressed against my back. True to my word, I drove slowly but I was not headed for her house.

I was headed for a small diner around where I loved to hang out. I had to get some food into her before I dropped her at home.

"This is not, I'm sorry I didn't even tell you my address." She said as soon as I pulled up in front of the diner.

Like I didn't already know her address.

"I brought you here to eat," I told her and we both got down from the bike."You okay?" I asked her when she took the helmet off, she was looking pale again.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said and dropped the helmet at the back of the bike.

She fixed her hair back into a tight bun but I stopped her.

"Don't, leave your hair down," I said and prayed that she didn't question me because I had no idea why.

"Why?" She asked me.

D*mn, luck wasn't on my side today.

"You won't be recognized like this," I told her and I watched hurt flash across her eyes.

I kicked myself in the gut for hurting her but I didn't know what else to tell her and I couldn't as well tell her that it pleased me to see her hair down.

"It looks better down," I said and took a few strands in my hand. "So soft," I muttered under my breath.

"Thank you." She said and I led her into the diner.

"Let's go eat."

The diner was lively as always and the smell of eggs and bacon waffled through the air. I chose a good booth for us, away from prying eyes and I let her sit inside then I sat beside her.

"Donna." I signaled to one of the waitresses and she came over.

"Hi, Ace, nice to have you here." She said, smiling at me.

Donna was a very good friend and she was not the type of friend that I f*cked. She was married to the owner of the diner and they ran the place together.

"Thank you, Donna, I'll have the usual and same for my friend too," I told her and she giggled at me.

"You've never brought any girl here before, Ace." She said, wriggling her brows at me.

"It's not even like that." I looked from her to Emily who had begun to blush furiously again.

"She'll have an extra drink," I told her and she smiled at me before leaving.

"I like her." She said, staring at Emily. "Jenna will bring your food in a little while."

"You've never brought any girl here before?" Emily looked at me questioningly.

"You're surprised?" I asked her, surprised that she was asking me such a question.

"I mean, it's not news." She said, looking at her fingers and I knew what she was talking about. Resident bad boy and playboy.

"This is my safe space," I told her and she nodded.

"Then why did you bring me here?" She asked me.

"Because you were hungry," I told her, I didn't have anything else to say. When she got on the bike the one place on my mind was the diner, so I brought her here.

"Ace, I have your order." Jenna's voice pierced through the air as she placed my food on the table.

She leaned down more than she should have and her tts were on clear display for me to see. Normally I would have taken her for a spin but this was Donna's place, I would never fck anyone from here.

"Thank you," I told her and ignored her advances. "Can you give my girlfriend her meal?" I told her, she did not even acknowledge Emily's presence.


Emily looked at me, her eyes wide but she didn't say anything.

"Okay, here's your meal." Jenna turned to her and dropped the food on the table roughly. Her actions caused the extra drink to bounce off the table and the contents were spilled on Emily's clothes.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" I screamed at her angrily.

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