Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Five.

That knowledge was agaony.

''We better walk,''Said James as he leaned against the rock . ''Surely , there's a ahous around here somewhere.''

''Okay.''She hoped down .Then she sneezed .

Jmaes drew her close , and checked her forehead.

She stared at him with raised brows. ''What are you doing?''

''Are you feeling okay ?'' he asked , releasing .''Not too cold, are you ?''

I'm freezing my ass off, James.

For once , I eny your ability to grow a pelt.''

He chuckled .''C'mon , walking will get your circulation going.''

As they trudged up the mountain,Anna felt the tentative touch of James hand.He grasped her gloved fingers and squeezed. For some reason their clasped hands made her feel better. They didn't speak but she didn't feel the feel the need for words . Cars were scarce walking to Toronto wasn't a choice . She kept in shape by running but that many miles up the mountain was beyond her physical appearance. If James shifted he could moved a little bit faster without her.

She cast her gaze and stopped

"James." She shouted excitedly.

"Look! a payphone."

"Are you serious? Those still exist ,

"You better hope so "

They jogged toward the phone , but their relief was short-lived . Anna looked at the destruction in silent disbelief. Someone has severed the receiver .

ÀThe only thing left was a silver cable hanging uselessly from the metal enclosure.

James cussed a blue streak of . He whiped around suddenly , startling her . "Now what ?"

Since James directed the question to the trees behind her , she didn't respond. He glared the forest as though the vandalism was his fault, snow fluttered on his straight nose and slunted cheeks . His hair curled around his shirt collar . She'd never known James to wear his hair long . She liked it. His gaze was shuttered ,keeping her out . James' eyes were not windows to the soul but opaque reflections.

Ah yes she thought . There's the bodyguard the one that shuts down on emotions and focused on going to

Ah , yes , she thought. There’s the bodyguard .The one that shuts down emotions and focuses on actions .

‘’Maybe I could hole up somewhere , and you could shift.You’d be able to cover more ground as a bear .’’

‘’I’m not leaving you.Not even for a second .’’

Yep .That’s what she figured. Anna trudged behind him , wiping a few tendrils of damp hair off her forehead .A fairy godmother or a magic lamp would come in real handy .She looked at the sky , hoping for a ray of sunshine or a silver blue , but only saw the ugly gray clouds and the constant barrage of snow.It was getting darker too.The sun was setting and soon , it would be night .The rhythmic sound of sticks and gravel crunching wetly under their feet reminded Anna of a commercial she had once seen on television .The advertisement consisted of people munching on chips to the tune of –

‘’Anna’’James cried out .Her head jerked up just as she heard the squel of tires on wet pavemt .She spun around , blinded by the bright lights of a large car speeding toward her.Before she cold open her mouth to scream , her body was flung to the ground.

Stones dug painfully into her back.She could barely breathe with the huge male body on top of her.

‘’James ?’’ She said into the shoulder plastered against her mouth .He didn’t answer and terror filled her.

Had the car hit him?Was he Okay?

Then she felt his hands stroking her hair.His entire body shook.She felt him slowly adjust his position until he could see her face.

The jerk driving the car hadn’t stopped .Hell, they hadn’t even slowed down.She could tell James was thinking something similar .His dark eyes were dtormy and his mouth a thin line.

Anna licked her lips nervously .

‘’James?I’m not dead.You can let me up.’’

He gave her a harsh look then pressed his lips against hers.Startled , she opened her mouth .He thrust his tongue inside, tasting her ntil she felt weak.Abruptly, he stopped.

‘’Don’t ever do that to me again.’’

He gave her another fierce look before he rolled off.

She sat up dazedly .He offered his hand , and she took it.Her knees felt wobbly as she stood , but James steadied her.She wiped mud off her jeans.

He plucked a twig from her hair and threw it on the ground.’’We should get going before anything else happens .’’Before Anna could answer , James began a brisk pace up the mountain .As she hurried to follow him she couldn’t help but notice the way his jeans tightened on his buttocks .He had such a cute ass.

She pered into the surrounding forest.A thousand eyes, brighter than the stars , seemed to stare at her from the branches.Tiny shockwaves dotted her spine, and she moved closer to James .He didn’t comment on her sudden appearance at his side.After what seemed like a century had passed , she touched his shoulder .’’Can we stop a miute? I need to catch my breath.’’

