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Chapter Three

Anna watched James dragged his had through his already tousled brown hair . She sensed his puzzlement , his depending dread. He shoved his hands into his pockets ''One of my clients is missing .We rescued her and her son from her abusive husband and relocated the,. We do a weekly check-in. She's never missed a single call. Not once .Until last night.''

James trusted Anna's instincts .As a shifter , his senses were far stronger than a human's , and he was able to detect danger a lot faster, too .It was part of why he was so good at his job .''You went to her place today?''

''Yeah , No signs of a struggle in her home. I interviewed the closest neighbor , and she said she'd talked to Donna yesterday afternoon. I called the morgue and all the hospitals. No Jessica or John Does shown up''

''Well, no news is good news , right? What did Rafe and Mike say ?"

James looked away .''I didn't tell them .They're with their mated doing that couples retreat in New Mexico.''

Anna's stomach dropped. She and James had made those plans with his siblings. Three couples on a magnificent gateway .She'd completely forgotten about that trip. Leaving James had meant leaving the pearsons , including Amelia and Gretchmen.She missed them all so much, but her fears for James meant not having anycontact. Every sacrifice she made was worth it. If she saved James .Now , here he was , asking for her help.

She was torn .She couldnt leave a mother and a child in the hands of an abuser .Still , she was this the situation she'd been dreading ?She'd left James to protect him.Would helping him now lead to his death?

''Will you help me find Donna and Joey?''

Anna met James distraught gaze and left her heart squeeze.She resisted the urge to resist him, to wipe the sorrow from his brow.No matter how much she wanted to, for James sake ,she couldnt say no.She'd just have to figure out a way to protect him.

He flipped open his wallet and withdrew a small photo. It was a candid shot of a young brunnette and a boy who couldnt be older than four with the same eye color and same smile. Anna's anxiety grew. Helping James put him at risk , but not helping him....

She looked down at the photo of the mother and son , hugging and laughing .A happier day.

''Yes ,'' She said.

''I'll do it.We'll need to fo o to her home.Being sorrounded by their possessions will help me connect wuith them.''

''Thank you.''He tucked the photo back into his wallet.

She nodded.Please dont let him get hurt. she waved at James .''c'mmon.''

Anna let James to her upstairs bedroom and left him staring at the smouldering fire. She went into the small bathroom and changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt then brushed her hair. After she returned to the bedroom, she reached for the overnight bag in the armoire, placed it on the bed and opened her dresser drawers, looking for necessary items .She filled the bag with jeans , sweaters and other clothing essentials .

James sat down on her besd , and in the dim firelight ,Anna saw the shadows under his ees and his unshaven jaw.Even tired , her ex-fiance was incredibly handsome.

Anna zipped up the bag.''You need to rest ,James .We can start fresh in the morning.''

He turned a sthough he planned to lie down.Her heart skipped a beat .Oh , If only she could slide into his embrace and feel his skin against hers.

''Get yor bear butt off my bed .

You can have any room on this floor except this one.''

He stood up , stretching to crack his back.Then he looked at her.

''Why did you leave me?''he asked softly.

''And dont give me that bullshit about needing your space and us growing apart.''

''I do and we did.''She pointed to he door.


The next day,Anna waited for James to return from a morning trip into Coscow.Curled on a red-velvet settee in fron of the saloon's large picture window , she stared at the muck that had once been a dirt road .

She'd called Gran and told her about James and the missing family, so the older woman wouldn't worry about her.

The jeep appeared , easily conquering the mud, and James parkrd it outside the saloon.He jumped out of the vehicle .He wore confidence nearly as well as he wore those faded jeans.He also wore a thick brown sweater and hiking boots .Her gut clenched as longing wound through her. She missed sharing a bed with him, holding him, listening to him....

He entered the saloon and strode toward her.

''I got munchies and gassed up the car.''He stopped a out a foot from her , his gaze hungry as he took in her jeans and green sweater.She knew that look -like he was about strip her naked and rock her world .''Including a bag of chocolate kisses.''

Her heart fluttered as sheconsidered her world rocked.She pushed aside the impulse to wrap her arms around his neck and let him kiss her stupid .Instead, she asked , ''How are the roads?''

''Slow-going .It's good thing we're taking my jeep and not your Honda.''He frowned

''Cold front is coming in. That reinstorm last night ws just the first volley from Mother Nature . It's starting to snow. The sooner we leave, the better. It's almost noon.''

Anna stood and picked up her overnight bag.Chill seeped into her limbs.No, wait .Stop please.She limbs .No wait. Stop, please. She clutched the bag's nylon straps , feeling the material rub against her stiff fingers, she garbbed for the bit of reality.

Her vision blurred.

No longer safe, no more peace.

Cold, so cold.I'm outside .

Blinding snow. Ice everywhere.


''Run,''he yells.

I can't .I won't.

Then there are only screams .

And blood.

Anna blinked , but her vision remained cloudy.Someone gripped her arms an spoke to her .So cold...She shivered , her teeth chattering.

''Come back to me, Hope . C'mon sweetheart.''

The gruff-spoken words filtered into her consciousness.She clung to them like a lifetime. She was okay. She was fine. Then everything snapped into place , and Anna realized James had her by the shouldres , his scowling countenance inches away.

''Are you okay?''

She started at the movement of his lips then focused on James face. He looked pale despite his tan rugged features.

''I need to s-sit down, p-please .''

''You feel like ice .What the hell did yo see?'' He lowered her to the settee.

Anna shook her head , unable to speak.He grabbed a throw from the back of the small divan and wrapped it around her.His arms stayed around shouldres , holding the blanket in place.She couldn't help but enjoy the comforting weight of his arms .She selfishly leaned into his embrace, stealing as much of his warmth and strengthas she could.

The cold dissipated .Soon , her teeth stopped chattering , and she stopped shivering.Reluctantly she withdrew from James and shrugged out of the trow .His arms fell away, but his scent lingered around her. She felt his strength buoying her.She looked at him and saw the questions in his eyes.

''Sorry. That happens


''Since when?''

Since the first time I saw your death.

''C'mon , Anna .Tell me about the vision.''

She shook her head.''i dont know.It was too vague images without connections .Sorry ,James .It's not related to Joey or Donna .''

''Okay.But what was it related to?''

She shook her head again.''I dont know.''

He frowned , his gaze narrowing as he considerd her words. She'd always been a bad liar.She stood up, and grabbed her bag once more .

''Let's go.''

As soon the saloon was locked up, they got into Jame's jeep.As they drove away , silver Greek became , once again , a row of forgotten buildings .

''I like the saloon- and the town ,''

said James.

''I should've taken you here a long time aga.''she said, regret sof in her voice.''But I'm glad you finally got to see it.''

''I can see why you loved spending the summers here.''

Silence settled in the car .Only the soft swoosh of the heater and the occasional squeal of the windshield wipers interupted the quiet.

Snoflakes drifted from the gray sky, but Anna knew it was just the pre-show .Soon the winter storm would hit full force .They needed to get toTahoe before it did.

By the time they had traveled the winding road down the mountains and got into the highway .Anna felt drowsy .She yawned a couple of times.

''With this crappy weather , it's going to be a few hours before we get there.'' James said .''Why don't recite the sea and get some rest ?''

''What if you need me todrive?''

She asked as she pushed back the seat.

He galanced at her with a cooked eyebrow. ''I'll let you know.''

She heard his ligh sarcasm and resisted sticking out her tongue. For a moment , the she felt the old spark, the connection that had made them so perfect for each other.

Fool. she closed her eyes .Ther's no happily -ever-after for us.

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