Chapter Six

"Is your makeup alright, Ms. Loveday?" Adrian asks, his brow-raising ever so slightly. Surely he noticed my bare face earlier, and his smirk tells me that observation is true.

I open my mouth to correct the way he addresses me again, but his foot bumps lightly into mine beneath the table, causing me to snap it shut again. He did it on purpose this time, which is confirmed by my glance in his direction, though I don't understand why. It isn't as though the other table can hear us from so far away, even with the echo of the dining hall.

"Uh..." Without moving my head, I glance to the right, where the men sit behind my shoulder and furrow my brow slightly, silently asking for confirmation.

Adrian's head tilts in the same direction, giving me the confirmation I asked for. I'm actually thrilled that he picked up on my subtle signals, but I keep it concealed. My other bodyguards were never this acutely aware, and I can't help but decide that I like this guy. I find it impossible to believe that this is his first job now, though.

"I do need to freshen up a bit, actually. Is there a restroom?" I play along, grabbing my bag from the back of the chair. I expect him to stand up with me, but Adrian remains seated. He grabs my cellphone from the table and presses it into my hand, expression unwavering.

"Right down that hallway," Adrian says, gesturing towards a well-lit hall right across from our table. I lock eyes with him, doing my best to read them but finding nothing else. "I'll wait for you here."

I narrow my eyes at him before turning away. "That's fine. I'll be right back."

As I close the short gap to the hallway restrooms, I remain acutely aware of the four pairs of eyes on my back, confused by what they mean. Why would someone be following me already? My mind races with questions as I locate the single-person restroom and close the door behind me, making sure to lock myself in.

The light flickers on automatically as I enter, illuminating the small, pleasant bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror, listening for anything going on inside of the dining room. I can't make anything out with my weak ears, so I sigh in defeat. What is all of this about? And why did Adrian make me leave for the restroom that I don't have to use?

I suddenly remember the phone in my hand as it vibrates, signaling an incoming message. An unknown number shows instead of a contact. I don't recognize the area code, but as soon as I skim through the text, I know instantly who it is.

Wait five minutes before coming back out.

Adrian. My father must have given him my number before meeting me at the airport. I save his number to my phone before replying.

*Ok. Why though? Is it because of those guys? I'm confused. *

His reply is almost instant. You don't need to worry about it. You aren't in any danger.

If they aren't dangerous then why am I locked inside of a fucking bathroom?? I'm beginning to get frustrated as my heartbeat slows down. He doesn't reply right away this time, so I'm left to stare at myself in the mirror again.

This isn't how I expected my first day here to go. I run my fingers through my ponytail in frustration, attempting to comb out the knots that accumulated from my travels. This sucks. I just want to eat my food and get back on the road so I can attempt to get settled into this new place and start this stupid new school.

After checking my appearance twice with nothing else to adjust, I sigh and press my ear to the bathroom door again, straining to hear anything from the dining room. I think I catch a snippet of Heather's voice flit through the crack of the door, followed by a man's slightly louder tone. Adrian probably just wanted a minute to talk to Heather in private or something. The thought makes me roll my eyes as I reach for the door handle. It's been about five minutes now, anyway. I've given them plenty of time to flirt.

To my surprise, it isn't Heather that is standing at my table chatting with my bodyguard. Instead, a man with salt-and-pepper hair stands beside Adrian, speaking in a friendly tone. His back is to me as the two converse, but I can already tell that it isn't one of the three men with staring problems. This man leans on a cane as he speaks, despite his strong-looking back, and is dressed in a tailored dress shirt with fitted slacks. Judging by his demeanor, this person must be the owner of the vineyard that Adrian mentioned before, Heather's uncle.

Adrian's gaze finds mine as he leans back in his chair, peeking around the gentleman just enough to peer towards the hallway. He looks more relaxed than how I left him, with his hands folded casually on the table as he speaks to the older man. His eyes seem to soften as they rest on me, visibly relaxing.

Seeing that Adrian's attention has wavered, the owner of the vineyard turns to follow his gaze to me. I'm surprised to see that his face is younger than anticipated, and I realize that he seems even younger than my father. He has a neatly kept mustache and beard the same color as his hair, and turns with enough fluidity that I suspect the cane in his grasp is nothing more than decoration, like the jewels on his fingers. I try not to stare at the scar that runs across the gentleman's jaw and return his knowing smile politely.

"Ah, hello there. You must be Ms. Loveday, I presume?" The gentleman reaches a hand towards me, and I allow him to press his lips to the back of my hand. His grip is cool and smooth, and I'm surprised to find myself allowing his touch.

Adrian's dark gaze follows the movement with an unreadable expression.

"A pleasure to meet your acquaintance. My name is Raphaël Tremblay, the owner of Tremblay Vineyards. Adrian has been telling me about you in your absence," Raphaël says, shooting me a playful wink. "All good things, of course."

I smile, glancing at Adrian, who shifts in his seat, making to stand up. They had better be all good things. "Of course. The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Tremblay." As he rounds the table to pull my seat out for me again, I notice Adrian's phone laying face down on the table by his plate, which would explain why he didn't answer my last message.

Adrian heads back to his chair, and the older gentleman smiles approvingly at the action, clapping him on the shoulder. Adrian seems more casual with Raphaël than he did with Heather, which I find a bit strange. If he's the owner of the place he conducts so much business, I would have expected Adrian to be even more professional, if anything. Maybe he just really doesn't like her.

I toss a glance at the table of men over my shoulder as I adjust myself in the seat. The atmosphere seems to have changed completely while I was gone, and the three strangers talk quietly amongst themselves, seeming to mind their own business now. The air in the large room seems suddenly alleviated, so I turn back to Adrian with a furrowed brow. What happened in those five minutes that I was hidden out in the restroom?

Adrian shoots me a disarming smile that seems to promise an explanation later, so I keep my mouth shut. For now. I turn my attention briefly to the plates that have appeared before us, examining the contents. It looks like the pan-roasted redfish I glimpsed on the menu earlier, accompanied by peas, half-runner beans, and greek yogurt. It's the perfect meal for me, just light enough that it won't make me feel nauseous afterward, but enough to curb my hunger until a late dinner. The smell makes my stomach rumble rudely.

Raphaël chuckles at the sound, gesturing to my plate. "Of course, I heard you've had quite a long day, Ms. Loveday. Don't let my presence hold you. Please, eat. Adrian has a rather defined pallet, so I do hope you enjoy."

I smile gratefully, unwrapping my fork. "Thank you. I hate to seem rude, but it looks so amazing that I can't resist," I glance at Adrian, curious to know how he could have guessed my taste so accurately. He did ask Heather to bring his usual choice, so it seems like we just have similar pallets.

Raphaël's eyes are kind, with crow's feet from years of smiling. He reaches a hand to Adrian, giving it a firm shake. "I'll leave the two of you alone for now. Let Heather know if you need anything else," I don't miss the way he glances to the table of men behind my shoulder. "I hope to see you both again soon." He turns to walk away, hardly using the cane as he goes.

"You as well, Mr. Tremblay," I respond to his departure, grateful to finally take my first bite of the flakey fish. It's seasoned perfectly, making my mouth water. My eyes close momentarily as I appreciate the flavors.

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