Chapter 5 Drake

Drake was sitting in his office reading his daily reports on his realty properties when his secretary paged him over his office intercom.

“Mr. Whitman?”

“Yes Grace.”

“There’s someone in the lobby who’d like to see you, she says she’s your mother?”

‘What the fuck?’ Drake thought to himself. ‘What would my mom be doing here.’

‘Umm Mr. Whitman,” Grace said skeptically. “Did you hear me?”

“Yes, sorry Grace, please show her in.”

A few minutes later, his secretary Grace, opened the door and in walked his mother in all her glory. Her hair was cut in a short bob, and was dyed platinum blonde. Drake could tell she’s recently gotten Botox done, most people wouldn’t have noticed because his mom’s plastic surgeon was the best in the country, but Drake could see the tell tale signs. Normally his mom wouldn’t go out immediately after Botox, so this visit must be important, at least according to his mother. She wore a professional business suit, her suit jacket and skirt, were perfectly tailored to her body and probably cost more than poor Grace’s salary. Her outfit was finished off with his mother’s famous glitzy pumps. Everyone who knew Drake’s mother knew she loved glitter high heels. She always had a pair on.

Diane Seymore Whitman walked in with a devilish smile on her face.

“Drake, my dear, it’s so delightful to see you.” She walked in with her arms widespread, pretending that the Whitman’s were a loving affectionate family.

“Drop the act Diane. Grace here knows it’s a sham.” Scoffed Drake.

If looks could kill, Grace would’ve been vaporized right there on the spot. Diane looked like she was trying to shoot laser beams at Grace through her eyes.

“It’s not Grace’s fault that she is kind, loving, and empathetic, which is everything you’re not. She is the perfect mother figure Diane. Of course, she could tell around the holidays when I busted my ass instead of going home that something was up. Grace has always made me feel more than welcome at her house. Something you yourself, have failed at.” Drake spit venomously, his anger rising at the mere presence of his mother.

Grace was beaming proudly but she looked like she was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable being in the middle of this family matter. “Is there anything else I can do for you today sir?”

“No Grace, Thank you.” Drake smiled nodding at her.

Grace turned around and quickly walked out the door.

“Now Diane, what did you come all the way here for. I know it wasn’t to check on your son.”

“I’ve told you multiple times Drake, I am your mother, you may call me as such.”

Drake rolled his eyes and cackled. “Don’t make me laugh Diane, you’re the furtherest from a mother that anyone can be. You may have gave birth to me, but you didn’t mother me…. Now I’ll ask you again. What do you want?” Drake asked becoming visibly annoyed.

“I wanted to inform you, that your father and I will be hosting an engagement party tomorrow morning for your Brother and Madilyn. It will be the official start of their wedding celebrations. Your presence is mandatory, seeing as how Sampson wants you to be his best man.”

“Sampson said the rehearsal brunch is on Friday.” Drake said.

{Yes, well Sampson doesn’t know everything. This engagement dinner will be a featured in The New York Times. It’s a surprise gift from your father and I to the soon to be married couple. Now are you going to be there or not? And remember you aren’t doing this for me, you’re doing it for your bother. Unless of course, you enjoy continuing to disappoint him time and time again.” Diane sneered, knowing she’d trapped Drake with her guilt trip.

‘Of course the bitch had to bring Sam into this.’ Drake thought to himself feeling a migraine coming on. He wanted with every fiber of his being to reject Diane, but he recalled his earlier conversation with Sam, and Sampson feeling like Drake wasn’t around for him.

“Yes, I’ll be there. Write me down for a party of two.”

“A party of two?” Diane asked looking at Drake accusatorially, like he had ruined her plans.

“Yes, two, plural. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must bid you ado Diane. I have an important business matter to attend to.”

“Drake, she better not be an embarrassment to this family.” Diane glared at him grabbing her purse and turning to walk away.

“Diane, when will you understand you no longer control me. If it weren’t for Sampson, I would have had security escort you out the minute you walked in here.”

“Brunch is 10 am sharp. Black tie affair. Don’t be late.” Diane snarled storming out of Drake’s office slamming the door on her way out.

Drake put his hands up to his face, rubbing his temples. Trying to get rid of the migraine that Diane’s visit had caused.

Drake grabbed the keys to the Jaguar and walked out of his office. On his way out of the building he stopped by Grace’s desk.

“Hey Grace, I just wanted to apologize for earlier, Diane, she just brings out the worst in me,” Drake said lowering his eyes, knowing he’d behaved childishly and had embarrassed Grace.

“It’s fine Mr.Whitman. I know how Diane can be.”

“Thank you for being so forgiving.” Drake said grabbing her hand and placing a kiss on it causing Grace to blush.

“Grace, I’ll be leaving the office for today. If anything important comes up send it to my cellphone, otherwise leave it be until I return.”

“Yes, Mr. Whitman.” Grace smiled turning to her computer to send out a mass email stating Drake would be out of the office.

Drake, walked out of the building and got into his Jag, punching the street coordinates to Mia Novella’s into the GPS. He needed to speak with Mia immediately. His plans had changed and he’d now need Lydia ready by tonight. Hopefully Mia would agree to giving her to him earlier than expected.

This is the first novel Im writing not from the charcters view point, which style is your preferred?

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