Read with BonusRead with Bonus



I was going through my phone as the driver drove me to a seafood restaurant I went to once in a while when I'm in the area then a message popped up from an unknown number, I opened the text and it was from Tamara my future wife tell me she had already arrived at the restaurant.

I couldn't even believe it myself that I was going to get married in a month so the idea of me getting married was a joke I still can't get over but it was something I had to do to keep my company away from that idiot I call a half brother.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the driver came to a stop in front of the restaurant, he made sure he car was packed properly before he got out of the car to open the door for me so I could get out. Once I got out of the car I turned to him, “you can head back to the office once I need you, I will give you a call” I said before I walked into the restaurant, “Welcome to the Oceanside do you have a reservation” the woman at the front desk asked as she smiled waiting for my response.

“yes, under the name Kingston my guest should have arrived already, her nsme is Tamara Sanders” I responded as recognition washed over her, “oh Mr Kingston, I'm sorry for the mixup, right this way, she arrived thirty minutes ago” the lady said as she guided me into the VIP section of the restaurant and my gaze fell on a very familiar red head, her hair was packed into a ponytail but few strands fell across her face, her lips were left bare making her face look more natural than it did on the day we first met.

When her gaze landed on me she got up to her feet, no emotion showing on her face, my gaze scanned her body and she was dressed in a simple black dress which did nothing but hide her figure, she looked quite plain standing there looking like a lost sheep surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves, when I reached the table she was seated at looked up at her with a smile “hello Tamara, I hope getting here wasn’t a problem?” I asked pulling up my seat as we both took out seat then the lady at the front desk said before walking away to usher other customers to their seats, “your waiter will be right with you”. When the lady had left our table Tamara now turned to face me answering my question.

“I was close by when i saw your text, so i decided to come and talk about this farce of a marriage" Tamara said in a brief tone, I could sense from her posture that she was uncomfortable and didn’t want to be here, well so did I, “now lets get down to business, I called you here to get to know you because we will be getting married in a month’s time and you will also be meeting my family in a few weeks time for the engagement party” I said causing her yo look at me shock written all over her face, "what, no one mentioned meeting your family, I thought this was going to be kept a secret" Tamara asked.

"Well, you don't have to think, I will do all the thinking, you just have to behave like a proper fiancee till we get married and after we get married you will also behave like a proper wife till you and this marriage out do its usefulness, after that we will get a divorce so you and I will be free of each other and we will never cross parts again" I said causally causing Tamara to glare at me.

"I might be paying for my father's mistakes but you don't get to treat me like trash, you can dispose of when you get tired, I'm a human being do grt that into that manner less brain of yours" Tamara said while her glare was still directed at me.

"Before we start this charade, you should a few things about me, first I don't like disrespect in any form even if you are going to be my wife, second you don't talk to me like that, I'm the one with cards so you need to learn respect and finally never I mean never tell me what you feel because I don't give a fuck how you feel, I own you and your family so behave" I said feeling trying to control my annoyance at the lady seating in front of me. Silence fell between us then Tamara spoke up again making me groan quietly as she stared at me with a raised brow.

"why did you even choose me in the first place, we both know you don’t want to get married to me” Tamara asked out of the blue causing me to frown slightly, “like I said when we met you where the better option for this marriage and whether I want to get married to you or not, doesn’t matter, this marriage is happening whether you like it or not” I said watching her still now she wasn’t showing any emotion, she just held a blank expression.

I have always been able to read people but when it comes to her, I can't even get anything, she is just like a blank canvas, no one is able to control their emotions which makes me wonder what this lady has went through for her to be able to control them so well.

“better option, spare me that bullshit, you picked me because you can control me and not Katherine, don't worry I know I don't have a say whether this marriage happens or not my father has already chosen and going against him isn't an option ,” she said with a scowl on her face.

“most women in your position will jump at the taught of marrying a billionaire and I’m sure you aren’t any different Tamara, all women are the same," I said with a smug smile hoping for some kind of outburst but she kept her cool but her scowl deepened.

“sorry to burst you bubble Mr Kingston, but I would rather swallow a box of pins than get married to a egotistical and arrogant, asshole like you, I’m only doing this because of I have no other way of getting out of this marrige” She said but before I could respond the waitress came over wanting to take our orders,the waitress gaze fell on me and a smile made its way to her face, I’m sure she knew who I was, the waitress was beautiful no doubt and should be more accommodating than the woman sitting in front of me.

“what will you be having sir” the waitress asked in a sultry voice as she leaned in a bit giving me a glance at her cleavage, “we will be having the Pan Seared Halibut with Lemon Dill Sauce with a bottle of pint noir, that will be all” I said but Tamara cleared her throat as both our gazes fell on her waiting for her to speak up.

“i won’t be having what the gentleman just ordered” she said and her scowl was gone, she had a neutral expression while staring at the both of us. “and why is that” I asked with a raised brow. “if you actually bother to ask what I wanted instead of ordering for me you would have found out I’m allergic to seafood and I don’t drink, Mr Kingston”.

“hmm I see, well what will you be having because this place serves mostly seafood, Miss Sanders” I asked causing her to look up at me still she wasn't showing an emotion.

“i will take the stuffed chicken breast with lemonade thank you and please refrain from flirting with my fiancée, not that i care but it's just rude” Tamara said as shock and embrassment registered on the ladies face, as she quickly wrote down our orders before mumbling an apology and walking away.

“Jealousy doesn’t look good on you dear wife” I said with a smug smile as the thought of her getting jealous over the waitress flirting but what she said next crushed an smug feeling I had. “don’t flatter yourself Mr Kingston, I would never get jealous over your adoring fans but please refrain from responding to their advances while I’m around you, you can do it behind my back for all I care, I will never except you to be faithful to me, this is a contract marriage after all” I watched her as she said all that with a straight face, something about her nonchalant attitude towards my unfaithfulness was kind of irritating.

“that’s what all women say till until their husbands cheat and they start acting up, after giving him the go ahead to cheat telling him they don’t care in the first place” I said with a mocking smile but she still kept on that neutral expression which was fuelling my irritation, does this woman show any emotion other than this disinterested look, I wandered.

“you will find out along the way that I’m not like most woman you have met, so don’t put us I the same category, remember you asked for my hand in marriage even if it is under such circumstance not the other way round, Mr Kingston”.

“we shall see Miss Sanders, if you aren’t like other women who only go after men who have money such as me, yes they have a name right, we call them gold diggers,".

"are you a gold digger, Miss Sanders?,” I asked when i taught about what her father did,her scowl returned and she was glaring at me also, now I noticed a bit of anger in her eyes which made me smile she wasn't a robot after all. “i’m not a gold digger as you put it, Mr Kingston like I said I didn’t choose to marry you my father did, I rather end this sham of a wedding right now so we don't get to see each other ever again” she said with a bit of anger in her tone.

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