He nodded and led her to a large , brown rock that jutted out from a cops of trees .She sank onto its hard , rough surface and sighed gratefully .it felt like a soft mattress to her sore backside.’’How long have we been walking?’’

James glanced at his watch .’’Thirty minutes .Are you going to make it?’’

‘’Of course ,’’she lied .She didn’t feel like taking another step , but damned if she’d tell him.

‘’The air gets thinner the farther we go,’’he said.

‘’Walking uphill in this altitude isn’t exctly recommended exercise.’’

‘’Unless you’re a bearshifter.’’

‘’Yeah , well.There’s that.’’

A white Lincoln pulled up on the shoulder.Its headlights briefly blinded her before the driver turned them off.

She saw James frown .He crossed his arms over hs chest as he moved infront of her .She got on her knees and peered over his shoulder .’’What are you going to do, play chicken with that car?I’m laying odds on the Lincoln.’’

‘’What if it’s the same car that almost hit you?’’

Anna’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest,

‘’You think they’re coming back to finish the job?’’

The car window on the driver’s side caught her attention .The glass slowly descended .As Anna tried to see into the car, an older man with shocking white hair popped his head out.’’What the hell are you doing?’’the man asked in a gravelly voice.’’Don’t you know it’s snowing ? You can catch pneumonia in weather like this.’’

‘’I don’t see how it’s any of your business,friend ,’James said.

The old man raised a shaggy eyebrow then chuckled .’’Don’t see how, huh?For one thing , I have a car with a heater .It’s dry in here , too.’’

Anna hit James on the shoulder .

‘’We’ve been looking for a ride .Here it is.’’She punctuated the statement with a sneeze.

‘’Sounds like your wife is coming down with a cold, ‘’the man called out.’’I own a cabin rental place about five miles down the road.I’ll take you there , and you can use the phone to call whoever you need.’’

Anna stared at James , wondering why he was suddenly so indecisive .

‘’We’d appreciate your help , sire.’’

He finally said .He turned around and helped Anna off the rock .As they crawled into the back seat of the Lincoln, she sighed with pleasure. james enclosed her in his arms and pushed her head against his shoulder .She didn’t protest , but snuggled close. The thing about bear shifters, there were awesome huggers.

‘’My name’s James and this is Anna,’’James said.He tugged on one of Anna’s loose curls and heard a soft snore escape.She must have been more exhausted than she let on .’’I think she’s asleep.’’

‘’A little like that ?I’m not surprised .Personally ,I like ‘em with some meat on their bones .Now my wife-ther’s a fulsome woman. By the way ,I’m Jordan .How come you’re on foot? Did your car break dow? Wher is it?’’

James laughed .The man fired questions like a machine gun.’’We had an accident , and or cell phones couldn’t get signals .We were hoping to find a ride or a house.’’

‘’Ain’t nothing ‘round her , son.

You’re lucky I came along .Nobody’s travelling these roads –it’s getting dark and looks like this snowstorm is going into a full-on blizzard .So , where are you newlyweds headed?


‘’What makes you think we’re newlyweds?’’

Jordan caught James gaze in the rearview mirror.’’I’ve been in love with my wife ,Mary ,for forty years , so I think I can recognize the emotion by now.Did you know that there’s only one person fo you in the whole world ?Just one.Guess that amakes you and me lucky men.’’

James opened his mouth to deny being married to Anna , but he stalled his response.He wanted to be married by her , damn it .He tightened his hold around her shoulders and looked down at her.The familiar sense of comfort invaded him as he lightly kissed her fore head.He inhaled her lavender scent, floral and all Anna .James caught Jordan’s knowing smile in the mirror.

He’d been sincere in needing Anna’s help to find Donna and Joey.But wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to show her that they belonged together.

He wasn’t going to lose Anna.

Not again.


The drk sexy voice invaded her dreams .Someone tugged on her arms, but she resisted .Sh wanted to explore the sensual promises the voice seemed to hold .She snuggled closer to the warm body next her.

‘’Honey , it’s time to wake up.’’

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