Enya pov
We get ready in the dark; each of us wears at least two layers of clothing. One protective and one black, to make sure no wolf notices us as we hide in the shadows. You have to fight fire with fire, so we proceed as they once did. They are the monsters, the creatures from the shadows, but we are now becoming them ourselves. The earpiece in my ear buzzes; I quickly guide my hand there and press the button. My father is the only leader who can't join us in the ambush- he's dealing with medical issues, and everyone agrees we need to keep him safe. So, he's in the underground bunker with the tech team, who will send us updates or warn us of any potential danger. "Enya, you must get moving, their ceremony has begun, and our warriors must surround them in time. One mistake will cost many lives; remember this," father announces, and I nod my head as if he can see me. I facepalm myself mentally and reply, "Understood."
He disconnects, and I sigh in relief. Maybe this time, there won't be anyone screaming in my ear to distract me during the fight. One last time, I check my equipment. The silver daggers are wrapped around my legs, two rifles and heavy armour hang from my hips, and the machine gun is on my back. I let my gaze roam over the crowd and raise an eyebrow at their choice of weapons. Sometimes we need something practical and quick-functioning, so I can only pray for those who chose arrows and machetes. Some of these kids wouldn't have enough time to swing the machete before a grown shifter dug his claws into them. I shake my head but can't say anything. This is their night, and just like my first hunt, no leader or warrior could help me choose anything. If anyone falls tonight, it's their own fault. Our world is cruel and unforgiving.
"Hunters, we're on the move!" I turn to the mass of the followers and begin to walk. Surely some of them find the opportunity to add a disrespectful remark, but I can't help myself and return the favour. "Once your collection contains as many monster heads as mine, you can talk to me. Until then, keep your filthy mouth shut, for I won't hesitate if I have to take out someone who puts our operation in danger. Do not distract me or anyone here. Got it?" I growl at the teens. They all nod their heads, and we start moving towards the destination. The founders of the Alliance, who have joined us tonight, chuckle at my words. It's been a while since they suggested I stand up for my position, and I guess the time has finally come.
We reach the place in less than twenty minutes, and I send our troops to the spots on the map. I can only hope they remain cautious and don't run into any of these shifters. I take my position in the middle of the ambush and sit down. We must wait for my father's command before anyone decides to leave their position. My gaze settles on the large campfire and the rows of women in white dresses. Each one is more beautiful than the last, and I almost find myself admiring the mistakes nature has made. They are gorgeous, stunning even, but there is a reason for that. They are cold-blooded creatures that use their good looks to lure humans in and kill us one by one. I fix my gaze on a woman, who seems to be the same age as me. Right before my eyes, she suddenly turns her head and walks toward a man who resembles a mountain of muscle. He opens his arms, and she jumps on him; they both repeat the same word. "Mate." I'm not sure what it means to her, but I can't stop staring at them. Monsters or not, they radiate so much happiness, like this is the ultimate high of their lives. I've never seen such emotion. In that moment of fascination, I almost let my guard down, but the sound of someone stepping on the branch brings me back to reality. I turn my head to the side and see a girl walking towards me. She's one of us. "When you walk around here, make sure you don't step on anything; a mistake like that can cost you your life. Consider yourself lucky because the shifters are too busy with their ceremony; under any other circumstances, you'd be dead right now. You'd fall from their claws or my gun; it's not a good idea to sneak up on me."
"Oh, I am sorry, I'm still pretty new to this whole thing, but I'm sure you know," she whispers as she settles down next to me. "Here," the girl hands me a small bag. "Your father said you had to wear this tonight. Oh, I'm Emmy, by the way."
I take the bag from her and smile. I would doubt my father if he didn't send me the red cloak; I've never participated in a hunt or battle without wearing it. By now, it has become a symbol of our war. "Thank you. Enya." I add.
"I know your name. Who doesn't?" Emmy giggles a little nervously. Does she feel intimidated by my presence? "You are something of a legend among us." She states, her words quickly distracting me from my thoughts.
I don't intend to continue the conversation, we have a hunt to prepare for, but she's not in the same boat as me as Emmy keeps talking. "Look, can you tell me what it's like? You know, being a hunter and training like a real hunter. My friends and I have taken a few training classes, but they were indoors. I will sound like a stalker, but I have never seen you train with the others; if anything, you leave and come back from the woods later. Do you train at all anymore? Or do you hunt while others are training? I know I am curious, but these questions are killing me." Oddly enough, I find her naive nature exciting. She's pure and so new to this lifestyle; it's refreshing. Sometimes I envy others because they had a childhood while I never did.
I have enough time to wait for the moment we attack the shifters, so I set the cloak aside and shake my head. "It's been a while since I last had the chance to join the others. I'm not really a hunter anymore, I've been labelled an assassin, and this is the job I do. If you want me to be honest - you are lucky. You are lucky because you get to fight each other and show off your skills while getting little to no injury. My case is a little different. You'd be surprised to see the battle scars I have under these clothes. As an assassin, I can no longer train with humans. I have to keep my senses alert at all times, and for that, there is only one creature I can train with - rogue."
Emmy moves a little closer to me and whispers. "Excuse my ignorance, but what are rogues?"
Oh, crap. I hadn't expected that question. Hunters teach their kids about rogues and other supernatural beings once they turn thirteen. Hell, Emmy's too young to join any hunt, let alone one of this calibre. "Rogues are generally shapeshifters, exiled werewolves who live as feral wolves in uninhabited areas. Long story short, they go crazy and lose what little humanity they have in them. Therefore, for me, they are the perfect creature for me to train with. Rogues feel nothing but a thirst for blood and the urge to survive." I can see she is thinking of another question as my earpiece buzzes again, and I hear my father's voice. We need to get into position for the attack. I throw on my cloak and nod to Emmy. Fear flashes in her eyes, so I reassure her that she'll be safe as long as she stays close to me. I don't want anyone from the Alliance to fall tonight.
From then on, everything happens way too fast. Masses of hunters leave their hiding places and race to attack. The werewolves immediately return the same energy, and something tells me they knew of our plans. I drop the idea and decide to deal with it when the fight is over; now, I need to focus on the attack, not the details they know.
"One," I count each creature that falls from my bullets. I keep my rifle pointed at a wolf and pull the trigger. "Two." Another wolf cries out and lunges at me from behind, but my reflexes are almost as good as theirs. I have enough time to grab the silver dagger and throw it at the wolf. It cuts deep into the creature's neck, and the beast falls helplessly to the ground. It can't heal the wounds inflicted by the silver.
I'm so busy killing the shifters that I miss the moment of Emmy's disappearance. The cry of pain catches my attention, and my eyes widen at sight before me. Emmy's pinned to the ground by a fully grown wolf shifter as she screams for help.
"Emmy!" I yell and run to her. I am stupid enough to give others an advice that I don't take myself. While my eyes are on her, a shifter appears out of nowhere and lunges at me. I didn't expect that even after all the years of being a hunter and assassin. No wonder my father always told me the only person I had to watch out for was myself. The razor-sharp claw collides with my ribs, some of which are probably broken from the impact. I stop, look down, and stare at the blood pouring from my side.
I fall to my knees as my blood forms a puddle beneath me. The whole scene turns into utter chaos as I surrender to the darkness.