Chapter Two
I wrinkle my nose at my father's response and glance up, noticing that Adrian continuously peeks at the rearview mirror. Despite how relaxed his shoulders appear, his knuckles are whitening against the steering wheel.
"Where would you like to stop? I know some good places." Adrian says, voice light. As if catching on to my observations of him, he switches to driving with his left hand and leans his right arm against the armrest.
Our arms are nearly touching, but I refuse to move my arm away since I was leaning on it first. The leather squeaks as I shift in my seat to look out the window. "How long have you lived here? My father mentioned that you're a local."
The cab of the SUV smells like pine needles and spearmint, and it reminds me of hiking in the woods, despite the cleanliness of the interior. There aren't any personal effects in the car, making suspicious again of his ownership.
"A few months I think. Mr. Loveday didn't tell you much about me, did he?"
I glance at him, only I find him studying me briefly before returning to the road. "No," I say, matter-of-factly. "What is there to know?"
I try not to admire his profile for too long, making sure to glance away at anything else. "Plenty. I'm sure the same goes for you though. You seem mysterious."
I shift in my seat again, leaning down to pretend to fix the strap of my heel. "Do I?"
"Definitely," Adrian glances at me and smirks. He leans just close enough to make our arms touch, immediately sending a shock through my body.
"Ouch!" I yell in surprise more than pain, pulling away and rubbing my elbow. "Haven't you ever heard of dryer sheets?"
He seems equally as surprised as me, and sits straight in his seat again, pulling his arm away. "I have. You're sure the maid laundered your romper correctly?" I catch a note of sarcasm in his response, which makes me relax a bit. His sense of humor is disarming.
"I guess it doesn't matter now," I chuckle, sitting back against my seat. "It's not like I can fire her anymore."
He lifts a brow, his eyes shimmering with good humor. "That's true. Hopefully, I don't do anything to make you fire me, Ms. Loveday."
"If you don't start calling me Lydia instead of 'Ms. Loveday', I might have to."
Adrian smiles, showing his surprisingly perfect teeth. "As you wish, Lydia," he pauses for a moment and glances in the rearview again. "Am I making the establishment choice for you? I won't take you home until you eat."
I feel the butterflies return when he says my name but I push it down forcefully. I am not trying to catch feelings. Not again.
"I trust your opinion, I think. Is everything okay?" I ask, turning in my seat to try and see behind us.
I see nothing aside from the cars around us on the interstate. Maybe this guy is just paranoid, or maybe he's nervous about doing his "first job" correctly. I narrow my eyes and turn back around in my seat, fixing my seat belt. Something tells me that my father didn't tell me the whole truth about Adrian's employment.
"Everything is fine," Adrian states, not missing a beat. "I'm just keeping an eye on traffic."
I purse my lips and pretend to look back at my phone. "You're more than just my chauffeur, aren't you?" I ask, feigning indifference. "I expressly told my father I didn't want a Bodyguard."
I can feel him look at me, but I don't bother to give him my attention. "Is it that obvious?"
I shrug a shoulder and continue to scroll through my social media. "I've seen a lot of you in my day. You aren't going to be following me around campus all day, are you?"
Adrian is quiet for a moment as he changes lanes to go around a truck hauling a heavy load. "Not really. I've enrolled at your college already and have attended a few weeks of class. Mr. Loveday asked me to accompany you off campus and keep an eye on you, otherwise."
I lower my phone and press my tongue against my cheek, starting the windshield. "My father had this all planned out, didn't he?"
Adrian glances in the side mirror closest to me, then back to the rearview mirror. "Everything is fine" my ass.
"A few months," he says casually.
I roll my eyes and stay silent for a while. I open the contacts on my phone and hold it up to my ear, waiting for my father to answer. On the third ring, he picks up.
"Hey, Buttercup. Is something wrong?"
His voice sounds the same as always, though I can hear the sound of people in the background. He was probably at a lunch meeting, but I don't feel too guilty about disturbing him.
"Hi, Daddy. I have some questions." I notice Adrian looking at me from the corner of his eye as he drives, swallowing nervously.
I can imagine my father checking his watch to calculate how much time he can spare, but judging by his sigh, he has a few minutes. "I figured you would, sooner or later, but I underestimated how clever you are. Go ahead, Pumpkin."
I shoot Adrian a look before holding up one hand to look at my nails, examining the nude gel polish. "First off, why did you set up a Bodyguard? I asked you not to. Why would I need one in such a remote place?"
The noise in the background quiets, signifying that my father stepped away from his colleagues. "You know why. I worry about you wherever you go, and I'm not risking a replay of the past."
I close my eyes tightly, willing away the flashback that attempts to play in my mind. I shake it from my thoughts forcefully and say, "I'm a grown woman, daddy. I won't make the same mistake twice."
There's a pause where it sounds like he sucks in a breath, trying to calm his temper as it flairs. His voice comes from between gritted teeth, "You did nothing wrong, Lydie. You know that. It wasn't your fault. Besides, it's other people I don't trust, and he's still out there..."
I bite my lip, hard enough to keep it from wobbling. We've had this conversation multiple times, but every time someone tells me that, I can't stop the voice inside my head from telling me that they're lying.
It was my fault for not noticing him. He pretended to be my friend, but he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. All that he saw in me was someone to take advantage of and prey on. Something to take, like an object that belonged to him. He just waited for the right time to pounce.
A muscle in my jaw jumps as I close my eyes, fighting the scene away. I shouldn't have gotten so drunk that night, and I definitely shouldn't have let him walk me home. I reach absently to touch my scar as it throbs, reminding me of the knife that was stuck between my ribs after he was done with me, hoping it would be enough to end me for good. It wasn't, of course, but his Uncle was the Dean so no one would believe me, even if I tried to tell them.
When someone found me and called an ambulance, I told them that I never saw his face. Lying was better than starting a war that I'd never win. Even if it meant unintentionally protecting a monster with green eyes.
What happened to me doesn't define me, I remind myself, clenching my fist tight enough that my nails dig into my palm. The pain brings me back to the present and I take a long breath through my nose, calming my galloping heart.
My extended silence seems to be enough for my father to worry, realizing what he's accidentally triggered. "Oh, I'm so sorry honey, I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine," I cut him off, hoping that my voice sounds level. "I understand your reasoning, I just wish you would have told me."
"I know, I'm sorry, my love. Just give him a chance, please. Adrian is a good guy who's only doing what I paid him to do. I trust him."
My heart aches at his sad, pleading tone. He's never been able to stand it when I'm angry at him, but it sounds like he has no intentions of budging this time. Of course, he would want someone looking out for me. How could I be angry? With how far away I am from him, my father would feel more at ease with a Bodyguard keeping me safe.
"I know," I sigh, glancing towards the driver's seat. Though his eyes are on the road, Adrian leans a bit closer to me, as if he can hear the whole conversation. "I'll try. Is it okay if I ask him more questions?"
Adrian glances at me at the mention of him, a brow quirked up. It looks like he wants to answer the question for himself, but he presses his lips together instead, focusing on the road.
My father sounds pleased that I'm willing to comply without a fight, but tired from the weight of knowing what he can't take back. "Of course, muffin. He's an honest person, so ask away. Do you have any other concerns for now? I have to get back."
"I guess not. Thank you, daddy."
"Alright. Call me when you get settled in. I love you," he says, sounding pleased with the way our conversation went. I allow him this small victory since I don't typically give him many. I don't want him to worry about me.
"You too," I mumble before ending the call.