Pumpkin Spice Latte (2)
When the phones finally stop ringing at the end of the day, Alice lets out a long sigh.
“What a day! Good job, my pretties!”
“And we have three more days left like that,” sighs Jena. “I’m going to need pitchers of coffee!”
We all laugh, but for sure, our shoulders are sore, and our heads are aching a bit—those who are wearing heels grimace and take out their moon boots. I can’t just head home yet though, I still have a lot of numbers to get into the system, and those images the marketing department asked for…
The girls leave one after the other while I’m busy behind my screen. When I finally glance up, it’s already completely dark outside. Alright, one last email, and I’m done…. Oh my, is it really past six already? I should get going… Maybe Andrew can drive me home!
I text him while gathering my stuff and wait a few minutes. ...No answer. Is he still busy? I sigh. Maybe he’ll look at his phone if I wait a bit. He’s probably still on the seventh floor. I can’t appear at the financial department out of the blue, he got very upset last time... I grab my bag and my coat and take the elevator to the tenth floor. The cafeteria is closed, but we secretaries know there is actually a stairway to the eleventh floor, so we don’t need the elevator’s passcode. This way, we can access the executives’ break room with the vending machines!
I send another text to Andrew to let him know I’m waiting for him, and get myself a nice coffee. It’s so quiet… And there’s the view, too. I walk up to the window, my hot cup between my hands. I’m almost tempted to go on the terrace, as I am one of those crazy girls who love snow, winter, and the cold. The snow came in early this year... It’s going to be a white Christmas! Oh, I absolutely love it. Our city is even more beautiful at night, under a white coat. The skyline is not as boisterous as other big cities; Boston is an old lady with only a handful of skyscrapers, but the Charles River lets us witness some beautiful reflections of its nightlights. It’s a perfect sight to secretly enjoy a sweet coffee… and a cookie! Are there any left? They often leave some on display for the employees, and sure enough, I find one still in its wrapping in the little basket. I grab it and find a little spot on the high tables to open it, right in front of the bay windows. And it’s a caramel one, lucky me! I open it with a big smile on my face. Oh, the sweet but salty taste of those little chunks of caramel, the discrete pieces of nuts, and that amazing mattress of half-hardened, crisp cookie dough…
“Miss Valentine?”
I almost choke on my cookie, so surprised. Standing a few steps behind me, Mr. Hansel himself! I don’t know what to say! Am I in trouble?
He doesn’t seem angry, though, just walking up to me. He pulls out the seat next to mine and sits very straight before I can even process what is going on!
“What are you having?” He asks, his eyes on my hands.
“Hm… just a pumpkin spice latte.... and a caramel cookie,” I stutter.
“It looks good.”
I nod, a bit embarrassed. Can’t I just be a mouse and hide somewhere! The big boss caught me eating cookies on the executives’ floor! How am I supposed to act now?
Mr. Hansel behaves completely normally, though. He doesn’t seem angry at all… I keep staring, a bit unsure. How can he be so perfectly composed and elegant, too? His day must have been much busier than mine, but he doesn’t look tired at all… Even his outfit seems like it just came out of the dry-cleaners, not like he has been wearing it for over ten hours! As I keep staring, unsure, his eyes are still on my hands.
“Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten my wallet.”
His sentence is a bit perplexing, and he’s now looking me right in the eyes, too…? Does he… want me to offer him a coffee? I glance at the coffee machine, unsure.
“Would you… like me to buy you a coffee, sir?” I try with a tiny-embarrassed-mouse voice.
“Yes, please.”
I almost jump off my seat, very aware he is eyeing every movement. A coffee. He just wants a coffee… Oh, crap, what do I get him? An americano? A latte? I have no idea what my boss drinks!
“Hum… What would you like, sir?” I glance over my shoulder, nervous.
“The same as you.”
Same as me? A pumpkin spice latte? Isn’t it very sweet for… a grown man? Oh, whatever, Ophie, stop thinking and let’s just get what he asked. The machine slowly pours his coffee, and an embarrassing silence takes place. I stare at the machine, almost praying it gets this latte ready a little bit faster, please… Is it always so slow? Calm down, calm down, Ophie. Mr. Hansel is your boss, but he’s just a man too. I am only offering a coffee to my boss. I’m a secretary and employee, after all! We are even colleagues if you look at the bigger picture.
A bit more serene, I bring him his coffee and put it in front of him. He frowns.
“What is it?”
“It’s very hot. I don’t drink hot things.”
“Oh, like a cat tongue?”
“...a what?”
I blush, realizing how stupid I am. Oh, can’t I just shut up! Ophie, you need to filter your brain better than that… I take his coffee with shaking hands, taking off the cap, and blow a bit on the steam to keep myself busy while trying to hide my embarrassment.
“My… My younger brother said in Japan, they call people who cannot drink hot drinks cat tongues… Nekojita. I… I just remember because I thought it was cute.”
I shyly push his latte back in front of him, and Mr. Hansel stares at it with a satisfied expression. He nods.
“Indeed. It is very cute.”
I sigh. Phew. Does he think so? At least he doesn’t seem to think it is too silly...
“You’re very cute too.”
...Eh? What, who? Me? He’s definitely looking my way! Is he making fun of me? Or just trying to be polite? Or friendly? I’m definitely not in his league! I mean… I am just the average, girl-next-door type…
“Thank you…” I mutter.
“You’re welcome.”
It’s hard to understand what he thinks! Maybe he really was just being polite or trying to liven up the conversation. Ophie, you should stop thinking too much. I should just drink my latte quietly but quickly…
“Do you have a boyfriend, Miss Valentine?”
“Ah, yes.”
He frowns.
“Are you two romantically involved?”
