Vincent pov

The pack and our guests return to the packhouse in time. To my relief, Red isn't here, and the loss on our side is almost nonexistent. Unless I mention a few wolves injured during the fight with the Alliance, we only have to bid goodbye to one man. He was a lone wolf in our pack, always avoiding anyone who got in his way, as he lost his mate a few years ago. Jarrod was a wonderful part of our pack, despite his odd behaviour, and we will miss him dearly. If it weren't for that damned trap the Alliance set near the forest, he would still be with us. I must arrange a funeral, and on top of that, I have a hunter bleeding out over my shoulder. I can feel her heartbeat, it's faint, but it's there. This woman is a fighter; that's all I can give her credit for.

I focus my attention on the woman. She's the only one who can give me the answers I need, so I'll do everything I can to keep her alive. I hurry up the stairs and shout an order to my Beta, who runs at my side. "Call for the pack doctor and send him straight to my bedroom. I'll keep her close and make sure she survives long enough to get those answers. This bitch is a key that'll open far too many gates; we can't let her die."

"But Vice," Aros tries to object, and I'm sure he has good reason, but I can't let anyone change my mind. He hates the Alliance as much as I do. But as a Beta, he has to put the hate aside and do everything he can for the pack. This woman has our answers; the pack needs them.

I interrupt him without looking at him. The strange brotherly bond we have developed often plays more in his favour than mine. Not this time. "No, don't start with your but's! Get the doctor to my room; I don't care about anything else! If she survives this, I'll squeeze every last drop of blood from her, but I will find out the secrets she is hiding. Understand me for once, brother. I'm doing this for the pack, for our people, and for the long-sought chance to live in peace." I leave him on the stairs and walk toward my bedroom. As a precaution, I mind-link the best doctor we have. "I need you and your team in my bedroom. There's a woman; warn everyone she's from the Alliance, so they don't freak out. But I need you here; I need her to survive this." I expected any kind of answer, but not one given by the doctor. He agreed immediately, asking no questions and leaving me hanging at his last words.

"Wolf or human, Omega or a Hunter, it doesn't matter. Someone is dying, and I have to help them. The rest is up to you. I'm on my way, and so is my team, Alpha."

In other circumstances, I would throw this woman in the cell and let her enjoy the full package of a rogue while she is there. But now I enter my bedroom and lay her gently on the sofa. I pat myself on the back in my mind for having the piece of furniture there- sometimes Aros sleeps there when we're too involved in discussions. At least he did before I decided to move into my office.

I stare at the woman in the red cloak and can't help but wonder how such a fragile-looking and beautiful creature ever got involved with these heartless bastards. Some things about her prove that she is indeed a member of the Alliance. I can see her hands covered in scars, and even those scars have more on top of them. I see none on her face; perhaps that is why she seems so fragile to me. Her skin is white as snow, but I'm sure I'd notice a blush or some other colour if she hadn't lost so much blood. I find myself wondering about the colour of her eyes, if they shine in the sunlight or if any emotion reflects in the irises. "Fuck," I hiss under my breath. "I need to get laid; this is getting way out of hand. Vincent, you son of a bitch, how could you ever think a hunter is beautiful?" I whisper to myself. Luckily I'm still alone with the woman, so no wolf has noticed my unmistakable fascination with this dying disgrace of humanity.

As promised, in no time, the doctor and his team arrive to assist the woman. Part of me wonders if she'll ever reveal her name, her real name, but the other part knows how delusional I am. It's just a short-term fascination based solely on my thirst for a woman's body. It's not a problem I couldn't solve within a short time. The doctor advises me to leave the bedroom while he does everything to keep her alive, and I gladly leave. As long as I keep my distance and perhaps get laid on top of that, I'll be fine.

Not to my surprise, Aros is standing at my bedroom door, leaning against the wall. I can see so many emotions running through his head- the man has never been good at hiding them. I stop at his side and place a hand on his shoulder. I know he's angry, conflicted about what might be coming, but he has to accept that my decision is what it is. He has no chance to influence or change my orders. I am the leader, and he is my second in command. He is here to help me, not to question my ways.

Aros chuckles and looks in the opposite direction to avoid my gaze. "Vince, I don't think that this is a good idea." He sighs. I don't say anything; Aros needs me to hear him out. "What if she heals and attacks us? If she picks the right moment, she could kill some of the pack members before we catch her. I know you won't like hearing this because your word is the law here, but I say she has to die. Let her die, Vince," my Beta nearly begs me. I understand his concern, but we are in a rather complicated situation. Yes, by bringing this woman here, I have put us in much deeper trouble and possible danger, but she's our only hope. She might know the location of the Alliance base, as well as names. We need this information more than we need additional warriors to destroy the Alliance.

"We can talk back and forth about this subject, about this woman, but I have a better idea. Let us convene the elders of the pack and have a small meeting in my office. Then I'll explain my idea, and if it seems too risky to the pack, we will throw her in the cells and watch her die. Deal?" I suggest compromising on the issue; it's easier with someone standing by my side. And honestly, I think there will be plenty of elders who agree with my vision. Despite the rumours swirling around my name, despite the reputation others have built for me, I am not the monster they have made me out to be. Yes, an Alpha has a lot of power over his pack, but I prefer to work hand in hand with them. I don't want to become a tyrant everyone is afraid to mention.

Aros nods his head, agreeing to my suggestion almost instantly. "I will tell the elders about the meeting. Meet me in your office in five minutes." I watch him take off and have to laugh at his childishness. The man should be a Beta, my right-hand man and my advisor, but instead, he's a child stuck in a grown man's body.

I walk to my office with a smug smile on my lips. This will be the end of an issue that Aros’ created. I stop at my office door and unlock it before entering. The paperwork and documents I have piled up in the small room are far too important not to hide. I sit down and wait for the others to arrive, which thankfully doesn't take too long. The elders arrive one by one. We exchange pleasantries and wait for Aros to come with the last elder.

"Gentlemen," I take the floor as soon as everyone is seated. "I called this meeting to address an important issue that my Beta and I have been at loggerheads over. Tonight, during the Lunar Rituals, we became the target of an ambush by the Hunter Alliance. Fortunately, or not, we didn't lose many members, but we will talk about the funeral of one. At the peak of the battle, I saw my Beta pinning a human girl to the ground. She was far too young to be one of them, so the rumours about them taking in children are true. While the girl screamed for help, Red came to the rescue. At least, that's what I thought. Since the person in the red cloak attacked Aros, I hurt him, well, her in this case. We don't know much about that murderous bastard, but under the cloak was a woman, barely alive after my attack. The rest of the Alliance members ran off, leaving her in a pool of blood. I brought her here and ordered the doctors to keep her alive. That's why I called you here. I know the risk I'm taking, but my Beta doesn't think the answers are worth the risk. I need your opinion." I stop and sink deeper into the chair. The elders exchange worried glances, but they agree- they will stand by my word and my decision. Like me, they believe this woman could be the tool to end the war and find Red. I can see Aros isn't happy, but the matter is settled - she stays, and he must follow orders.

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