Chapter Six

I ignore Ascian while I sit at the vanity in the corner of our bedroom, trying not to glance at him in the mirror as I apply my makeup. I try to reason with myself that he didn't mean anything by the kiss, and remind myself that his only thoughts of me are as his pet, not as a romantic partner. Besides, I know well enough that he wants me to look as flawless as possible for tonight, and that he was only removing a blemish from my mouth to make me presentable to his peers. It's an annoyance that his saliva has healing properties for me, and other humans, I suppose, and that he makes a habit of using it.

"Wear the shimmering gold eyeshadow. It will go well with your gown," Ascian suggests in lieu of an apology, though I know that I won't receive one. His voice comes from the walk-in closet, where he is sitting on the velvet settee, admiring the dress that he picked for me where it remains on the mannequin. "And the blue pumps, as well."

I say nothing as I begrudgingly reach for the brush to apply my eyeshadow as instructed. I planned on using the gold and blue eyeshadows already, but being told to do it that way makes my irritation increase. Can he never say "please"? I sigh heavily, knowing that it will never happen. Never in my time here has an Unseelie Fae ever had manners, especially towards their human counterparts. It's just in their nature to behave like savages.

Ascian doesn't seem to mind my silence for a while as he gets himself ready and changes into the black and blue waistcoat that he is wearing to the party. I try not to look at his reflection in the mirror, but his naked body is very distracting. I know that he placed himself perfectly within view instead of changing in the designated dressing area within the closet, hoping that I'll be tempted to look at him. I can see his movments in my peripheral, but I force myself to focus on blending my eyeshadow to perfecion.

I knew it was only a matter of time before he became bored and needed interaction, so it is no surprise when crosses the wooden floor to where I'm perched with silent footfall. He leans over my shoulder to act as though he's making adjustments to his hair, though his stabbing gaze is pinned on my face, calculating my expression.

I've finished with my mascara and eyeliner and have moved on to my lips, dutifully ignoring him. I give the crimson shade of lip stain one more stroke to paint them evenly, making sure it's perfect. Only once I place the stick back in its organizer do I glance at him through the glass, keeping my expression as frigid as possible. There is not a blemish on my bottom lip, with no indication of it having bled. He may have healed me, but I still don't forgive him.

Ascian doesn't seem to pick up on my animosity, greeting me with a smile instead. I know that he's just happy to ultimately have my attention on him, regardless of whether I forgive him or not.

"You are the most stunning individual to ever walk this plane of existence." His voice is like a cat's purr in my ear, and it sends a shiver down my spine.

I wasn't expecting those words at all and the surprise is evident on my face. My ears tinge pink and I glance away from him, unable to hold his gaze from the shock. "Whatever," I mumble adolescently, unsure of what else to say to such an unexpected compliment. I will never admit that the praise brightened my mood a little bit, but I still refuse to let go of my grudge against him. "I have to do my hair next."

"A side-swept style would look the best," He suggests, lowering his nose to my neck and taking a slow inhale of my scent. "You smell ravishing. I adore taking you out into the realm because everyone can see that I have the fairest human and that you belong to me."

I exhale as he takes a step back, at last, allowing me room to breathe. He looks unfairly attractive as usual, but the blue and gold-trimmed waistcoat that he wears to accent my dress makes his waist seem slimmer than usual, in turn also making him seem taller. He has his raven black hair braided back at the temples and has it pulled behind him into a slick ponytail that cascades down his back.

I try to keep my eyes from drifting to the plunging, v-cut neckline of his shirt, showing off his firm pectoral muscles. If Fae had nipples, his would definitely be showing. The Unseelie Fae tend to have a very high fashion taste, which usually results in outfits like his. He pairs the black, revealing blouse with a pair of black pants that fit him snuggly, as well as the blue and gold suitcoat. His waist is sinched with a black corset belt, with a solid gold raven on the buckles.

The beauty standards for Fae are different than I remember them being in the human realm. In the Unseelie Court, to be considered beautiful one must have long, straight hair, a thin waist, and a slender facial structure. The more pointed than your ears appear attests to how pure your bloodlines are, and how high ranking you are in society. If your nails are as sharp and long as talons and your teeth are pointed like fangs, you're all the more ravishing. The standards are unisex, which I can appreciate since it's the opposite in the human world.

Ascian has all of the most sought after features for an Unseelie Fae, so even if he is the bastard son of the King, he manages to maneuver himself well throughout the Court with his looks. It's lucky for him, considering that no one that I've seen seems to admire him for his personality. Ascian notices my gaze and smirks, glad to see that I'm looking at him without him having to initiate it.

I clear my throat and turn my attention back to the mirror, sweeping my hair to one side as I try to decide how to pin it there. After experimenting with a few different looks, I messily braid the front section back to match Ascian, leaving a few curls to frame my face. I'm sure that he'll appreciate my attempts to mirror his style.

Ascian glances over his shoulder at me from where he is seated, pulling on a clean pair of riding boots. Seeing my choice of style, he makes an approving sound in his throat that sounds like a purr. "Very suiting. We need to embark soon, so if you are done it is time to put your dress on now."

"Fine," I mutter under my breath, standing from the vanity to walk towards the closet. I don't hesitate to unbuckle the belt around my waist and begin undressing in front of Ascian, considering that I've been doing it for years. It would be foolish of me to think that his gaze is venereal, and not one of a doting caregiver.

You're just his pet. I remind myself, rolling my eyes at the thought.

I feel his eyes on me as I peel the dress from the mannequin and slip it on, admiring the silken material. It fits me as tightly as a medical glove, intended to better show off the gentle curves of my body. The neckline is low to accent my breasts, and the sleeves are worn low on my shoulders to display my thin collar bones. He bought this dress specifically to flaunt my best traits, the ones that the Unseelie Fae adore in humans. Ascian has always been an attention-seeker when he's around his peers and loves nothing more than when they're jealous of something that he has. He makes a great effort to make me as alluring as possible whenever we go out in public, no matter how uncomfortable it makes me to be paraded around like a prized poodle.

Once I have the dress adjusted and turn around, Ascian makes a low whistle of approval. "Stunning," he breathes, looking me up and down. He glides across the floor to me, reaching to slide the zipper up the back of the dress, locking me into it for the night. "Let us be going now, Bela Bear. Are you still upset with me?"

I raise an eyebrow and shrug, hiding my surprise that he actually cared to notice my feelings, no matter how obviously I present them. "Does it matter?" I say more than ask, fixing my hair around the fitted necklined of the dress, making sure it doesn't get crushed.

He ushers me to the door by my waist, a boyish smirk on his mouth. "Not in the slightest. All that matters is where your loyalty lies."

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