Chapter Four

As promised, it isn't long before Heather follows us to the table, laying menus in front of each of us. She doesn't glance my way as she asks, "Do you know what you want to drink? Should I bring some tastings?" I don't miss the flirtatious look that she obviously gives Adrian, dutifully ignoring my existence.

Adrian doesn't seem to notice her efforts, turning instead to gaze at me, ignoring his menu as I flip through mine. "No alcohol today, thank you. Ladies first," he insists, gesturing towards me. "What do you like to drink?"

I'm surprised that he picked up on my internal struggle earlier in the car about alcohol. It isn't that I'm averse to drinking occasionally, but I've vowed to never take it too far after that night. Anything stronger than beer makes my life flash before my eyes at just the smell of it. Even now, it seems like Adrian notices the anxious tick that even I don't realize I do. I still my fingers that were tapping restlessly on my menu as I pretend to read it, offering him what I hope is a convincing smile. I'll have to keep my expressions in check if I don't want him reading my mind. He's too observant to allow much to slip past him.

Heather seems annoyed that Adrian mentioned my visibility but finally glances my way, her eyes looking me up and down in a millisecond. She seems to find nothing of interest to sneer about and turns back to her notepad, fingers gripped tightly around her pen. She's definitely the petty type. Two can play at that game.

"I'd love an iced Americano, but I don't see it in the menu," I say after a long moment of making Heather wait impatiently, glancing up at Adrian. "I've had a long flight," I utilize my feminine charms and bat my lashes innocently at Adrian, leaning my elbows on the table.

His smile is lopsided as he looks at me before briefly turning to Heather, who opens her mouth to presumably refuse my request.

He shoots her a polite smile, which seems to catch her off guard. "It wouldn't be too much trouble, would it, Heather?" Seeing her resistance to comply, Adrian pulls a card from my book of charms and softens his gaze, tilting his head towards her a little. So he did notice that I was intentionally being alluring to him a moment ago.

Heather's ears tinge pink as she snaps her mouth shut, thinking carefully about her response. One more glance in Adrian's direction leads to a scribble on her notepad and a flustered response. "Uh, sure I guess. Do you want your usual?"

"Yes, please," he replies politely. He seems like such a different person when conversing with other people. It must be because he has a reputation at the Vineyard to uphold.

"Okay, I'll get them started for you. I'll be back for the rest of your order in a minute." Heather responds, and I feel her glance at me vehemently.

I meet her gaze with a winning smile, pretending not to notice her bristle. "Thank you," I chirp.

She says nothing and walks off, shoving her notepad back into her apron with more force than necessary before disappearing around a corner.

I raise my brow at her body language and turn to reach into my bag for my chapstick, hoping that Adrian noticed it too. "I think she has a crush on you," I comment, pressing the tube to my lips.

Adrian watches me intently, seemingly mesmerized by the action of the application, almost as if he's never seen it done before. "Hmm, that's a shame."

I glance up at him through my lashes at his tone, taken by surprise at his lack of subtlety and the sudden depth of his voice. I screw the cap of the chapstick back on and press my lips together, suddenly hyperaware of our loneliness again. This venue suddenly seems too big with just the two of us.

"And why is that? Do you have a girlfriend already? She's pretty and seems... Nice,"

He snickers at my hesitation, looking down at his silverware and lining it up in a perfectly straight line. "No, I don't. And she is, but," he locks eyes with me again, some unknown emotion swirling around in his deep, dark orbs. "She's not my type."

"I see," I say, unrolling my napkin and placing it on my lap. I find it suddenly hard to make eye contact with him, unprepared for the intensity of his gaze. I've had my fair share of flirting, so I don't understand my sudden shyness. "That is a shame... For her."

Though the dining area is spotless, the unmaskable scent of wine lingers in the air around us, soaked into the exposed wood of the rafters and the white linens that cover the tables. With closer observation, I can still catch a whiff of the spearmint and pine combination flitting through the air, coming particularly from Adrian's direction. It must be some type of breath freshener or something, but it's so strong even after an hour's drive that I doubt it.

"What cologne do you use?" I ask off-handedly, leaning back in my chair and gazing up at the rafters far above us to avoid meeting his eyes. The color of the wood is lovely, but the vaulted height makes our lone voices seem too loud in the empty space. Unfortunately, there isn't enough to look at up there to keep me occupied for very long, making me have to look back to him.

"I don't use any. Why do you ask?" He sounds genuinely curious about my question.

I glance at him briefly before directing my eyes to the mountains on the horizon outside, continuing to avoid his gaze, pretending to be interesting in my surroundings. The mountains really are beautiful though, and I think I could get used to the sight of them. Hopefully, my new home will have a view like this one that I can marvel at every morning. That might make this whole ordeal feel a bit more pleasant for me, at least.

Does he really not know how strong his scent is? "No reason. You smell nice, that's all," I admit, crossing my arms onto the table, leaning forward on them. "You never did tell me what business you do," I point out, determined to get an answer from him and change the topic to something less awkward.

My curiosity about him is insatiable. It's out of character for me to care so much about a man, especially one I just met, but I can't help the tug that I feel towards him. Dipping a toe in the water can't hurt, as long as I'm careful, right? He's just a guy... and also my bodyguard, who I logically know I should have nothing to do within a romantic sense. It seems like we'll be spending alot of time together for the next few years anyway, so I may as well get to know him. Just don't get attached, the voice in my head reminds me. I can't forget what happened the last time I entertained a guy, though I wasn't actually interested in him.

He quirks an eyebrow at my confession, a smile spreading across his face. His dimple makes an appearance again as he replies, "Is that so? I'll take it as a compliment then. You also smell lovely, though you don't need to wear perfume. It ruins your natural fragrance."

Natural fragrance? Like body odor? I make a face at the thought, trying not to get offended. "I happen to like my perfume," I declare, lifting a lock of my hair and inhaling to prove my point. "How sensitive is your nose, anyway? I don't wear that much."

He seems taken aback by the question, suddenly turning awkward. His gaze shifts away, from the view outside to his hands and then outside again. "Oh, I don't know. Average, I think."

I raise my brow at his sudden awkwardness but decide not to mention it. Luckily, he changes the subject to me, reaching across the table to brush against my fingers, stilling them. We stare at each other for a beat before I pull away, holding a breath as I rub my hands against each other under the guise of being cold.

He clears his throat, seeming to realize what he did. "I'm sorry about that, it's a reflex. You have a habit of tapping, it seems."

I offer him a weak smile, busying my hands by unwrapping my silverware and lining it up to match Adrian's. "It's fine, just an anxious tick."

He looks like he considers it to be something more than that, but wisely decides not to say anything. "I get it. I used to pick at my cuticles pretty badly when I was in highschool. Is there anything I can do to help? I know you're probably just unsettled from your flight. Are you feeling okay?"

I hope my smile is convincing. "No, I'll be fine once I get some food in me."

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