Read with BonusRead with Bonus



“hmm, we will see about that” I said as the waiter walked up to our table with out meals, placing each plate and drink on the table she walked away but I noticed she a piece of napkin with something written on it by the side of my plate, I took the napkin and brought it to my knee’s I opened it up and saw a phone number written on it, “call me” was also written in bold letters at the top, a smile made it’s way to my lips as I looked up to find Tamara’s angry gaze on me.

“seriously show some respect, even if you don't have any manners,please for the sake of my sanity act like you do” with that said she went back to her meal, my irritation came back as I grabbed unto her hand squeezing a little, "I told you never to speak to me in that manner again" I said but the anger in her eyes was gone and it was replaced with fear, "let go of me right now, or I will scream bloody murder" she rushed out as I immediately let go of her hand pulling back shocked at her response, did my eyes deceive me or did I mistake her anger for fear, no I wasn't wrong, the fear in her eyes when I grabbed her was real.

I got lost in thought thinking about what had just happened and her reaction to me grabbing unto her hand as we both continued eating in silence, then a few minutes later during our meal loud noises were coming from the restaurant, and it got louder with time. “can’t the security do a better job and keep the trash out” some lady said as she got up from our table to see what the commotion was about, then every other person sitted in the vip room also stood up to see what the noise was about inculding Tamara and I.

An older man was holding a younger boy by the neck and a woman who looked like one of the kitchen staff because of how she was dressed was on her knees begging the man to let go of the boy, I didn’t even know when Tamara left my side, she took steps towards the man, when she was right infront of him she spoke up.

“can’t you see you are hurting the boy, I’m sure what ever he did doesn't deserve this kind of treatment, sir” she said as the man turned to her anger evident in his eyes, “you should mind your business bitch and go back to wherever you came from”the man said angrily as he held on tighter to the little boy’s neck making him gasp for air as he struggled in the man’s hold.

“i see talking won’t work with you, maybe I should call the police and they will solve this issue, because this is definitely looks like child abuse from the way I see it, you could go to jail for a very long time” she said.

The man looked up at Tamara with a scowl on his face, “this boy stole from me, I can’t find my watch anywhere, do you know how much it cost?, so until he tell me where the watch is, I won't let him go he can pass out for all I care” the man said as tears kept falling from the boy’s eyes and the woman on her knees was still begging the man but he turned a deaf ear to her pleas. “Sir please let go of my son, he would never steal anything not to talk of taking your watching, he is not a thief” the woman said tears clouding her eyes.

“then why was he here in the main resturant if it wasn’t to steal” the man yelled at the woman who drew back in fear, “if you are so curious, lets ask the boy then, let go of his neck, he needs to be able to breathe to tell us why he was in here” Tamara said as she waited the man let go of the boy tapping her feet on the ground, the man looked around everyone gase was on him so he had yo let go of the boy.

She got down to her knee waiting for the boy to catch is breathe before talking to him, she gave him a small smile, “hey little one, I’m sorry you had to go through that but I have to ask you what you where doing in the resturant when your mother wasn’t with you” she asked the boy, he turned to look at his mother, she nodded with a tear stained face as he turned back to face Tamara.

“i was just trying to help my mother to pack some dirty dishes, then the mean man grabbed me by the neck when the women sitting with him told him I was the one who took the watch he was looking gor but I didn’t take anything, I wasn't anywhere near thier table, she lied to him” the boy rushed out tears clouding his eyes,

“you little brat, not only did you steal my watch but you are calling my girlfriend a liar” the man yelled angrily  as he approached the boy wanting to grab him again but Tamara stepped in between them stopping him in his tracks.

“it’s okay little one I believe you” she turned to face the boy not moving from where she was, “it better you move away, or you will get hurt lady” the man said fuming in anger, “you are just a piece of trash, not only do you hurt kids but you also put your hands on woman too”, she said as a small smirk appear on my face she got some balls I will give her that.

“what did you say” the man asked in anger

“are you slow or just stupid, i called you a piece of trash what are you going to do about it, hit me, come on do your worse but I will have you on the ground before you even take three steps towards me” she said with a smile but the stubborn man still appoached  her. I was about to step in when she hit him in the neck keeping her promise as the man fell to the ground gasping for air, "it hurts doesn't it, now you know how the boy felt".

“i will sue you for assault” the man managed to say still gasping for air, “goodluck with that,now that you are calm, look under your table, isn’t that your watch laying there” she said as everyone in the room turned to look at where she was pointing at, and truly the watch was right there under the table.

She turned to face the girlfriend of the rude man glaring at her“before you make accusations, make sure they are true, false accusation might get you or someone else killed” she said as she brought out her phone dialling a number. It seems like the person she called picked up because she placed the phone on her ear.

“good afternoon, Sam, yes I’m fine and you, I’m at a restaurant called Oceanside there is a case of assault on a child, can you please send some police men over immediately, thank you” she said as she ended the phone turning to face the man who had caught his breathe, “the cops are on their way”.

“you can do something right, the cops will take the boy away” the man said as he got to his feet, “you have things all wrong, I called them for you and not the kid, he did nothing and you physically assaulted him so you will answer to the cops when they arrive” she said with a small smirk on her face.

"Men like you think you can prey on the weak just because you are rich, the world will be better without men like you". She said but she sounds like she was talking from experience because her tone sounded distant.

"He must have dropped it there, I'm sure He took it, right honey" the man said frantically as he turned to face his girlfriend, she looked away guilt evident in her eyes, "back me up, you told me you saw him take itm tell them" the man half yelled making his girlfriend flinch.

The girlfriend turned to face the little boy going to her knees, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have blamed you, can you ever forgive me" she said as she looked up at the mother too, "what are you doing, get up, he stole it, right, you said he did, he must have taken it" the man kept repeating.

"Just shut up, the boy didn't take it, i was so scared that you would hit me that i just mentioned the first person I saw and he was the unlucky person" the girl yelled taking a step back as I noticed the anger in the man's eyes.

"You bitch, you were always usually, you don't think, fucking idiot" the man yelled as Tamara spoke up again, "that's enough, she made a mistake but you have to physically hurt the boy to get what you want, You are the one taking most of the blame here, she is at fault to but you are the guilty one here".

"Mind your business bitch" the man said as he turned to face Tamara, "this is all your fault nosey bitch" he raised his hands to hit her causing her to flinch so I stepped in, "you really don't want to do that" I said as I walked out of the crowd of people towards Tamara would gave me a relieved look.

"If you put your hands on my fiancee jail will be the less of your worries" I said as I took Tamara's hands in mine, "are you Okay honey, always protecting everyone that's in trouble around your,that's why I love you " I said placing kiss on her cheeks before turning to face the man again then two cops stepped into the restaurant, one of them's gaze fell on Tamara and her eyes lit up.

"Sam, thank God you are here, this is the man that assaulted that little boy" she said as she wrapped around him giving him a hug, "all those involved will be taken to the station so we can clear things up" Sam said as he pulled away from her giving her a small smile which made me angry for some reason

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