Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Six

N,it’s not.’’she murmured .A whiskered chin brushed her cheek .Like a blossom opening to the sun , Anna opened her mounth and caught the lips connected to the voice .His mouth was warm ,wet.When his tongue touched hers , she moaned .Her whole body seemed to brn .The lips moved away and nuzzled her throat.

Anna slowly opened her eyes .The toasty conteneted feeling of her dream wold vanished as her gaze captured James ‘.His eyes were darker than the night that told of his desire .He cupped her chin and tasted her lips with a whispery touch.

‘’C’mon , sleepyhead .Jordan is waiting for us inside the house.’’

Anna allowed him to usher her out of the car .She had a weird feeling something had canged between them , but she wasn’t sure what .Snow slapped at them as they dashed across a small yard and entered an enclosed porch.The Cabin’s door swung open .A tiny woman with hair almost as white as moonlight ushered them into the house.

‘’Come in , come in.My goodness, I’m Mary , Jordan’s wife.’’She gestured for them to follow her and led them into a bright yellow kitchen.

‘’Sit and drink your cocoa .The cinnamon toast will be ready in a minute.’’

The woman flashed them a smile , then bustled around th room, removing plated from the cabinest and silverware froma drawer .

‘’You poor dears,’’she said as she worked .’’Walking in that blustery snow after wrecking your car .

Goodness, goodness.’’

‘’Ma’am , we just need to use the phone,’’James said.’’You really don’t need to go to all this trouble.’’

‘’You can’t use the phone ,’’she said with a dismissive wave.

‘’I can pay for the call.’’

‘’Oh dear me, no .’’the woman laughed as she put two plates onto the table.’’The storm has knocked the phones out .Cell towers are out , too.’’

Anna turned her attention to the buttered pieces of toast slathered with sugar and cinnamon and felt her stomach growl .She chose the most sugary piece and bit into it .

‘’This is the best cinnamon toast I’ve ever had.’’

James agreed and downed his first piece of toast in three bites .

Bears were known for their love of sweets , not for their delicate manners.

‘’On rainy days I used to fix cinnamon toast and cocoa for my daughter .but she’s grown now .In fact, she ‘s a new mother herself .I have a two-month old grandson ,Alex .’’Mary turned to Anna .’’Are you feeling okay , dear ?Jordan said you might becoming down with a cold.’’

‘’I’m fine , thank you.’’

Mary patted Anna’s hand .I’m sp glad .But I have a terrific recipe for chicken soup .I could whip up just in case.’’

‘’Well folks ,it looks like you’re out of luck,’’Jordan said as he walked into the kitchen .’’Radio says the rads to Coscow are blocked.

Blizzard’s going full force .Good news , though .Weather guy says it should be clear as a bell in the morning.’’

Jordan sat down at the table .’’Be glad to give you aroom.No need to pay for it seeing as how you’re already out a car.I can give you all a lift to Coscow in the morning- soon as they get the roads clear.’’

Out of the corner of her eye , Anna saw James shake his head .’’I had insurance on the car , Jordan and I insist on paying you for a room.We’ve already put you out enough .Do you think the phone lines will be connected again in the morning?’’

Jordan rubbed his chin .’’Maybe storm should let up by then .C’mon ,I’ll show you where the cabin is.’’

Anna felt her stomach drop to her knees .Could she stay in a one-room cabin with James?No.He’d seduce her or she’d seduce him ….anyway it happened ,they’d end up having hot sex. Huh .What was the bad part again?

She swung around to face James and lost her breath .Pure lust hit his gaze.She doubted she’d have enough time between the door closing and her clothes coming off to make a single protest.How was it possible they could do this…to each other ?

She knew he had just as difficult a time resisting the sexual impulses as she did.You’re inlove , ididot .What else do you think is going on?

They followed Jordan outside.He pointed to a cabin still visible in the blowing snow and handed James a key .The cabin was ten feet or so away.’’You need me to walk y’all out there?’’

No,sir.Than you.’’

Jordan nodded .’’It’s a bleak and cold night, but atleast y’ all have each other .’’And with those parting words , he returned to the warmth of his kitchen and his wife.