I blink a few times, confused. I just said I had a boyfriend; how could we not be romantically involved! What is this strange question? I can’t even think of what to answer! I guess I should simply say yes, but before I do, he is nodding. Did I miss something?
“Hm, I see,” he says, looking satisfied.
“Excuse me…?”
“You took some time to answer.”
“Yes, I was surprised…”
“It is a good sign, though,” he nods again.
A good sign? A good sign for what? I’m not sure I understand what he meant, but I’m not sure I can ask either... I’m left there, speechless, when my phone rings. It’s Andrew! With a little sign of excuse to Mr. Hansel, I answer.
“Hi, Andrew! Are you done yet?”
“What are you talking about, I’m already home, and you’re not here! What are you doing, where are you? Oh, did you go grocery shopping?”
He’s home already? I thought he was going to finish late! I get up, confused.
“Didn’t you say you had a lot of work? I finished late and was waiting for you at work...”
“At the company? Are you kidding me! Ophelia, sweetie, you can be so silly at times! I didn’t tell you anything about staying late, why would you wait for me! It’s so late now, it will take forever for you to get home!”
“Can’t you come get me? If I walk to the subway, it will take…”
“Fine, fine! I’ll wait for you at the subway station near the house. Just hurry up, okay? I’m starving, sweetie!”
He hangs up. I can’t believe it! Did he already get home? And I was hoping he could come get me with the car, not wait for me at the subway station! It’s an hour to get there, but with the car it would only take twenty minutes… and it’s snowing too! I sigh, disheartened.
“You look unhappy,” says Mr. Hansel.
I realize I’m probably making a bit of an upset expression right now, but… I shake my head, trying to feign a smile.
“Sorry, it’s… I thought I could…”
Oh crap, I can’t tell him my boyfriend works here too. Plus, he’s my boss, he probably doesn’t care about my personal issues! I grab my stuff with a little sigh.
“I need to go to the subway station, Mr. Hansel. Sorry for taking your time.”
“I will give you a ride.”
I stop, surprised.
“Excuse me?”
“Let me grab my coat and bag. I will give you a ride to the subway station, it will take a couple of minutes instead of you walking fifteen minutes in this weather.”
“No, no, I’m fine! I…”
He’s already gone to his office to get his things! Oh, gosh, is this alright? My CEO is giving me a lift to the subway station! I don’t even have time to refuse him. I try to think of another reason to politely decline, but before I can, we are already taking the elevator down.
When we get to the garage, I’m still wondering if this is alright, but he doesn’t stop… He even opens the passenger door of his car for me! I gasp, unable to say a word. I just sit quietly inside, completely intimidated. What is going on, Ophie! While Mr. Hansel walks around to get to his seat, I make myself as tiny as I can in there. It’s so spacious and clean! It’s a nice blue model of a Japanese brand I don’t know. I’m a bit ashamed to be here…
“Please feel free to adjust the heat, Miss Valentine,” he says while sitting down.
“Thank you…”
“Which station?”
“Ah, Central Square.”
“Alright. We shall be there in… three minutes.”
He needs the GPS to go to the main street…? Who doesn’t know how to get there, it’s only one right turn and then straight ahead outside the parking lot! I chuckle but don’t say anything. Maybe he has a terrible sense of direction? He doesn’t seem to, though. Mr. Hansel is a very serious driver, silent, his eyes fixated on the road and driving slowly.
“Do you live far, Miss Valentine?”
“Oh, no. A-at Winter Hill, sir.”
“I see.”
He doesn’t ask anything else. To my surprise, the ride is silent. He doesn’t even listen to music or the radio, and the engine is rather quiet, too. I don’t really mind and look at the snowfall outside. It’s so pretty… However, I soon realize we’re past Central Square. I glance at the GPS. When did he change it to Winter Hill?
“Mr. Hansel, I can take the subway...”
“I prefer to bring you back all the way. It is 34 degrees outside, it’s freezing cold.”
Of course it’s cold, it’s December in Boston! However, I cannot protest anymore; we are already only a few minutes away from my home.
“I… Thank you very much for the ride, sir.”
“You’re welcome. Where should I drop you?”
“At... Broadway and Thurston...”
He adjusts the GPS right away, making me even more embarrassed. I can’t believe my boss is giving me a full ride home! Once we arrive, I feel relieved. I want to run away and hide in a corner, I’m really too shameless to have agreed to this! This was the most improbable ride in my life!
“Thank you very much, sir!”
“You’re welcome, Miss Valentine. I was happy to share that time with you. You’re a very nice person.”
Again, those enigmatic, confusing, and very blunt sentences. Does he always talk like that? Is it just me thinking a bit too much?
“Th… Thank you, ahem… Me too. I mean, you are, too.”
Why can’t I even speak normally! He smiles for the first time, which totally takes me by surprise. He has such a simple and cute smile!
“I will invite you for coffee sometime,” he says. “I owe you a coffee. I’ll remember it.”
“Huh? No, sir, it’s really fine, I…”
“Please. I would appreciate spending more time with you. Have a nice evening, Miss Valentine."
Just like that, I feel this conversation is over. I step out of the car, bidding him a good evening back, and watch him leave.
What happened? What just happened! I still can’t believe it! Was this all a dream? I take my phone out, trying to calm myself down.
“Andrew? I’m at the station, I…”
“What, already? Uh, I’m still at home and getting ready to shower! I didn’t think you’d be there so fast… Well, it doesn’t look like it’s snowing. Can you come home by yourself?”
“Oh… yes, I’ll be fine. See you soon.”
I hang up and sigh. I stare at the road his car just disappeared down. Thanks to Mr. Hansel, at least, I’m warm for now…