Chapter Six

We arrived at the hotel after about a 25 minute drive. It rested against a beautiful white sandy beach. It was a single story, off to the right, and connected to a beautiful little mom and pop restaurant. The smell of fresh, warm bread caressed and teased our noses as we got out of the car. Causing Liz and I to take a deep inhale to absorb as much of the smell as we could.

“Now that is a pleasing smell.” Liz rubbed her belly while taking a big whiff of air again. “We definitely need to check out that restaurant and make a mental note of where it is.” As she joined me at the back of the SUV I took in a big whiff as the wind swept around us. My head whipped towards Liz as she was removing our suitcases. Making eye contact she just knew, what I smelled was far different than freshly baked bread. The faint smell of cloves and cinnamon teased my nose. I drew another breath trying to pinpoint the direction, but due to the wind I couldn’t place it. Once the wind died down the scent was gone again. A look of defeat crossed my face. What if I never find him? What if this is all I get?

“Anya you will find him. I just know you will.” She had pulled me into one of her amazing hugs. It helped soothe my rising anxiety with every little swirl on my back. “Let’s check in and go grab a bite to eat. Then let’s allow Angora and Freya a run down the beach, ok?” I nodded, still feeling a little defeated.

“Good evening ladies!” A short, curly white haired woman peered over her book in the corner of the room. She had on a beautifully sewn plaid print dress. The red and black complimenting her pale complexion. “May I help you?” she placed her book on the side table and wobbled out of her rocking chair over to a little desk. She had the aura of a grandmother you always saw in books. Her smile was comforting and her personality was quite pleasant.

“We reserved a room and we are here to check in. My name is Lizara Andrews.” Liz had said a sweet as pie.

“Oh dear, my nephew stepped out for a moment and I haven’t a clue of how to work this infernal contraption.” She grimaced.

“I could help you!” I blurted. “I majored in technology and can teach you the basics.” I smiled sweetly trying to recover from my rudeness.

“Would you be a dear and do that for me?” She smiled sweetly with hope in her eyes. “My nephew loses his patience with me quite quickly.” I nodded happily as I darted around the counter to assist her. Allowing her to do everything step by step. Occasionally she would click the wrong thing or hit the wrong button but I showed her how to get back to where she was and start again.

“While you teach her I am going to head next door and grab some scrumptious food. Anya is there anything you may want? “Liz piped up smiling and shooting a wink in my direction.

“Are you two new to this area?” the lady asked politely.

“Yes and as soon as we pulled up that amazing fresh baked bread hit our noses.” Liz had begun rubbing her belly again.

“Try their delicious eggplant spaghetti, it’s perfectly seasoned, all handmade, and grown right from their garden. Oh you should get a jar of their raspberry jam or cherry with a fresh baguette for a wonderful sweet treat! Tell them Edna sent you!” The lady, now known as Edna, said as if she could taste the delicious jam.

“Absolutely!” Liz said, practically running out the door towards the restaurant.

“Okay you have granny’s full attention dear.” she turned back to the computer and I smiled at the word granny. It melted my heart and made me wonder how anyone could lose their patience with her. After about half an hour she was dancing around the screen like a pro.

“Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” she beamed at me radiating confidence.

“Aunt Edna, are you ok? Has something happened with the computer again? What’s going on?” A man in his late twenties appeared from a hallway behind us. He was tall with chiseled features, short brunette hair that slightly spiked in the front. He had soft gray eyes full of worry.

“Oh Jonathan I am quite alright. Young Anya was teaching me how to use it. Watch this!’ She was so excited to show him that she was a pro now that Jonathan and I giggled a bit at her enthusiasm.

“Auntie it seems you no longer need me for your computer troubles.” he smiled while kissing the top of her head. “Thank you Anya for having the patience that I lack to teach her.” He seemed so proud of her I couldn’t help but smile. Right as Edna went to speak Jonathan went from fun loving and joking to rigid and serious, causing Edna to look at him strangely.

“Mate.” he uttered. A loud thump was heard at the front door causing me and Edna to jump. It was Liz and she was deadlocked on Jonathan. Looking by her feet I saw a beautifully designed paper bag they smelled of delicious food.

“Mate.” Liz uttered, never moving her eyes from Jonathan as they closed the gap between one another. Completely lost to one anothers gaze.

“Oh this is magnificent.” Edna teary eyed with her hands on her cheeks stared at the couple who were now in one another's arms. Watching the two, I don’t know what I was searching for. A whiff of smoke or bolts of electricity, anything really? Nothing just them edging closer to one another. My thoughts were stopped with Granny Edna’s words popping in.

