Chapter 3
Silent tears flowed down Iris's sad face, crying with the woman that is subduing herself to the extreme pain that King Evander is unleashing on her body.
When the woman’s cries finally went silent and the King’s voice turned to deep breathing, Iris quietly opened the wardrobe doors a bit and peeked through them, and saw that they are both sleeping.
Iris quietly sneaked to the bedroom door and slowly opened it a bit to check if there are any guards, realizing, ‘they must all be looking for me.’ Iris ran as fast as she could to the grand staircase and started to descent at a rapid speed when she tripped and tumbled the rest of the way. Iris managed to stop her tumbling descent and willed herself to take it a bit slower as she made her way down the rest of the stairs. The castle doors were unmanned, “he must be really desperate to find me, no not me, the princess.”
Iris ran and hid whenever she saw someone and soon, she found herself outside the kingdom. Iris slipped into the darkness. As she made her way over to her family home, she wondered how she was going to explain herself, ‘will the princess be there in my body?’
On her way there she passed people on the streets and came to a halt in front of a few kids, hurdling together, trying to keep warm. Iris took the beautiful bedsheet that she has been using as a cape off and wraps it around the kids, “there we go.”
“Princess Cerena Valentine?” one of the kids exclaimed.
“Shhh,” Iris silenced them.
“Please do you have food? I bet there are lots of good food at the castle. I am so hungry,” the kid said.
“Me too,” another said.
“My sister died yesterday from hunger, we ate the little bit of flesh of her bones, but it was so little,” one of the kids said, holding up his arm, “see, there is hardly anything left on our bones.”
“I, I,” Iris couldn’t find the words, tears formed in her eyes, thinking, ‘I should go back. They should not have to resort to eating each other. The King will punish me.’
“Why are you crying?” one of the kids asked.
“Come, let us go get you some food,” Iris held out her hands.
“Really?” the first kid jumped up.
Iris took two of the kid’s hands and they start to walk back towards the castle. One of the kids looked back to where they were sitting, “I will bring you some food,” he called out to his younger brother.
Iris looked back and then stops, “I will carry him.”
The boy was so light that it took no effort from Iris to carry him.
“There is the princess!” the first guard yelled when she got spotted.
The guards stormed Iris and the kids and started to rough handle her.
“If you touch me again, I will see to it that my finance ends your life,” Iris used the only weapon she thought she had.
The guards stood down, not sure what to do.
“Now gather as many people as you can and bring them to the castle,” Iris ordered them but they don’t move.
“I am your future queen, and you dare to disobey me?” Iris spoke with authority.
The guards sprang into action and started to gather people to go with them to the castle.
One of the guards went ahead to inform King Evander what is going on.
“Your majesty, sorry for disturbing you,” the guard said, calling from the partly open bedroom door.
“You better have news on the princess,” King Evander said, sitting up.
“We have, she is on her way back, but she is demanding we bring as many people as possible to the castle,” the guard said, filled with fear.
“What? Why?” King Evander asked, standing up and pulling on an embroidered nightgown.
“I think she plans to feed them,” the guard said.
“I won’t have filth in my castle,” King Evander roars.
“Don’t just stand there! Get the food from the kitchens and take it to the courtyard before the people come inside, they can eat outside,” King Evander said, walking out.
King Evander got to the castle doors just as Iris arrived with the kids and one-half dead in her arms.
“Put him down,” King Evander ordered her.
“No! They need care and food!” Iris stood her ground.
King Evander gave big strides over to her, making the little ones around her runoff. He grabbed her by her hair and bent her neck so that she faces him, looking up, “put him down or I will kill all of them.”
Iris bent her knees, carefully putting the child down, King Evander still holding on to her hair.
“Feed them outside,” King Evander ordered before dragging Iris away by her hair, “I think you are ready for me to keep my promise to you.”
“I am,” Iris said, hoping that the rumors about the princess were true and that she is not a virgin.
King Evander was shocked by her words and stops, yanking her head to face him, he finds her eyes, fierce, making him forget what he wanted to say.
“You smell! Get cleaned up and come to my room,” King Evander said after releasing her hair violently with a little shove away from him.
“If you are not in my room within the next hour I will kill your subjects right in front of your eyes, starting with the kids,” King Evander said, even though he knew he will not do it. The rumors about him are mostly to scare other kingdoms. Just as the rumors about King Evander are only partly true so are the rumors about the princess. Her parents had the rumors spread far and wide in hope that it would put King Evander off so that he will no longer pursue their daughter or their Kingdom.
Iris founded herself following two servant girls to what she assumes was Princess Cerena Valentine’s room.