Chapter 7: Drake
Lydia was stunning. Drake had a hard time concentrating on anything when she was near. He also had the urge to give her anything and everything she wanted. He chuckled at how in awe she was at everything in his home, It was all meaningless and replaceable to Drake, but to Lydia, she seemed captivated by every detail.
“Anything you want, it’s yours.” Drake finds himself telling Lydia.
Why did I just say that? He ponders to himself.This is suppose to be a business arrangement only.
After the tour Drake walks Lydia back into the main living room and goes to the bar grabbing two wine glasses and a bottle of Malbec. Red wines were his favorite and he knew he’d need a glass or two to calm his nerves.
He sits down on the love seat and pats the seat beside him, beckoning Lydia to join him. Lydia hesitates for a split second before sitting down beside him.
“So let’s talk about the contract.” Drake says filling one glass and passing it over to Lydia.
Lydia takes a big gulp. “Okay.” She responds.
Drake pours another glass before taking a large swig himself. “I think it would be best if we stick close to the truth. So tell me a bit about you and I’ll tell you a bit about me.”
Lydia takes another big gulp of her wine. The glass almost empty. Her hands are nervously shaking and she can feel them begin to clam up.
“Sorry,” she whispers embarrassed, taking another rather large sip, emptying her glass. “I’m normally not this shy.”
Drake takes the glass from her and refills it, handing it back to her not saying a word.
“Okay. Well my name is Lydia Gulbransen. I’m 18 years old, born Feb 14th 1994. I am the child to Rebecca Montoya and Severus Gulbransen. I’m a business school drop out, my dad ditched us when my mom was pregnant, my mom ended up severely injured in a car accident, and I had to become a hooker… I mean escort, to pay the bills… there does that sum it up enough for you.” Lydia asked seeming irritated about the entire matter.
“Lydia,” Drake said leaning forward, taking her wine glass setting it on the side table, and then grabbing both palms and bringing them up to his lips,he brushed each palm gently against his mouth. Lydia tried not to show emotion, but a low mown left her mouth. He raised his eyebrow at her before smiling and continuing on. “I don’t need to know what’s in your file. I want to know more about you. What’s your favorite color?”
“Pink. Yours?”
Drake thought for a second before responding “Blue, a very light blue…. Any nicknames?”
“Liddy, my friends call me Liddy. What about your Mr.Whitman? Any names?”
“You can call me Drake.” Drake said so cut and dry, it didn’t give Lydia a time to ask another questions.
And so they continued this banter, until Drake felt like he knew more about Lydia, as a person, and less of Lydia as her file.
They’d both finished their second cup of wine and were well into their 3rd when Drake took a deep breath, gazing over at Lydia.
“I’m also going to kiss you now Liddy. I don’t want our kisses to seem forced when we are in front of society. He leaned in closer to Lydia’s body. His gaze first looking into her at her eyes and then lowering to her plush lips. He was for her to make the first move.
Lydia glanced at Drake’s face, and then his lips and back into his eyes. Licking her lips before biting her lower lip.
Drake looped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her closer towards him. Bringing his face mere inches away from her. Lydia closed her eyes waiting for him to kiss her and Drakes lips came crashing down on hers. His kiss was passionate and left her wanting more. She responded to his kiss just as greedily, the wine helping ease her nervousness around him. Lydia wrapped her arm around Drake’s neck and pulled him into her wanting to feel his rough body against her feminine curves.
“Mmm” Lydia sighed as she brought him closer.
Drake’s arms wrapped around Lydia’s waist instinctually pulling her onto of him so her legs straddle him. Lydia let out a small moan allowing the kiss to last a few moments longer before begrudgingly pulling away and slowly sliding off of Drake’s lap.
“Well the chemistry is definitely there.” She laughed breathlessly.
“Yeah there’s no doubt about that.” Drake chuckled looking down at his pants glaring at the tent he was now pinching.
“Oops”, Lydia blushed, “sorry about that.”
“No need to be sorry beautiful.” Drake said adjusting himself. “Sex won’t happen unless you want it too.”
Lydia’s mouth dropped open, shocked. “You’re paying Mia Novella’s escort services $100,000 a week, and you’re not wanting sex in return?”
Drake laughed again. “I never said I didn’t want sex sweetheart.” He winked at her. “I just said I want to have sex with you on your own accord. I don’t want you to feel forced by some contract to have sex with me.”
Lydia blushed profusely, her entire face and chest lightening up in a blush.
“Oh. I see.” She said smiling.
Drake leaned into her again. “Let’s try a kiss that’s okay for public the eye.”
Instead of answering Lydia just leaned into him the rest of the way and gently placed a light peck on his lips, pulling away ever so slightly.
“Like this.” She smiled flirtatiously.
Drake leaned in and kissed her again, linger a few seconds longer than Lydia had. “Mmm, much better,” He said pulling away clearing his throats. “I think we just about perfected it.”
The light laughter seemed to leave Drake’s face instantaneously as he took on his normal professional demeanor again.
“Tomorrow, kicks off the start of the wedding. My mother will be hosting a late brunch style engagement party for my brother Sampson and his fiancée. It will be plastered all over the New York Times. Do you have issues with your face being shown in public?”
Lydia thought for a second, if she was seen publicly with a playboy billionaire, there would be no going back to life as it was before her mother’s accident. She groaned internally. ‘Hell I’ve already crossed that line.’ She thought to herself. Thinking back on some of the things she’d had to do in her new line of work.
“No, I have no issues.” She responded.
“Good.” Drake while nodding his head. “I typically try to stay out of the spotlight, but my mother is all about publicity. So we will probably be put on display often.”
“Maybe this will be the kickstart of my acting career.” Lydia winked at him.
Drake looked like he was going to say something but Lydia interrupted him. “I was only kidding, Drake, no one, not even your mother will be able to tell that’s this”, she said gesturing between the two of them, “is false.”
“I sure hope not.” Drake sighed. And once again Lydia was left wondering what it was about Drake’s family that put him off.