4. The Strange Attraction.


"Oh my, I'm so sorry, it was a mistake," Jenna said, batting her eyelashes at me.

It was obvious that her apology was fake and it just annoyed me more.

"What the f*ck do you mean mistake?" I grabbed her wrist and squeezed tightly. I was so angry I could've broken her wrist if Donna hadn't intervened.

Em just sat there shocked and trying not to cry. I was thankful that it was a cold beverage though, at least we didn't have to think about any burns.

"What is going on here?" Donna asked and snatched Jenna's wrist from my tight hold.

Her wrist had reddened and she was rubbing on it and groaning painfully.

"I'm so sorry, Donna, I made a mistake and spilled the drink on this person here." She said pointing to Em.

"She's my girlfriend and her name is Em." I thundered angrily, I was tired of the way she was treating Em.

"Jenna, please apologize to the customer and leave." Donna seemed to understand what was going on now and she glared at Jenna sternly.

"I'm so sorry, Em." She apologized, sent a seductive wink my way, and left.

"I was right, she is special but does she ever talk, how does this work between you too?" Donna asked me, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Yeah, she's just really shy," I told Donna.

"I'm Emily." Em raised her head up and smiled softly at Donna, she seemed to like the woman too.

"Well isn't this nice, please come with me, Emily, you seem like my sister's size, I can find you something to wear, your cardigan is soaked." She said.

"Bring her back safely." I teased Donna and she slapped me on the back of my head playfully before she left.

I watched Em walk quietly away beside her and I wished I had given Jenna more hell, but I also wished that I had held Em's hands.

I didn't know where it was coming from but I was already getting super protective of Em and I didn't like that feeling at all, it made me uncomfortable.

I shouldn't be getting this close to her. I should've just kept watching her from a distance like what I had done ever since she started senior high school.

My mind wandered back to the first time I saw her as I waited for her to return with Donna.

She was dressed in a very long gown, it was brownish in color and it wasn't something you'd expect a new student to wear, it was not fashionable at all and it hid her body well.

She was being dragged by a woman who had the same hair color and features as she did so I would assume that she was her mother out of the school.

She caught my eye because she tripped over something and fell down. Her fall exposed her creamy legs and thighs and I just knew that I wanted to see what else the long clothes were hiding.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get close to her because at that time I had a reputation to keep. Plus, my mother would have killed me if she heard that I was associating with her, so I just stayed away from her and I would've kept at it had I not received the envelope that I got.

"What do you think?" Donna's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I stared at Em in shock.

"Okay, she looks, okay."

"Whatever," Donna muttered and went away. "Going to get you another drink."

Emily was dressed in a short gown and she looked very sexy. I had to adjust slightly because I was beginning to get aroused from the sight of her.

I was right, that long brown gown was definitely hiding a lot of goodness under.

She wasn't as thick and full as I would prefer, but she was all woman. She had long creamy legs and I itched to feel their softness. Her melons were small but they were round and perky.

I shook my head in a bid to expel those dirty thoughts and I made way from her to take her seat.

Donna brought her another beverage and we both started eating in silence.

"You should consider dressing this way," I spoke up when I noticed that she was almost done with her food.

"I can't, it's not proper." She said and I watched her try to pull down the hem of the gown.

"You don't have to dress proper. You're a teenager for heaven's sake. Don't you see how other girls dress?" I asked her.

"My parents think it's very indecent to dress this way, the gown is too short." She said and kept on tugging at the hem of the dress.

"Stop doing that," I told her and reached out to stop her from tugging the dress down.

My hand mistakenly landed on her bare thighs, she gasped and froze beside me.

"Your h-hand." Her voice trembled, and I couldn't tell if she was just shocked or if I was making her uncomfortable.

"Your skin is so soft," I said entranced, I was in no mood to take my hand away just yet. "Can I touch you for a while longer?" I asked her, staring into the brownish depths of her eyes.

I don't know what possessed me to ask that question but I knew that I wanted to keep my hand on her thigh.

Her face was flushed as she turned back to eat her remaining food. She didn't answer my question but she didn't ask me to remove my hand so I left it there.

I felt the skin under my hand and I wanted to squeeze her thighs, maybe take my hand a bit higher but I knew that she wasn't ready for that yet so I just kept my hand on her lap.

