Chapter 1 continuation

"Riley, why would you get so nervous?" I pressed against the door, trying to hear the girl's voice, because because of the blows everything was deaf.

There was no answer. A friend threw this case. She stopped trying to get me out of the bathroom. Because she knows very well that I am stubborn. Remembering my wet clothes, I quickly undressed and took a shower. The water cheered me up, and I, dressed in clean clothes that were always in a white cabinet, left the bathroom. Silence noticeably strained me and I, carefully stepping barefoot on the floor, went in search of my friend, who literally fifteen minutes ago, zealously shouted at me.

Riley was in the living room. She folded her head on her knees, covering it with her hands. Her body swayed slightly from side to side. It looked like she was mentally ill. She suddenly laughed hysterically with tears in her eyes, making me flinch with fright.

“Riley? Are you okay? “ I went to the girl, gently putting my hand on her shoulder.

“I noticed this patch on the news every time they showed their people. He will come for her. Where did you get it?” the brunette raised her head, and I saw her tear-stained misty eyes.

It was very strange for me. No, don't think that I didn't see people cry... It's just that the first time I saw Riley in tears. She was always cheerful. We were completely opposite to each other. It’s even a little strange that two different girls became best friends. Riley always pulled me out of the house to some kind of parties. If not for her, I would have died of boredom. Riley never liked to sit in one place. She constantly came up with different fun. There was always a smile on her face, which made me very surprised.

Once I asked her: "Why are you always in such a good mood?"

To which she answered me: “You don’t need to spoil your life by the fact that you will be sad for most of it. You need to live it as best you can.”

I sat down on the sofa next to the girl and put her in my arms. “Riley? What's happening?”

“Where did you get your jacket?” the brunette got up and took the jacket by the edge of the sleeve, as if she was disgusted with her.

“The guy gave it to me yesterday, and they also agreed to take me to your house. But they were some kind of gloomy guys, they didn't inspire anything particularly good.”

“What are you crazy?” a moment and my cheek burns from just received a slap in the face.

I stared at my friend, replaying this story in my head. My cheek began to throb with the impact. I swear she blushed a lot.

“Sorry, forgive me.” The anger in her eyes changed to sympathy.

She came up to me and hugged me, kissing my injured cheek.

“Sorry, I'm on my nerves right now. Hit me instead. ”She pulled away, exposing her face.

“No, I will not do it. Why are you nervous about this guy?” I took the jacket in my hands and gently laid it on the chair, when the second held on to the cheek.

“I thought that during these three days you will not deal with them, but ...” the girl went to the jacket, tugging at her sleeve.

A small "Darkness" sign appeared on the left side.

“What is it?”

“London is not what it used to be. This gang has it in their hands. Our area is ruled by "Darkness".

“What the hell are you talking about?” it could not be true, unless it was some kind of invented story.

“They kill, they kidnap. They should be feared. They're dangerous, Hailey. ” Riley's voice cracked and she walked to the window, looking out onto the street. “On the news, they are daily notified of their robberies.

So I was right after all? They are robbers.

I sat down on the sofa, leaning back against the back. There was deathly silence in the room, only heartbeats broke it. Each thought about his own. I think Riley is exaggerating. Why don't the police put them in jail? This is their job.

“They are here!” the scream deafened the whole apartment.

I turned my head sharply towards my friend. She quickly closed the curtain on the window and ran to the front door. There was a clatter, which meant Riley was locked.

I got up and went to the window. Looking down, I saw four guys in jackets and one without her. One exactly the same is now lying here on the chair.

I frowned, turning my attention to the leather jacket. Returning my gaze again to this four, I was plunged into shock. The guys were looking right at me. Blue eyes met mine, and I realized that this was the same guy. He was without a jacket. He came for her.

The gang entered the house. I ran headlong to my friend. Something inside me still could not believe what was happening, it seemed like nothing more than minor local hooligans from the university, who were built on the fact that everyone knew about them and held in authority. As a matter of fact, it was once at my school, and at the university, in principle, the same.

“Riley! I recognized him! He saw me! They're coming here!” my heart was pounding wildly, and my knees literally trembled, because the girl's fear completely passed onto me.

“Damn, it’s better if you leave.” Get out of the apartment and run to the roof, and I will detain them. After ten minutes, run from the house and leave this city so that they don't find you. ”The girl took my hand and led me to the front door.

“Wait, it can't be all that serious. And what will you do? And the jacket?”

The girl ran away, but returned at the same hour with a leather jacket in her hands. She threw it to me, and I successfully caught it.

“Throw your jacket on the stairs, and I'll call you when this shit is over.”

I opened the door and went out onto the landing. Closing the door behind me, I turned to run, but ...

Blue eyes looked straight into mine.

It can't be all that serious, can it? Are they just minor local hooligans, or are they not?

"I told you that we will meet again," the guy smiled sweetly and took his jacket.

I clung to it so tightly from fear that it seemed he did not take it, but simply tore it out. Although there was a smile on his face, I perfectly saw in his gaze those very demons that were galloping madly. And precisely because of this, goosebumps ran through my body.

"Has Riley already told you about me?"

" Who?" How could he know her name, or did she not tell me everything?

"No," I straightened up and looked at the guy, trying to remain as calm as he was.

"Nice, there will be a reason to meet."

His blue eyes quickly found mine and he accepted the game. An enigmatic grin appeared on his face.

Maybe Riley was wrong? In my opinion, he is an ordinary guy. I don't think he is capable of anything criminal. I really tried to calm myself down in various ways.

"I gave you the jacket, what else do you want from me?"

“Perhaps you,” the guy said firmly and grabbing my wrist, pulled me down the stairs.

"Hey, let me go! I'm not going anywhere with you!"

I panicked, trying to break free from his grasp. Strong hands gripped mine tightly.

"I will shout and people will call the police, and then all of you will be jailed! So, choose or ..." but I did not have time to finish, as the guy stopped and laughed loudly.

I was amazed at this behavior. I do not have time to monitor his mood. It changes too quickly.

“I don’t even remember that someone managed to make me laugh like that,” he calmed down and again pulled me down the stairs.

"Help! Let me go!"

The blond turned sharply and pressed me with his body against the wall. I fell silent, afraid they would move. He closed his eyes, breathing loudly.

Again, his mood changes too quickly.

It's scary to think what he might do the next second.

My heart began to beat a clear, rapid rhythm. We need to run. It will not lead to anything good.

"Riley!" I screamed, trying to shout to my friend, to my only salvation. "Riley!"

“She’s not stupid enough to cross my path."

He opened his eyes and instead of a blue iris was dark blue, which drove me into a stupor.

"Steve, get her in the car!" shouted the guy in an angry tone.

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