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Chapter 4 - Death By My Hands

Eloise’s POV

When Xavier kissed me, it was like everything stopped.

I couldn’t even bring myself to look at him after his lips tore from mine. Hell, I could barely wrap my head around everything that happened. It was like it all happened in a blur.

Just a week ago, I proposed to a man I had never met before.

Now, I stood in front of his citizens as his wife. I was now officially married to the Alpha of the Leonard family.

The audience congratulated us on our union as Xavier and I walked out of the cathedral; hand-in-hand. I couldn’t find the words to say. All I could do was nod and smile.

The city was bright with excitement and cheers because of our wedding. Music played, people threw their rice and flowers, and everyone complimented Xavier on such a momentous occasion.

My mind was everywhere and nowhere at once.

After everyone left, Xavier ordered one of his servants to escort me to his bedchambers. It looked like he still had work to do even though he just got married.

It didn’t bother me one bit, though. My mind was jumbled with a bunch of thoughts. I couldn’t think clearly.

Once I arrived at Xavier’s bedroom, I hurried inside and immediately closed the door. I needed alone time to collect myself and calm my breathing.

I went to sit down at the edge of his bed as I touched my lips. Memories of the kiss lingered in my mind and I could feel the warmth of my blood rush to my cheeks.

He hates me but that kiss sure as hell didn’t feel like he does…

Time passed pretty quickly as I sat at the edge of the bed and waited patiently for Lord Xavier to come back. The sky was beginning to darken, so I lit up a candle. He should be back any minute now…

I looked at the bed behind me. Will we be sleeping in the same bed tonight? Talking about moving really fast…

Then the door opened as Lord Xavier stepped into the room.

I stood up and greeted him warmly. It was time for me to act like a wife that loved him, even if that was the furthest thing from the truth. “Glad you’re back, Lord Xavier. I hope work wasn’t too hard on you today.”

He only nodded. Not even a smile on his face. If anything, his eyebrows were knitted together and a hard frown creased the sides of his lips.

Something about his aura felt off to me. It honestly made me nervous. It was like a sense of dread loomed over him.

“Lord Xavier, is something wrong? Would you like to lay down and rest?”

Again, no answer.

I hesitated but still chose to reach out to him. There were still snowflakes on his jacket that hadn’t been brushed away and I didn’t want him to catch a cold.

Instead, he jerked his shoulder away from me. He took one sharp inhale and marched for the bathroom on the other side of the room. He slammed the door shut behind him.

I rolled my eyes. Alright… guess I’ll try again next time.

I paced around the room as the shower continued to run. Seconds turned into minutes. Soon, 30 minutes had passed and Xavier still wasn’t finished.

Does a man really need that much time to take a shower?

I continued to pace around the room to calm my nerves. Not knowing what to do always puts me on edge.

After taking in a few deep breaths, I finally mustered up the courage to walk to the bathroom. Maybe I would get to hear whatever was happening inside.

However, I didn’t think that the bathroom door was going to get pulled open the way it did. If it wasn’t for the strong, well-toned body in my face, I might’ve actually tasted the floor.

“Oh, no, I-I’m so sorry, my Lord! I-I just… I didn’t mean to…” I stuttered as I tried to find the words to explain my awkwardness.

However, Xavier just walked past me without saying a word. It looked like he didn’t even care about what just happened.

I turned around slowly and allowed my eyes to scan him since his back was turned to me. Water dripped from his dark hair and trailed down the spine of his back. He only wore a towel around his waist and suddenly I began to feel my cheeks match the heat of the steam that wafted out of the bathroom.

My throat felt dry.

“Do you not feel anything?” Xavier turned around and asked me impatiently.

The abruptness of his question caught me off guard. I genuinely had no idea how to respond.

Xavier walked towards me and pinched my chin to make me look up at him.

“What am I supposed to be feeling?” I asked cautiously but genuinely.

“Forget it!” Xavier bit off the last of the word as his tone had gone cold again. “Tomorrow, you will be leaving for the town of Noah. It irritates me to have to see you here every day.”

I felt my blood begin to boil. It was no secret that Xavier didn’t enjoy my company. His hostile behavior was clearly indicative of that.

I can’t have him do this! How the hell am I supposed to earn his trust and get close to him if he sends me away? How am I supposed to kill him now?!

I wasn’t going to give up. I snapped back to reality when I felt Xavier let go of me.

I faked my tears and grabbed his hand. “Did I do something to displease you, my Lord? I’m sorry if I did! I can—”

“Do NOT touch me!” Xavier jerked his hand away from mine as a look of disgust painted his face.

I reeled my hand back and clutched my chest. Waves of confusion, hurt, and anger began to wash over me.

“Listen well, Eloise. You are nothing more than a political bargaining chip sent here by the Wisdoms. This marriage,” he air quoted, “means nothing to me unless you uphold your end of the deal.”

His cruel words suddenly filled my heart with fury but I did my best to conceal my anger. Now isn’t the time to uphold my pride… I shook my head and continued to beg. “My Lord, please—”

“Enough!” His voice roared. “Your honey-laced words mean nothing and your attempts at seduction will not sway me. You will NEVER be Luna of the Leonards, Eloise!” Xavier stormed out of the room and he left me alone again.

After he left, I went back to pacing around the room. I needed to burn the anger he left inside of my heart.

I didn’t care about being a Luna.

I didn’t care about being Lady of the Leonards.

The only thing I did care about was stopping the deaths of innocent people at the hands of a cocky man who only knew aggression and hatred.

Throwing my luggage onto the bed, I began to empty out most of its contents. I had no idea how long I was going to be forced to stay in the town of Noah but I knew I just needed to make room to pack the essentials.

The most important of them all being my mirror.

Taking it out of my bag, I stared at my reflection. I smirked and mocked, “What an arrogant man he is. Too bad his death will be at the hands of a pawn.”

Xavier could push me away all he wanted to, but that wasn’t going to stop the inevitable.

“You will die at my hands, Lord Xavier” I confirmed.

I watched as the mirror flashed a bright purple like it was agreeing with me.

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