Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I watched as the two conversed as if I weren't there right in front of them, and as they continued speaking, I wondered what Mr Kingston was talking about. Because whatever it was scared Thomas, and it was the first time I had ever seen my father scared of anything or anyone.

"Mr Kingston, let me lead you to the dining room so we can get started on dinner," Thomas said, guiding our guest to the dinner room while I hung his coat.

When I stepped in, Mr. Kingston was seated next to Thomas, and Katherine was seated next to him. Even though he had been unpleasant to me earlier, I immediately felt terrible for the jerk. Katherine always came on too strong to influential people, especially rich and attractive men like him.

"Mr Kingston, it's a pleasure to meet you; my name is Katherine," Katherine added, rubbing her breast into his arm, causing Mr Kingston's scowl to deepen.

"Katherine, please stop acting like a whore, he isn't interested in you judging by his disgusted expression," Alex said with a smirk on his face, causing Katherine to glare at him.

"Alex, you don't talk to your sister like that, Mr Kingston, I'm sorry for my children's behavior," Lillian said, giving him one of her fake smiles.

"I really don't care what they do, but Katherine please stay the fuck away from me, I'm really not in the mood for your games," Mr Kingston said bluntly, causing Katherine to glare at him.

"You aren't even worth the trouble," Katherine replied as Thomas' frown grew,

"Katherine, you will apologize to our guest." "But daddy, he was rude first, he should apologize," Katherine whimpered as a slight smile emerged on my lips, and Mr Kingston looked in my direction at that moment.

"Miss Sanders, you haven't said anything during dinner; do you have anything to contribute to this situation?" Mr Kingston questioned, his gorgeous green eyes staring at me. Even if he was a jerk, his eyes were very attractive.

"Mr Kingston, if I had anything to say, I would have said it by now," I said, knowing what I just said was going to get me punished by my father, but I couldn't let this asshole walk over me again.

"Hmm, that's an interesting answer Miss Sanders," Mr Kingston said, still watching me like he was trying to figure me out.

Then Delia entered the room with the main course just in time, allowing Mr Kingston to take his focus away from me, and the room fell silent as everyone delved into their meal. No one said anything until we finished the main meal, at which point Delia brought in the second course and went back into the kitchen.

“Thomas, I really don't have time for this, let's get to the real reason why I'm here," Mr Kingston said with a frown on his face which made me wonder if he ever smiled.

"Ha yes, honey, kids, this dinner is also a celebration," Thomas explained.

"Celebration for what Father?" "Your sister Tamara will be getting married to Mr Kingston," Alex inquired, turning his focus away from his food to Thomas while Katherine seemed uninterested as she fiddled with her phone.

“What!” Katherine and I said together.

"I said your sister will be marrying Mr Kingston."Thomas repeated, as dread fell over me, this must be a joke there was no way I was getting married to this asshole, I rather swallow pins,

"Father, there must be a mistake, I'm not getting married to him, we don't even know each other." I said, trying to come up with several reasons why this is a horrible idea.

“it is already final Tamara, you have no say”

“Daddy, how can you pick this ugly duckling over me?” Katherine whined,

“Your father didn’t pick her, I did, I would never have a girl like you for a wife” Damien said, causing Katherine to glare in my direction,

"Did you fuck him, slut? You've always been a whore, sleeping around," Katherine yelled at me, but I didn't care what she said; all I worried about was how I was going to get out of this marriage.

“Your sister didn’t fuck me like you put it, she was just the better candidate out of you two” Damien said fuelling Katherine anger.

“Stop acting like a drama queen dear sister, the man made a good decision,” Alex said laughing at Katherine. Katherine lost her cool throwing a glass cup in Alex’s direction who dodged it on time.

“Oh my gosh Katherine calm down, deep breathes, take deep breaths” Lillian said over and over again trying to get Katherine to calm down.

“Alex please stop trying to provoke your sister” Thomas said, clenching his teeth in anger, their picture perfect family was showing its true colors to a stranger which should make me happy but it didn’t.

I just sat there in shock after what my father had just said. I was never going to be free of them if I got married to this asshole, I looked in his direction and he was watching the commotion with an amused smile.

“Once your family has calmed down Thomas call me so we can talk about planning the wedding” Mr Kingston said standing to his feet walking towards the door, he stopped in front of me taking my hand in his placing a kiss on my hand causing a large scream to leave Katherine’s lips,

“Till we meet again my future wife” Damien said with a smile on his face but it looked forced as he stood up to walk away, this time Thomas didn’t walk him out it was Delia while I still sat there as different thoughts ran through my head.

“Tamara the news of your marriage broke my sister, that’s the funniest thing I have ever seen” Alex said standing to his feet, “I will be going to my room, oh Tamara congratulations on your marriage to the beast of the hotel empire” Alex said laughing as he walked out of the room going up the stairs to the first floor where id room was located.

“Father, how could you do this, I was meant to get married before that ugly duckling, she is nothing compared to me, how can he choose her over me? Can’t you change his mind father so I can marry him instead?” Katherine said finally calming down.

“Honey this is for your own good, that man is not a good man, he could hurt you” Lillian said as she ran her hands down Katherine’s hair, “What do you mean mother?” Katherine asked, “your father picked Tamara because he doesn’t want his precious daughter to get hurt, you are the future of the family” Lillian said.

“But he is a billionaire mother, this bitch is going to act like she is better than me when she gets married to him” Katherine said  but I was too stunned to care, they gave me to him because they didn't want Katherine to get hurt.

“So you don’t care if I get hurt, Father, you just gave me to the beast himself,” I said, coming out of my shocked state.

“Like I said you have no say, giving you to him was the only way to save the company” Thomas said,

“What do you mean save the company?” I asked

“The company is going through some problems and the only way to save it is if you get married to Damien Tamara, do you want the company your mother worked for to crash to the ground” Thomas said and he knew that he had me by the neck when he told me the second reason.

He knows I love that company too much to allow anything bad to happen to it, “why can’t we get a loan or something” I said trying to reason with him.

“Tamara there is no other way so stop defying me and accept your fate” Thomas said getting out of his seat  going to hug Katherine, “don’t worry honey I will get you anything you want just name it but I couldn’t let you get married to that asshole”

“I always knew you guys didn’t care about me but this is just cruel even for you father, I took the emotional and physical abuse knowing I could get out of here when I turned 24 but you just had to do this, you have no heart father” I said yelling at Thomas, at this point I didn’t care what he did to me.

“That’s it I have have had enough of your insolence, go to your room, you will be grounded for the next three days, you are to stay in your room and you will not receive food or water for those three days maybe after your punishment you will learn how to speak to me” Thomas growled but for the first time I didn’t care, I was to numb to care.

“That is nothing compared to what you are forcing me to do” I said, getting out of my seat to walk towards the staircase leading to the basement, not bothering to acknowledge any of them.

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