“He finally found his mate. Let’s see if two rooms are available, I don’t think you want to be in a room with a newly mated couple.” she winked at me and I let out a snicker. “Perfect we have one in number 3 and another in number 24. I shall give you number 3 and we will give them 24 so no one has to here all that hibbity jibbity.” I laughed at her choice of words. “Jonathan here!” She waved the key at them to grab their attention. Finally snapping them out of the trance they were in.

“I am so sorry Anya.” Liz ran to the food realizing she had forgotten the whole world for ten minutes, making sure nothing was broken or destroyed with the fall. “Here’s your food Anya and Edna I got a spare jar of cherry jam and a fresh baguette for you.” She began dispersing food from the two bags. Edna holding the jam and baguette, looking at it as if it were the fountain of youth in a jar. “Anya will you be ok tonight?”

“I will be perfectly fine with Granny Edna, you go bond with your mate.” Not realizing the words that slipped between my teeth. I nodded to her with nothing but hope and love in my eyes. She gave me a giant hug and they were off to their room.

“I like the sound of that. Granny Edna...Granny Edna…” Caught off guard as I had realized the name slipped. She kept repeating the words as if they were candy on her tongue. “Let’s go outside dear, just leave your belongings right here and I will have Elle take them to your room.” With that she rang a bell and a thin, energetic woman with translucent wings appeared. She’s a pixie from her pointed features, small stature, and wings I concluded. ”Elle please take this luggage to room 3 please.” Elle smiled, nodded, and with a flick of her wrist, was off with our luggage. “Grab your food dear.”

And with that she began wobbling out the door. I placed items in the bag and looped it on my right arm while looping my left around hers. Helping her steady herself.

“You girls are a breath of fresh air. It’s been so long since I’ve met truly kind hearted people who would go out of their way for a stranger” She patted my arm as we neared a little bistro styled table that overlooked the beach and ocean. We ate and I listened to story after story each one better than the last. Edna was a truly remarkable woman who’s mate’s life was taken in the Great Tear War between all the races. She was a white witch mated to a werewolf. She spoke of how gentle he was and kind. We talked about my family, how all I knew was my parents, other family I never met and have no clue of who they are.

“I sense you are a wolf but also I sense a hidden power within you. I sense you have a very strong mystical blood that runs through your veins too.” She looked at me greatly intrigued. “I can teach you spells if you want. I was shocked by her words. I thought I was just a lycan, yet she has sensed both lycan and something else in me. I sat thinking of how or why I was never told of the possibility. “All things will come to light my dear child.” She patted my knee catching my attention. We spoke of many things and I agreed that I wanted to be taught everything she would teach me. We spoke of the house I was signing for and found it about 10 minutes down the road from her hotel. I would be able to come everyday she would have me without relying on a car. I did come to another conclusion, I was going to find an expert and research my family lineage. I wanted to know what secrets my family held and what all flowed through my veins.

“Oh dear,” she looked up from her watch. “It’s 11 o’ clock, I must turn in my dear.” she said her goodnight and teetered inside. I went to my room and sat on the bed for a few minutes absorbing everything.

“Wanna run?” Freya had injected into my thoughts.

“Oh Freya I am so sorry. Yes let's go for a run.” Attaching the room key to my lanyard I went out the back patio door and shifted. Freya pranced and played a bit in the sand and took off down the beach. Letting the air sift through her fur and allowing us to feel free. She turned back and ran towards our room. Behind the motel I had shifted back watching the waves crash into the shore and ebb. Each time my eyes became heavier.

“Be alert.” Freya’s voice sounded on edge. “We are being watched, I can’t place where they are, we should go inside.” Feeling the hairs on my neck prickle and the gut feeling that someone or something was watching me, standing on the beach, lost in thought. I heard a neigh of sorts coming from the ocean. Kelpie! I spun around and readied my key trying to not look suspicious or that I had caught on to being watched. I gently slid into my room, making sure the extra lock at the top was secured along with the deadbolt. I ran to the other door doing the same trying not to cause any commotion or extra noise. I drew the curtains shut and finally felt safe.

“Thank you Freya!” I heard a gentle mmhmm. I pulled out a silky nightgown, a bra and set of boy shorts that all matched in a deep red color. Setting them out on the bed I pulled everything I needed for a nice relaxing shower and a good teeth brushing. I hopped in the shower and let all the tension melt with the water. After a thorough clean and a good brushing. I dressed and laid in the cozy silky bed and let sleep wrap me.

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