Chapter Three
I can feel Adrian's piercing gaze on me, waiting for my explanation as to the sudden need to call my father. When I don't return his look, he asks, "So, what questions do you have for me?"
"For starters," I begin, glancing sideways at him. "Aren't you a little old to pass for a college student?"
He makes a confused expression before letting out a bark of laughter, taking me by surprise. It sounds so jovial and innocent that it makes him seem like a teenager.
"Anyone can enroll in college these days. Besides, do I seem so old to you? How old do you think I am?" He asks, giving me a curious look.
I resume my position leaning against the armrest between us, hopefully inviting him to do the same with the action. I pretend to study his face closely as if my father hadn't already told me Adrian's age.
He does appear to be around my age, with his sharp jawline, neat facial hair, and clean haircut. His profile reminds me of a Korean actor that I've seen on a Netflix drama, except for his stubble.
"My eyes say 19, but my father says 26," I conclude, exposing my knowledge of his true age. "I guess you could pass for being my age."
I try to ignore the feeling in my stomach at Adrian's crooked smile as he glances at me. "I'm flattered. Let's stop for lunch, okay? I can hear your stomach from here," he jokes, shifting his hands to the steering wheel so he can lean against the armrest once more.
This time, there are no static shocks and neither of us moves to pull away when our elbows touch.
"If you insist," I reply, allowing a small smile of my own to creep onto my lips. This might not be so bad after all.
Adrian takes an exit that has no restaurant signs, though there is one mentioning a vineyard. We'd passed a billboard advertising the wine tastings, but I didn't expect him to pick the sort of place for a lunch stop.
I shoot him a sidelong glance, eyes narrowing slightly. "You aren't planning on getting me drunk, are you?" I ask incredulously, trying to ignore the tightness in my chest. My blood pounds in my ears at the thought. I haven't had so much as a sip of alcohol since that night.
Adrian smiles reassuringly. "No, though you're welcome to taste if you'd like. I know the owner of this vineyard, and he makes delicious sandwiches and tea cakes, which I thought would be right up your alley. Do you drink tea? They have a tea house, too."
I play with one of the rings that decorate my slim fingers. "I haven't had any in a while, but that sounds nice."
I haven't had tea since my grandmother passed away a few years ago, and the thought is bitter-sweet. I used to adore the tea parties we would have together after prep academy every Wednesday, but since her illness took her, tea is nothing but flavorless hot water to me now. My Nana took all of the magic that I once believed was in our afternoons together with her when she left.
Adrian pulls off of the main road and down a long driveway, where a sign with the Vineyards name stands erect. Despite the loose gravel of the driveway, the ride remains smooth and quiet within the cabin of the Escalade. "I'm glad I judged you correctly," he says, sounding pleased, indeed.
I bristle a bit at the assumption that a rich girl must like tea and make a mental note to order coffee instead. The melancholy memories of my past fade and are quickly replaced by annoyance. I have to admit that a cucumber cream cheese sandwich does sound amazing right now though.
As Adrian guides the SUV into a paved parking lot at the end of the driveway, I gaze up at a remarkable venue. I didn't expect there to be a place like this way out here, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, but the surprise is pleasant.
The entrance of the building has massive windows that let in the natural light from outside, and the overhead balcony sports several tables and chairs that overlook the mountains in the distance. If it weren't so chilly today, I would love to sit out there, but I do not doubt that the interior is just as impressive as the exterior.
"How do you know the owner?" I ask, unbuckling my seatbelt. "Didn't you say you've only been here for a few months?" Any animosity that I felt before melts away at my newfound fascination.
Adrian leans against the armrest as he unbuckles himself and reaches into his back pocket for something. His breath fans my lashes as he replies, face alarmingly close to mine. He seems unabashed by his proximity to me, smiling with what I assume is smugness.
"I come frequently for business, so I've become quite friendly with the staff." He doesn't seem to notice my unease and keeps his face close to mine even after fishing his wallet from his pocket. He smiles slyly before pulling away too soon, exiting the vehicle.
Even after he leaves, the scent of spearmint and pine is strong in his wake. The whole SUV smells that way, and I haven't been able to see any air fresheners to explain it. It's a unique combination anyway, which I have yet to find as a cologne or freshener. I find it strangely comforting, and take a deep breath of it before Adrian crosses the front of the vehicle and comes to open my door.
I look up at him through my lashes, slinging the strap of my bag over my shoulder inconspicuously. "What business could a college student have?" I ask imprudently, taking his outstretched hand as I step from the vehicle to the ground.
"How do you think I can afford my car?" Adrian smiles impishly as he closes my door and locks it. His hand remains on mine for a moment too long, but he doesn't acknowledge it. "Besides, I don't need a degree to run my own business."
I follow him towards the entrance of the venue, glancing at his back. So he didn't buy the Escalade with the money my father paid him? Why would he accept a job as my bodyguard if he doesn't need the money? Suspicion runs cold in my veins as I glare at his back, which ripples unfairly beneath his clothes.
"Oh? What type of business do you run?" I inquired, narrowing my eyes at him as he opens the main door. We're greeted by a swoosh of cool air that makes me scowl, pulling my coat closer to me instinctively.
Adrian seems to notice my discomfort and uses it to avoid my question. "The owner is hot-blooded, so he tends to keep it cool all year round. If you get too cold, just let me know and I'll have him turn the heat up."
I open my mouth to protest his evasiveness, but someone circles the bar in the front corner of the room to greet us.
"Welcome to- Is that Adrian?" She starts, pausing and squinting her eyes at my escort. The woman is tall with naturally tan skin, and dark, almond-shaped eyes that glance from his direction to mine.
Recognizing her customer, our server moves closer to us and wipes her hands on a black apron, then reaches to tuck a strand of stray hair behind her ear from where it escaped her long braid. Her eyes roam from Adrian's feet back up to his face, then glance back to me, her smile faltering at my presence.
Adrian matches her smile and places an arm behind me, grazing my back with a familiarity that we have yet to reach. "Yes, it's always a pleasure to see you, Heather. This is my charge, Ms. Lydia Loveday. We'd like a table for two, please."
I'm surprised to hear his cool attitude when he speaks to her, sounding much more professional than he is with me. He must be presenting himself as a businessman since he said he conducts much of it here. It would be a shame for him to tarnish his apparently spotless reputation.
Heather doesn't miss the small exchange of contact between us and forces a wider smile, ignoring my introduction. I recognize the glint in her eyes immediately, as I'm no stranger to jealousy. "Of course. Sit wherever you'd like and I'll bring your menus."
Adrian nods and holds out an arm, motioning me ahead of him while placing his free hand on the small of my back. "Lead the way," he says, his tone sounding much less stiff when addressing me.
I glance behind the counter where the server retreated, trying to see if she glimpsed the change in his mannerisms. Her glare tells me that she did and that she isn't happy about it. Her glare is filled with toxicity as she flips her braid over her shoulder and rounds a corner, disappearing from sight. I hadn't noticed initially, but she seems to have a rather athletic build with muscular shoulders. She dwarfs me in size comparison, despite being only a few inches taller than me. I wonder vaguely if she attends a university locally, and what sports she must play.
A pleased smile curves my lips at her reaction as I return my attention to the interior of the venue, giving my hair a casual flip over my shoulder in return. "I'd like a window seat."
Adrian complies and follows me to my table of choice, overlooking the mountain view. It isn't as good as I imagine the balcony would be, but this is still beautiful. My bodyguard scoots my chair out for me and waits for me to be seated before taking the seat across from me, briefly following my gaze to the snow-covered mountains in the distance.