Dominic’s P.O.V.

I came out of my limo and straightened my back while buttoning the black three-piece suit that I had worn tonight for the Gala. The gala had a dress code and it included a black suit. I hated wearing black now because she always said that I looked more handsome in black colour. I hated these kinds of social events where everyone showed their fake concern for everyone. I hated all those fake smiles and all those women converted into fake dolls covered with tons of make-up. I went straight towards the main entry gate. The server stood there welcoming the guest bowed at me and I just tilted my head a little in gesture. I knew that I didn’t mean to show these kinds of small gestures to these people but she always said to be polite towards them and they would give you their genuine gesture. Before what happened five years ago, I never bothered all those things but in the last five years, I had noticed that she was right. Whenever I acknowledge their respect towards me, they always smiled genuinely which is rare to see in this harsh world.

I went inside and looked for the person whom I only wanted to meet. I found the couple talking with some businessmen in a corner. I strode towards them with confidence that I always ooze. “Hey… you came”, I heard Sara’s a bit sweet voice coming towards me but didn’t look at her. I didn’t need to. She tucked her hand in my arm but I didn’t pay any attention to her. She didn’t need my attention. “How I am looking?” she asked me during our walk. “As usual”, I responded in the same cold tone without even looking at her.

“You didn’t even glance at me”, she complained in whispers. I didn’t bother to answer her. “Mr Mayor, Mrs Mayor”, I greeted them with a small smile. The couple looked at me and excused themselves from the businessmen. They were a sweet couple in their fifties. I could see the adoration for each other in their eyes whenever I met them. “Mr Dominic Whitemore, you are late”, Mrs Mayor complained while coming towards me with raised hands. I smiled and removed Sara’s hand from my arm and went towards her. She gave me a motherly hug and I reciprocated the gesture with a genuine hug. Mrs Mayor was still beautiful and elegant and always carried a motherly aura around her. She gave me good vibes and she was the only woman who could touch me without my permission. I rarely met with her but she always gave me the warmth of a mother that I never got from my mother.

“How are you, son?” she whispered into my ear before releasing me from her hug. “I am fine”, I mouthed and she gave me a curt nod. “Thanks for coming, Dominic. I am expecting a handsome amount like you from you”, she smiled playfully and I gave her a curt nod. “Of course, ma’am. You can count on me”, I passed the gesture. “Meet me after the gala, Dominic. I need to discuss something with you”, Mr Mayor asked me and I nodded once in agreement.

“Enjoy the party, son… but don’t go away”, Mrs Mayor gestured me to take a drink from the server. I took a glass for myself and sipped the wine from the glass. They excused us when someone else came near to them. I moved away from them towards the other side. “What the hell was that, Dominic? You didn’t introduce me to them. It was so awkward to stand there without being introduced”, Sara yelled at me in whispers again. I scoffed and then moved away from her towards the person who was standing with a woman in a corner. She was blonde and a smile crept on my lips. He always had a thing for blondes and as the saying goes, bad habits rarely change. “Dominic, wait”, I heard Sara behind me but didn’t stop for her. I knew her purpose in coming here and she could take care of her on her own.

“Gorden”, I greeted him with a playful smile on my lips. He looked at me and then rolled his eyes. “Dominic”, he greeted me back in a flat tone. “Mr Whitemore… nice to meet you again”, the girl looked at me and greeted me. The way she greeted me made me give her a look. She was a fine woman. She has worn a beautiful evening gown in an emerald colour that was enhancing the emerald colour of her eyes. Her eyes made me remind her. “Ms Spears… how are you?” I greeted her with a small gesture. “You two know each other?” I heard Sara again. I looked at Gorden who was now looking piss. Even the tone of Sara made Ms Spears jerked her head backwards while looking at her from head to toe.

“Samantha… can I get you something to eat if you are hungry?” Gorden asked the lady in a sweet voice and she smiled at him. “I am starving”, she gave him a flirtatious smile and the corner of my lips twitched. Gorden cleared his throat and then looked at me awkwardly. “I am going to get you something for you”, he said and excused herself. It was clear that he was bothered by Sara’s presence and why not. He hated her through the deepest depth of his heart.

“I heard that you have bought Moore Inc”, Ms Spears started the conversation totally ignoring Sara. “Well… it seems the small world. The news spread quickly”, I said while sipping the wine. She giggled and then spoke again, “Moore brothers are good friends of my father. In fact, you can say that they have seen me grow”. I nodded at the information that she gave me. “You won’t believe but Mr Xander Moore has always treated his employees as his own children. He is strict and dominating but sweet and caring at the same time. It is sad that he …. Never move on his wife’s death and”, she paused and the pain on her face told me that she was really concerned with the old man.

“I can understand, Ms Spears. Trust me I will take care of the company in the same way that he has taken care of. He is a nice person to deal with and I am sure that I will find a way to keep him attached to the company”, I said with genuine concern. I was taken aback when I saw a smile on her face but tears in her eyes. “I am glad that he has you now”, she said in a cracked voice. I didn’t answer her this time but I didn’t know what to say. Her concern for that old man was like a daughter’s concern for her father. It was rare for me to see these kinds of gestures among these power-hungry women present in this gala. But again…. Exceptions are always there.

We both heard Sara clearing her throat. “I have seen you somewhere. Where is it?” Samantha spoke this time while looking at Sara as if she was trying to remember her. I chuckled while looking down for a second and then smiled while looking at Samantha again. “Hi… I am Sara Sands… I am the commercial face of Whitemore & Whitemore”, Sara introduced herself and tucked her hand with my arm again. “Ahhaa… now I remember you. I have seen your hoardings all over the city”, Samantha beamed but the sarcasm in her voice was quite evident.

“This is for you, my lady”, Gorden interrupt us and Samantha moved towards him. He was standing behind her with a plate full of some salads. “Thanks, Gorden…. I think… we should sit now”, Samantha said while tucking her hand in his arm. “Of course… are you coming with us, Dominic?” Gorden asked me but I could say that he didn’t want me to come. “I am good and I have some people to meet… you two… go on”, I said while gesturing to them and they both nodded. Gorden mouthed me thank you and then we both went towards an empty table.

“What’s wrong with you, Dominic?” I was about to move when Sara pulled me towards her and this time I looked at her with cold eyes. “You are treating me like a stranger as if you don’t know me”, she said through her teeth. “Do I really know you, Sara?” I immediately questioned back. She was taken aback by my question and she blinked at me looking dumbfounded. “You are friendly with Gorden but ignores me … why?” she asked me in a low voice while lowering her eyes down. “Because he was the one who took care of her when I was not there for her. Because he was the one who knew where she is but never told me. Because he is angry with me for what I have done with her but stood beside me without any other intention unlike you”, I spat at her with all the bitterness that I had for her. Gorden Pierson was the only friend of her that she trusted the most and he proved that he worths her trust unlike me.

“Now if you excuse me… I have so many things to do… you can go ahead without me”, I moved back and stormed away from her as if she was a plague. For me, she was nothing but a plague that had destroyed my life completely.

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