"Thank you for the food." She told me after a while and she slowly removed my hand from her lap and placed it gently on mine.

I frowned but I didn't say anything and I let her remove my hand.

"Are you ready to go home yet?"


Donna let her borrow the clothes home and I drove her to the front of her house. This time I asked her for her address because I didn't want her to suspect me of anything.

"Thank you for being so nice to me today." She said as she came down from my bike.

"Hope you won't get into trouble?" I asked her, staring at the dress she was still wearing.

"My parents are not home yet, I'll return the dress to you at school tomorrow." She told me and turned to go inside.


I was shocked when I saw myself in the mirror.

"You have a great body girl, why do you hide it under those big clothes?" Donna asked me.

"My parents are really strict," I told her.

"Oh, you got a Latina mom?" She asked me and I nodded. "That makes sense. I'm also half Mexican and I understand what you're going through." She told me.

"You're half Latino?" I asked her in surprise, she did not look likes it at all.

She was a red-haired woman.

"Yeah, shocking, I know. My father is Irish and I am American, a very strange combination." She chuckled.


Well, that would certainly explain the red hair and extremely pale skin.

"You look a lot like your father then," I told her and she smiled at me.

"Yes, very much, it made my mother so mad until she gave birth to my sister Tatiana whose dress you're wearing and she looks just like my mother." She told me.

"Oh, you must have had a very amusing childhood then," I said thinking about my lonely childhood since I'm an only child.


"Yes, but I'll tell you the stories next time you come here, for now, I need to get you back to Ace." She said and gave me a little nudge.

"B-but the dress is so short," I complained, feeling very nervous to go outside. My thighs were on display.

I had never worn something so short outside before, in fact, the only times I saw my thighs were when I was in my nightgown or in a towel and they were longer than this dress.

"You look amazing, Ace would love to see you like this." She told me and led me outside.

She obviously believed the lie that Ace had told. I didn't see how she could think that someone like Ace could ever date someone like me but she did.

When we got back to our booth, Ace was staring out of the window and his mind seemed to be elsewhere. I wondered if I was keeping him from doing something he ought to be doing but I couldn't bring myself to ask.

I was enjoying his company even though I was terribly shy.

"What do you think?" Donna asked and when she did I wished the floor would open up and swallow me. I was so embarrassed.

His eyes raked my body and I felt strangely hit under his scrutiny, my heartbeat increased and I felt slightly faint.

He said I looked just okay much to my disappointment and I took my seat, Donna brought me another drink and I started eating.

The food was so good I had to stop myself from moaning out twice.

We ate in silence until he broke the silence by telling me to keep wearing clothes like this. Of course, I can't because my family would never approve of it and honestly I wasn't comfortable in the dress.

I kept tugging it down even when he told me not to and then something shocking happened, he accidentally touched my lap.

I was so shocked my voice shook and my body trembled.

His hand felt warm against my lap and I felt a weird tingling sensation rush through my body. I decided I was going to ask Jenny about it all tomorrow.

When he asked if he could leave his hand there, I had nothing to say and I endured it until I could no more.

All in all, I had a really nice time and I told him that when he dropped me off in front of my house.

Thankfully, my mother was still out and she wouldn't see me in this abomination of a dress.

"My parents are not home yet, I'll return the dress to you at school tomorrow," I told him and turned to go inside.

"Wait." He said and got off his bike. "I'm sorry for what the waitress at the diner did to you today and I'm sorry for lying about you being my girlfriend."

"It's fine," I told him looking down and feeling a bit sad, I rather did quite like it when he called his girlfriend.

"I feel like I should have your number." He said and waited for my response.

"I don't think so, thanks for today but I really need to get going," I told him and made a beeline for the front door.

I was already so embarrassed and my cheeks were flaming hot.

He caught me by the upper arm and spun me around to face him, we were so close I just had to move up a bit and my lips would be grazing his.

"Are you afraid of me?" He said, dropping his hand from my arm and wrapping it around my waist.

"I-I d-don't, I-I c-can't." I struggled to speak but I couldn't get any words out, so I looked down and struggled to put some space between us.

He let go of me and raked his hand through his hair. He walked away from me, muttering something I couldn't understand, and then he turned back to me.

"What is it about you?" He asked and grazed my cheeks with his fingers lightly. "Sorry birdie but I can't stop myself anymore. I am going to kiss you."

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