Chapter Five

My mind wanders to my sister, as it always does when I have a moment to think about her. I wonder what sort of things her adoptive Fae family have her do on a daily basis. Is she getting any sort of schooling? Does she get to pick out her own clothes? Is she happy? I have no doubt that she has grown into a beautiful, strawberry-headed teenager.

One day, I will be able to see her again and ask all of these questions for myself, but I have no other option but to wonder for the time being. My chest aches longingly at the thought of being able to see her again, though a tiny part of my brain scoffs at the idea. It is nothing but a dream. A childish fantasy. You know Ascian will always find you, even if you did manage to find Alice and return to your realm, he would seek you out. You can never escape him.

Even worse than that, what if she doesn’t remember me? She was so young when we were abducted that it’s possible that she may have forgotten, or that her brain put up a wall in order to forget the trauma that she went through, blocking me out as well. Maybe she would be happier without remembering, but even so, I still made an oath to her that I would find her again, for better or worse. I will never back out of that promise. If she doesn't remember anything, I will jog her memory.

I don’t realize that I have been chewing my lip until I taste the copper of my own blood, breaking me out of my thoughts. I touch my fingers to it, surprised to see the crimson on my fingertips. Ascian won’t be happy if he sees the self-inflicted wound, even if it was an unconscious one. I press the sleeve of my sweater against my bottom lip, hoping to clot it before he returns.

Arcane wakes from her short nap abruptly, lifting her head towards the treeline beside us with a low growl. As if on cue, an ebony bird swoops down from the treetops and flies towards us, cawing once as if nears. I feel the black, beady eyes on me as it nears, crossing the estate in a matter of seconds.

I’m more worried about Arcane than the bird itself, grabbing onto the reins quickly before she lumbers to her feet, just in case she charges him. I place a hand on the scruff of her neck, trying to keep her calm as the bird descends with grace. As the raven lands, the feet that touch the ground are replaced by a pair of immaculate riding boots, and in the blink of an eye, the bird is completely replaced by Ascian.

His long, black hair matches the feathers of the bird that he just wore, and it shimmers in the sunlight as he tilts his head, folding his arms across his chest. “Well,” He croons, raising a perfect eyebrow and piercing me with his silver stare. “I was aware that you ignore my requests to stay away from the animals while I am absent, though I have yet to catch you in the act. You have poor timing today, Bela Bear.”

Arcane hisses at Ascian and attempts to lunge at him but I hold fast to the reins. She manages to drag me a few feet before I gain traction and pull her back, but Ascian strides towards me just the same, unfazed by the tiger’s contempt for his appearance.

“Oh my,” Ascian tsks, unfolding his arms as he approaches, holding them outstretched as if to welcome Arcane's tackle. “You have this beast outside on your own and cannot even control it? This is exactly why I forbid you from playing with them while I am gone. What if she hurt you?”

“I can handle her myself,” I say, just as Arcane lunges for Ascian again to prove me wrong.

This time, he is within her reach and I don’t have the strength to hold her back at this proximity. She swipes at him with her giant claws, but he reaches out to snatch her paw midair, without breaking his gaze from me. In a fluid motion that my eyes barely register, he twists her onto her back with ease and continues past her to meet me where I stand.

Now that he is close enough that his scent overtakes my sense of smell, he reaches out a hand to caress my face, running his fingers through my curls. “I can see that,” He says, his voice low and filled with humor. His breath tickles my face as I look up at him, fighting the urge to fiddle with the leather in my hands.

“She was fine until you came back. She just doesn’t like Fae.” I say as an excuse, knowing full well that it isn't going to appease him.

“Ah,” He mutters, delivering a swift kick to Arcane’s side as she rises to her feet to swipe at him again. “She does seem tame around you, however, doesn’t she?”

I wince, feeling the pain for her. I wish that he wouldn’t behave with such cruelty. She was only trying to protect me from what she considers to be a threat. I turn back to Ascian, pleading with my eyes. “Don’t hurt her. She doesn’t know any better. She thinks you're a threat, so she’s just defending herself.”

Ascian moves his fingers to my chin, stroking my lips with his thumb. “Is that so? Either way, I will not repeat myself again. If you defy my orders and visit the animals by yourself again, you will be punished severely. Do I make myself clear this time, Belamour?”

I bite my lip, feeling like a scolded child. The back of my neck heats with disdain, but I force it down as I nod in understanding. If it will result in the abuse of Arcane, then I will never allow her to be outside with me alone again. She doesn’t deserve this. It’s my fault.

Ascian sighs, stroking the lip that I have between my teeth, silently requesting me to stop chewing it. “With your words, Kitten.”

“I understand,” I echo, unable to hide my annoyance any longer.

Apparently satisfied, Ascian gently pries the reins from my hands, and gives them a jerk that brings Arcane sailing forward. “Good. Caelum will put her back. We need to get you cleaned up and ready to leave by sunset. You've made quite a mess of yourself already.”

As if on cue, the animal handler appears beside Arcane and takes her away without a word. His arms and legs covered in thick, dark fur and his head is similar to an oxen, horns and all. He must have been watching for quite some time, keeping an eye on Arcane in case she became too much for me to handle.

I knew that I was never in any danger. Ascian is just dramatic and doesn't like to be disobeyed. I roll my eyes at the realization, which Ascian returns with a smile. He wraps his free arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him until our foreheads touch. Gooseflesh raises on my arms at his cool skin, still chilled from his flight over the forest.

“As for this,” He murmurs, running his finger along my lip again, pausing where it bleeds. “I’ll take care of this now. As your punishment.”

I inhale sharply at the presumption, putting my hands against his chest to try and ward him off. “No, it’s okay-”

He smiles deviously and cuts off my protest by pressing his lips against mine, running his tongue along the wound. He traps my hands against him with one of his own, using the other to cup the back of my head to deepen the kiss, completely unconcerned with my withdrawal from him.

I squeeze my eyes shut, willing him to stop as I remain frozen in place by his will. I know that he is only healing the cut on my mouth, but I can’t help but feel repulsed; not from the contact itself, but by the lack of regard for my consent. I feel violated and angry, and it takes everything in my power not to strike him across the face the moment that he pulls away. It isn’t the first time that he has healed one of my wounds that way, though he has never handled one on my lips before.

I feel my eyes prick with angry tears as I dig my nails into my palms, refusing to look at him. I know that he feels nothing but amusement at my reaction as I stomp past him towards the estate house, refusing to let my tears fall. I feel him follow me, his eyes piercing my back like knives, finding curious enjoyment in my reaction, no doubt. He doesn't laugh at least, which is all that I can ask for. One chuckled from him would send me over the edge.

As I slam my way through the front door and match up the steps, I hope that the next assassination attempt against Ascian will be successful, even though I know that it won’t be. I truly do hate him more than anything.

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