Chapter Two
(The next night)
"What about this one?" Lizara asked, pointing to a little blue house with a white picket fence.
"Mmmmm, I'm not really feeling that." I stared at the little house she was pointing at." I want a good size porch to sit on and listen to the waves crashing." She smiled her little sideways smirk, jotted down that as a note and began searching once more.
"Anything else?"
"A big kitchen to make all sorts of baked goods. Like mom's famous cinnabread." We both closed our eyes imagining the heavenly smell of the house every Sunday. Cinnamon wafting through the air swirling with freshly baked bread with hints of vanilla.
"MMMMMMMM!" We said and unison before breaking out into giggles.
" Ok what about the color of the house? How many bedrooms? Bathrooms?" She grabbed her little notepad while looking at me quizzically.
"The color doesn't matter, at least a 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, and....." I sat there racking my brain on what I was looking for, trying to find the perfect house to move to." Oh and a nice big yard!"
" Got it!" she excitedly began writing everything down and returned back to her search. We sat on our thick rug in the living room, each on a laptop, searching for houses, while munching on different snack foods. I see why my mother and father loved her so much and why she was the best person to have if ever something happened.
"OH MY GOODNESS! I think you are going to love this!" she hurriedly spun her laptop in my direction and there it was. The house that made me fall head over heels, it was a beautiful deep red with ocean blue trim, the door showed a beautiful stained glass scene of coral. The wraparound porch with two porch swings gave me every opportunity to sit and listen to the crashing of waves. It had a beautiful lush yard with a lovely flower bed that wrapped with the porch. Inside each room was themed differently with oceanic themes from lighthouses to animals of all sorts. The kitchen was stunning. Every appliance matched the marbled counter tops. It had 4 ovens and a sensible eight burner stove top.
"That's the one!" I breathed " that is what I want!"
"I am contacting the seller now!" she exclaimed giddily. "Now don't be getting all anxious on me, it may take some..." a ding from her email cut her off. It was the seller contacting her back about the necessary paperwork to fill out and if we had a loan to fully purchase the house. Of course she had complete access to my parents account to purchase the house and was able to help me fill everything out to the fullest extent. The seller was quick to get back to us and set the day after tomorrow to meet at the house to take care of all legal items, payment, and any little tidbits needed to fully own the house.
"It's set then!" She stared at me excitedly. " We pack tonight and I am booking our flight right now!"
"I am so stoked right n....." A sharp pain twinges in my back causing my knees to buckle. Then another starting in my ribs and soon spreading all over my body.
"What...is....this?" I cried out between clenched teeth in agonizing pain. Cracking of bones echoing around me.
"It's time Anya It's midnight!" She exclaimed as she tried to sooth me. I could see Angora pushing through trying to comfort me as well. My bones tweaked and pulled for what seemed like an eternity. Until it had suddenly stopped, the pain had just stopped. Looking around I see Angora, a beautiful wolf with golden fur, even with my vision clearing I could see her attentively watching me with happiness in her eyes.
"Hello Anya." a mysterious, calm voice rang out.
" Who... who is that?" I asked, startled by the unfamiliar voice.
"I am your wolf, Freya." I spun towards the full mirror my mother hung by the bottom of the steps and stared at it. A beautiful snow white wolf with blue undertones looked back at me with vibrant silver eyes with streaks of a beautiful deep red. She was larger than Angora but was well toned. She was built to run and fight if need be.
"Hello Freya! I am so honored that the Moon Goddess has blessed me with you!" I thought giddily.
"I am Angora and my other half is Lizara. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Freya." Angora said as she pranced towards us with excitement.
"Shall we run to complete the bond Anya?" Freya asked.
"Absolutely!" and with that Freya and Angora took off, out the back door. Running to their hearts' content, jumping, and playing until the wee hours of the night. Making it home roughly around four in the morning, I had changed back with Lizara as we smiled gleefully. I wasn't going to be alone in that house. I now would have my wolf, Freya, by my side. Technically speaking in my thoughts but I wouldn't be alone.
"Time to get packing kiddo!" Lizara exclaimed. " Our flight departs at nine a.m., we got to get a move on!"
" How long is the flight?" I asked groggily. She pulled out her phone and sighed.
"It's about a ten hour flight so you will get plenty of sleep." she giggled looking at my heavy eyes. "Oh, before i forget..." she was rummaging around her purse and pulled out her wallet. Upon opening it I saw a beautiful little black book that she then handed me. I opened it as a card fell into my lap, I saw my mothers and fathers handwriting on the front cover. Numbers filled boxes on each page that filled the book up to it’s halfway point.
"We will always love you. Love Mommy and Daddy." My breath hitched in my throat upon reading it aloud and tears began blurring my vision. I picked up a beautiful visa card with the three of us on it.
"It's all the insurance money, their savings, and whatever else they had set up for you if something happened." Lizara softly stated as she handed me a large folder. "This is the account, bank, and all information you need to access it if for some reason your card doesn't work."
"Th..tha...thank..sniffle....you!" I blubbered as she handed the folder to me.
"Anything for you kiddo." She rubbed my back, making soothing circles as I regained control over my emotions. " I have one more thing for you." She smiled and went into her room for a few moments to reappear carrying a large box. It was neatly wrapped in cute happy birthday adorned paper with a deep red bow. " Happy birthday from me!" she beamed handing me the box.
"Liz you didn't have to!" I said in between sniffles gleefully, tearing into the paper and making sure to save the bow. Inside the box was a beautiful deep red dress that was knee length, a courier bag to match, black over the knee boots with no heel, and a wallet to match it all. " It's all so beautiful and I love them all." I hugged her tightly.
"I saw them and thought that you would love them. They were your favorite color and had just been put out." She smiled happily. " Now pack your essentials, the rest I will have set up to be packed up today and put on a truck to meet us in a few days at your new house. We shall unpack and then I must return sadly in five days." She smiled sadly at me. I knew she was worried to let me go on my own but this was the path I chose. This was the beginning of my new life. I inhaled deeply with my eyes closed focusing on the soothing music we had put on to help us focus on what we needed.
"Birth certificate, identification card, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, shampoo, conditioner,.... uhhhhhhh..." Thinking of everything I may need I hit a blank. Sitting and staring at my new courier bag, all my papers, envelope, laptop, and legal documents were neatly on one side. The other side was a bit chaotic with baggies of squishable belongings that may leak and cause mayhem.
"What about your parents' picture on your bedside table?" Lizara chimed.
"Absolutely!" I exclaimed feeling slightly guilty for forgetting it. I gently covered the frame and picture with a thick scarf to help protect it.
"We do not need food, unless you need a snack, the majority we can buy once we are up there. Of course, once everything is signed and you have the key." She winked at me. " We will also buy new door locks and anything to fix minor areas if need be."
"Locks?" I looked at her questionably.
"Just in case a previous resident, acquaintance, or family member of theirs wants to snoop, you will deny them access." She grinned. I nodded as she had a very good point. Thinking back on the house I just imagined me sitting in the living room bay window, with my favorite blanket, warm tea, and an amazing book. Every night listening to the waves crashing and lulling me to sleep. The crisp, salty breeze tickling my nose every morning. Oh it would be magnificent.