Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter seven

The moon shone its ray in the ocean on exactly midnight as a royal maid swam through the city of Thetia with a diamond clamshell in her hands .She paddled her blue tail faster into a seaweed forest to hide from the patrolling royal guards .She shut her eyes with her breath caught up in her throat while trying to remain calm. Luckily for her, she used a vail to wrap her body for disguise .After a few minutes of waiting ,she stretched her head to scan the environment before swimming into her cave .

‘’Adella , where have you been? ,these royal people have overworked you this time .i won’t tolerate it .Did you forget you have a husband to get to.’’Adella sighed before showing him the diamond clamshell .’’Is that the royal jewel ,Adella this is treachery .You can be executed if found out.


He stated and she smiled.

‘’I know this isn’t just a jewel .We don’t have a clamshell jewel .We only have shells which contain imps .This is a child inside .I can feel the imps heartbeat but there is a problem .’’As soon as she said hat, her husband panicked .He swam on and forth in fear.He thought someone saw her face.

It’s not now you see it.No one saw me.It’s just that imp can only leave the shell if its parents magic come into contact with it. That must be why it was stored and forgotten in the jewel chamber .I wonder how to hatch it ‘’she said and pointed the diamond clamshell to the moon rays to see a better view of the glistening imp shell.

‘’Adella look.’’her husband said and to her surprise , the diamond clamshell sparkled extremely brightly as it began to open. Was the moon light really hatching it? She thought to herself asked who this little imp is.She covered the shell with a cloth and carefully swarm to the surface of the ocean .She removed the cloth and the shell light brightened everywhere .By the time the light subdued , she turned back her face and opened her closed eye. I her hand later the most beautiful imp ever to be born with moon silver and the red tail. Its hair shone dark greenish black like a null universe in hyperspace.The little imp opened her eyes and Adella’s heart melted .Such beauty she whispered as she moved her waist to cuddle the imp .’’Adella you are rebellious .If anyone finds you here you would be punished .And return the little wow .’’He paused as she showed him the baby ad his heart melted.

‘’She‘s so beautiful , what do you think we should call her? I think Vespar sounds nice since it links to a beautiful swimmer .’’the merman just watched the imp in awe .’’It suits her . Vespar,our beloved child.’’

Uvail had already forgotten his panic and fear as he watched the beauy .He instantly generated full love for her to be his little baby.Days passed by and he couples kept vespar indoors with home tuition .She was just too beautiful to be seen by the others They feared jealousy will make other mermaids haunt their only child.

‘’Where is my little rose .Jus look at me .I need help.’’

The little ip said and her mother gasped .Apparently Vespar was entangled by clown fishes that looked for different ways to bite her.

‘’Oh my shew away you rascal .get away’’Adella scolded and the fishes kept on tormenting Vespar .Adella looked at her daughter and narrowed her eyes at her .

‘’You silly girl ,did you take something of theirs ?’’she asked the reddishness tail imp who graoned .This little girl of hers can’t jst stay put at home.

‘’Come on mom .Iam still alone and I needed a friend so I uh well I uh .I borrowed thireggs .’’Vespar said in a squeaky voice and her mother gasped she couldn’t believe this.

‘’Give them back this instant ,rebellious angel .I’m really sorry for the inconvenience .’’She spoke and used eye contact to apologize to the clown fishes .

‘’Here you go ‘’the little imp said lazily with a sad tone and handed back the eggs to the fishes.

‘’Why can’t I have friends like everyone mom.Please just once,take me to the city square .’’Adella sighed , she knew it was her decision to keep that girl indoors her fear was eating her up and she decided to take her daughter out just this once.

‘’Alright , and just this once .don’t think of sneaking out like you did.’’The little imp face was plastered with excess out just this once.


‘’This is going to be fun ‘’Vepar swam ahead of Adella and entered her cave to decorate her neck and look classy .This would be hre first time going out without being scolded, after her parents and she was more han excited.

‘’Vespar , are you coming or not.i would leave you and just go.’’those words of her mom enhanced her into supere sped and in not less than a minute .Vespar swam panting infornt of Adella.The city of Thetia was extremely clean and beautiful, and the little imp marveled .She hadn’t seen anything as beautiful as this before. The caves were decorated with ruby and emerald and she wondered how the royal palace would look like.They entered the market place and lots of mermaids and mermans kept staring at her. This was the first time seeing her plus she was a breed never seen before.

‘’Welcome Adella ,what would you lie to order this time.’’ An old merman spoke and vespar stared at his features.

‘’The usual Samson ,this is my daughter I was talking about.Vespar this is Mr Samson .I always buy all my needed stuffs from him .’’Vespar responded not.All she did was slowly swim closer and sniffed Samson who suddenly became uncomfortable.

‘’Your face is so wrinky ,Let me help you.’’She said as she rubbed and touched her index finger, all over hisface.

Adella had no idea what was going on.She had warned her daughter not to practice magic out of the house .She apid less attention to that because the little imp sucked at magic .To her surpise,Samson no more had wrinkled falling face and gill .he looked young and all witnesses around gasped at her magic. Only a royal had a power of mgic .So was this little imp that Adella called her daughter .The frustrated mother realizd their suspicion and pulled Vespar to her side .

‘’Go home this instant and speak to no one on the way .Go hurry ‘’she whispered and scared vespar swam as fast as she could .She moved fast into the mist in the ocean till she sensed no one following her .

‘’Why did mother ask me to go home,where exactly I’m I? ‘’She said to herself as she scanned her surrounding .A fresh scent of lavener filled her nostril and it seemed familiar to her.She wiggled her tail and moved forward to trace it .She kept on sniffing till she reached a golden huge gate. Where is this place and why does it feel familiar ,she thought to herself and moved closer to touch the gate.

‘’Step aside . Who are you’’a make merman spoke and she lifted her head to see him sway above her .He had long blue hair with massive chest and a black tail.She had never seen a youth male imp before and her tail wiggled in excitement shich made him chuckle.

‘’What are you doing here strange looking girl .I have never seen you before and can you stop the shameless act of wiggling your tail ‘’he said and stared at her in a scanning mode.

‘’It happens when am curious ‘’she spoke and he brought his eye levl to hers .

‘’Who told you that lie .Ot only means your body yearns for a merman touch .Your body is curious about it.’’Vespar almost got chocked by his words ,he was such a pervert for teaching a youngster this.

‘’I’m too little to know this .try to be less a perv.’’ Her rebellious genes kicked in and he smiled .Something bout her fascinated him and he couldn’t stop himself from smilling.

‘’Go home .This is the royal treasurey and it’s forbidden to anyone to come close to the gate .You are pardoned but next time .I might not be the one guarding it.’’he cautioned her.

‘’I uh well actually I’m lost .’’she finally blurted out and once again he chuckled . All divisons in the kingdom of Thetia was known to all mermaids and merans , so how could she be ost .Was she really an outsider.He wondered and stared at her beautiful features. In his whole years of existence, he has never come across a gorgeous mermaid like this .He felt hypnotized.

‘’Can you take me home .’’She lowered her eyesight to the ground and asked the treasurey merman guard .He was still lost in admiring her beauty .

‘’Yes I can marry you.’’he replied and her face rose up in hurry .What was he talking about .She asked hit to take her home and he was speaking of marriage .Vepar was confused in reacting .Why did he say the m word that stare at her like that.Perhaps it was amistake.

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