Tall trees blocked out the night sky, but the thick branches didn’t stop the snow from pelting them on their short walk to the cabin .But before they enetered ,Anna turned to james and found his head descending toward her .his lips claimed hers .His toungue inveaded her mouth , but he did gentle kiss and nibble her lower lip.She couldn’t stop a moan of pleasure from escaping .He released her shoulders and stroked her throat with his strong fingers .He tasted her earlobe.

‘’God ,I wasn’t you,Anna .’’he said in a heavy voice .His hands continued their search under her coat with feather-soft touches on her shoulders , arms and ribcage .He idn’t hesitate to cup her breasts and to lightly pinch the stiff nipples through her bra.

Anna gasped at the entirely too enjoyable sensations .She discovered her hands had slipped under his sweater , under his T-shirt to touch the curly hair on his warm chst .She felt his heart thumping erratically against her cold palms.

‘’James , what are we doing?’’

He garbbed her hand and lowered it his jeans .She closed his hardness , and he groaned, rubbing against her slender fingers.She wished she had the willpower to stop him .To walk away from the lust and…..the love she harbored for him.

Anna took a deep breath when James raised his head to look at her .His eyes were a black rivere of desire and his lips swollen from feasting on her.He touched her cheek.’’Let’s go.’’

Without another word , he led her the last few feet to the door .

She wanted James .

It was simple and as complicated as that. James inserted the key and opened the door.As they enetered ,Anna watched as he turned on the lights .A dial on the wall allowed the lights to be adjusted from dim to blinding , and ofcourse , Jamed chose dim .She shut the door and barely ahd time to take in the space before James back her against the wall , and placed his hands on either side of her .The gentle invasion of his tongue sent sparks of heat to the pit of her stomach.James stopped kissing her as he could strip off her coat and gloves .The sweater went next , followed by her bra .His gaze slid to her breasts .He leaned down and suckled one hardened nipple .Pleasure cascaded through her, and she moaned .He knw her so well .What she liked .What she didn’t .He moved to her other breast and gave it the same sweet treatment .Anna grabbed his shoulders and hissed out a ravaged brath .James lifted his head and gave her a dark sensuous smile.

He drew his forefinger across her cheekbone then tugged her lip.’’I want you.’’

‘’Really?I couldn’t tell .’’

‘’let me make a fire.’’He gave her a wicked gin .’’Although I like the one we have going right now.’’

She reached down for her sweater , bt he stalled the movement .’’Stay naked. Babe.’’

‘’You’ve always been such a romantic .’’

She watched as he went to the rick of wood next to the hearth.He bent over to gather a few pices , giving her a view of his rear .Every part of the man tempted her.She looked away from James and concentarated on the details of the cozy cabin .The main feature of the only room was the large oak bed , complete with bushy feather pillows and an old-fashioned quilt pushed against the east wall.To the left of the bed was a stone fireplace.Facing the fireplace was a comfy –Looking coach.A yellow afghan hung over the back.

Two doors were opposite the bed .Curious , she went and opened them.One led to aroomy closet , and the other to a tiny room closed , and the other to a tiny bathroom.

Anna closed the doors and went into a small kitchenette, which was located three steps away from the fireplace.Oak cabinets lines around a stove and refrigerator and were conveniently filled with assorted plates, glasses and utensils.

She heard the small whoosh of flames that signaled James had the fire going and left the kitchen , skirting the rather large bed .obviously the small cabin had been inteneded for couples who wanted romance. She sat down on the bed and sank into the soft mattress .From her cozy perch , she wanted James pile more wood into the hearth. The firelight bathed his face in gold , emphasizing the high angles of his cheeks .He was so handsome he took her breath away. Damn , her hands were trembling .

‘’Quarter for your thoughts ,’’James said interrupting her mental rumblings.

‘’A whole quarter ?’’

‘’Infalmatio.’’He grinned .’’You look sad,’’

‘’You think I’m sad?’’She leaned back on her elbows and thrust her breasts upwards .

‘’What do you think now?’’

He crossed the room in three steps and tumbled onto the bed with her.’’ feel good ,’’

He said, nibbling on her neck. She squirmed beneath him, her hands trying to get under his shirt .’’It yurns me on when you move like that ,’’he whispered in her ear.

Her heart missed a beat as he kissed the underside of her jaw then trailed a wet line on her collarbone.

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