Enya pov

With every step I take, my heartbeat quickens. My father stands side by side with the other leaders as he holds out his hand to me. I see nothing but pride in his eyes. I don't know what scares me more - the official marking ceremony or the fact that I will be standing by the men who founded the Alliance. No matter what others say, they are heroes in my eyes; they risk their lives for the future of humanity. When I get close enough, I grab my father's hand and let out a deep breath. Whenever he's near, I feel better about everything that comes my way- he's the only person who has ever cared about me.

The men step back, and only my father and I remain in the centre of the ceremonial room. Everyone else, including the new recruits, stands around us, watching the proceedings with great interest. Father raises our hands and turns to the troops. "Tonight, you will witness a ceremony of the century. Not only will my daughter be titled the highest-ranking assassin in our Alliance, but she will also receive her sixth tattoo!" He shouts at the top of his lungs. Not a single word leaves his lips that resemble anger; no, the only thing my father exudes is pride and power. I wish he would show such emotion when I do simple things that have nothing to do with my rampages, but I guess I can't get everything I want. I have always wanted to become an official, real part of our Alliance, but I had to prove myself first to do that. I feel happy, I really do, but as always, there's also a hint of worry, yet I won't show it to anyone. It hurts to get these tattoos. I'd like to get them done the traditional way, but the man who calls himself a druid priest does all of ours. His equipment consists of a wooden board with rows of tiny needles and a tray for the ink. We get tattoos quickly, but they are about the most painful thing to experience. Not to mention the fact that the tattoos are always in places where bones are visible. Part of them are on my ribs, and the Alliance sign will be on my hip.

"It is the guts, the courage it takes to become one of us. Stand by our side and prove your loyalty, and you will be rewarded with the same honour." He adds and snaps me back to reality. I look at my father as he points to the long table that has appeared out of nowhere. Alright, it didn't magically appear - I didn't see the men carry it in and leave it there. I nod my head and walk towards it to sit down. The priest will take at least a few minutes to join us, so I just listen to what the others are discussing.

The members and recruits separate into groups. It's a common practice, and I have gotten used to their behaviour. You'd think with force like ours, we'd work together, but team spirit is one of the many things we lack. I watch how people, especially the younger ones, point their fingers at me. Some whisper insulting remarks, which they assume I won't hear. Only my father knows that my eyesight is pretty bad after an accident I had a few years ago, but my other senses are heightened. That's why I hear people most of the time, even if they whisper. I don't mind what they have to say, and frankly, I don't care. Many assume I took my position because of my father, when in reality, I had to work twice as hard to prove myself. The only reason I stand where I do is because of the blood I have spilt and the countless hours I have spent training with rogues.

Fortunately, the priest enters the ceremonial room, and everyone takes their place. I lie down and close my eyes. This isn't my first marking, so I know what to expect. I let my mind wander to my happy place, which always helps with the pain.

I listen as the man gets closer and sets down his tools. His every move sounds far too loud. The priest dips the needles in ink and clears his throat. "Enya, please bare your ribs," he asks. At least he's polite, unlike some. I follow his words and force up my shirt to reveal the row of tattoos he's left on my ribs over the past twelve years. The cold metal touches my skin, and I hold my breath. The priest raises his fist and smashes the wooden board to force the inked needles under my skin. I hear a low chuckle and almost hiss as he slowly pulls the needles from my flesh. "Congratulations on your sixth tattoo, Enya; you deserve it," the priest practically shouts. As much as it annoys me, the whole Alliance needs to hear those words- it's his duty to congratulate every hunter when they pass a milestone and get a tattoo. I'm not ready for the next tattoo when he leans closer and whispers in my ear. "Now the hip, darling. I'll try to hurry up." I nod and pull the side of my pants down to give him full access to the skin on my hip.

I don't want to open my eyes or look at the people staring at me now. The priest places his hand on my hip. I have no idea if he's doing this to ease the pain or to soothe me- either would be great. "We have gathered here tonight to welcome Enya, the firstborn daughter of Alliance founder Dirk, as an official member. She earned her mark by following our beliefs, forsaking her loyalty to no one but the Alliance, and leading us to so many victories. Enya will go down in history as one of the most feared members of the Alliance and the only woman to become a high ranking assassin. So please rise and welcome our newest member, Enya, daughter of Dirk, also known as Red Riding Hood,'' the crowd cheers as the priest gives my hip a quick squeeze before I feel metal on my skin again. With one swing, it's forced into my flesh, and I want to scream out in pain, cry, or curse at everyone. But I can't. I have to stay still and quiet because I should be setting an example for the masses of hunters. So many look up to me, so I have no choice but to hide the pain or discomfort I feel.

I jump off the table and sigh, glad the marking is over. If it lasted even a little longer, I might go crazy and curse every single person around me. One by one, members of the Alliance approach me to congratulate me in person. Some even go so far as to ask to see the tattoos the priest gave me. Most of the members soon return to their seats, and the founders stand before me. I expect to hear from my father first, but instead, his friends are the first to praise my accomplishments. They all express how proud they are and how happy they are that I am one of their own. My father, however, seems tense, and the fact that he hasn't bothered to say a word worries me. I try to be as polite as possible, but I can't stop staring at my father, even as I address the leaders. He's not one to pass up the chance to speak first, so his behaviour is more than unusual.

"My daughter," he finally speaks up. A bright smile spreads across my lips. It's not often that he addresses me as his daughter instead of using my name. Moments like this make all the struggle worth it. "Please stay by my side as I address our Alliance. Tonight, we shall make history." I clench my fists at his words. How could I not have seen this coming? Of course, my naive self had hoped he would acknowledge me a little more now that I am actually part of his grand plan. As always, I must stay close to him, for I am the one our enemies fear. As long as he can use my existence as a weapon to orchestrate his parade, I will be needed. I remind myself that I am not to show emotion, especially before those who follow my father. I, like them, shouldn't doubt his decisions. I watch a wide grin spread across my father's lips as he takes my hand in his. Of course, with my role and his power, together we are a force of nature. He nods to his allies and turns to the mass of members, both new and old. "As I said before, this will be a glorious night. Not only will the young ones join their first hunt, but this will be the greatest ambush we have ever attempted to lay. As promised, my beloved daughter will lead the troops; with her by your side, I'm not concerned. Enya will ensure the safety of every single human who follows our beliefs. Tonight, the largest pack we have found will hold what they call a mating ceremony. Monsters from all over the land will gather for this event. This is our chance, warriors! We fight for our future, for the future of our children and humanity! So rise up, stand your ground, take up your weapons and use them against the abnormalities of nature! We will succeed, we will win, and we will go down in history! Go, prepare yourselves; we leave in an hour!" I stand by my father's side and smile at his words. Whether I like them or not, it doesn't matter. I could do no worse than question his authority, so the hunters can't see how conflicted I actually feel.

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