14 Keeping a secret

***POV - Zagon

I sit on the edge of the chair next to her hospital bed, listening to her labored breathing; each ragged one painfully sawing through my heart. Her heartbeat is extra slow, virtually non-existent. I’m no doctor, but I know she’s dying; the doctor’s expression strengthening the feeling. He seems stumped, lost as if he doesn’t know what to do; maybe because nothing he does seems to work. And the fucker who did this is laying two rooms down; recovering his broken body.

I must admit, I’m a little puzzled too; weird how her body recovered from all its wounds so quickly while the wolfsbane seems to affect her like poison. Elves don’t have the quick-healing tendency. And wolfsbane usually only has a slight paralysis effect, that lasts a few hours; nothing serious for most species - with humans and wolves being the exception; for them, it is a lethal toxin. But she’s neither wolf nor human, so she should have woken up by now.

“Welcome, your majesty,” the doctor greets someone behind my back and I look around to find Thalassa standing there with a worried face. Before I can comprehend why he acts as if she’s royalty, Harron rushes into the room and almost bumps into her, he’s been running up and down like a crazed maniac since we reached the clinic.

“Eh, mom, what are you doing here?” he asks and she wrinkles up her face in a frown.

“I’m her grandmother, so where should I be?”

“With the girls on Earth … you should be watching them!”

“Oh, don’t be silly … I’m not stupid, son. I’ve sent the pretty blond wolf back for them.”

“Luan?” I ask wide-eyed. She might just have made a wolf the shepherd by appointing my man-whore brother to look after some females.

“Never mind that … okay … everybody out! I need to fix Eni and we’re running out of time,” Harron’s hands are filled with some medical supplies.

“But I just got here,” his mom scolds and she receives a stern look.

“Mom, go! Let me do my job or else she’s gonna die.” Those words make the lady go pale and Blade jumps up from his chair to hold her arm.

“Let’s go get some coffee,” he says softly, pulling her lightly out the door. Harron now glares at the doctor.

“You too doc,” the man seems hesitant but then obliges. Why the fuck does he want everybody to leave? What’s going on? Well, I’m not going anywhere. And I make this clear in our little stare-off. He tilts his head; weighing up the options. As if wanting confirmation about something, he looks at Puck who’s sitting on the bed holding one of Enigma’s fingers.

“He IS her mate,” Puck says pulling up his little shoulders and Harron rolls his eyes but closes the door quickly, locking it.

“What’s going on here?” I ask suspiciously, but the elf just grunts and throws all the things in his arms on the table. I stare at the little guy instead. He takes a deep breath and mutters something about Eni going to peel him alive and that he actually likes his blue epidermis and wants to keep it intact. I clear my throat to grab his attention.

“Uhm, she needs different medicine … eh … but we can’t tell anybody so Harron is gonna give it to her secretly,” Puck mumbles quickly; too quickly; a frown forms on my face as I gape at the preoccupied elf.

“Don’t worry, he is a doctor, you know,” he adds, also way too fast.

Harron concentrates on what he’s doing; ignoring us; his tongue sticking out slightly. Fixed on him, I watch in silence. He removes the IV bag and replaces it with another one. He also injects her a few times with a violet-blue liquid; seemingly very professional, confirming his medical training.

“What type of medicine? Why the secrecy?” I can’t control my curiosity, looking at Puck, knowing he’s more likely to answer my questions at this moment.

“Eh, wolf antivenom. Cause no one knows.” He answers both questions shortly; as if he’s obscuring the facts. But I’m not having any of that – I need to know what the fuck is going on. What are they hiding?

So I grab his little wings between my fingers and hold him up, so he’s hanging level with my face. Harron is still ignoring us … or he’s just brilliantly focused.

“Explain. NOW.”

“Eh, Eni is a hybrid - wolf and elf - but nobody knows about her wolf, not Blade, not her friends, not her family, and we need to keep it that way, understand?” he speaks so fast I almost don’t catch what he’s saying.

Hybrid? Impossible. When two species mix, the child can only be one or the other … never both. I’m stunned and drop the little sprite; he lands on the bed without a noise. There must be an unconvinced expression on my face because he adds, “Trues … cross my heart and hope to die,” adding the hand signal that goes with it.

I leer vacantly at the beauty on the bed and suddenly so many puzzle pieces fall into place. Her quick healing, the growls, her strength …

Then her breathing starts to be a little more rhythmic and effortless; her heart rate increases to normal. Harron closes his eyes and gives a big sigh of relief. He flops down on a chair and his head falls forward into his hands.

“I’ve almost lost her, but she’s gonna be okay,” his voice is soft and husky, filled with tears, but laced with so much hatred that even I’m getting chills, “Fucking traitor.” I’m not sure if he’s talking to me or himself.

Someone tries to open the door, shaking the handle violently a few times as if surprised to find it locked. Then there’s some loud knocking.

“Harron, open the fucking door!” It’s Stephan. Harron jumps up and throws the syringes and other evidence into the dustbin. Then he rubs some ointment on the burns around her mouth before he opens the door. It’s a wonder it’s still in its frame the way the alpha banged against it.

“Why did you lock the door? And why is the doctor outside?” the wolf seems confused.

“I needed to concentrate,” he blatantly leaves out a big part of the real reason. Puck’s face tells me to keep quiet; so I do.

“How is she?” he asks in a softer tone.

“She’s pulled through, barely,” I don’t like the look in Harron’s eyes, but I love his next words, “I want that fucker dead.”

Stephan studies the elf before he agrees with a single nod.

“Slow down your majesty, you’re gonna fall,” someone yells from the hall just before Thalassa storms into the room, her shoes in her hands and her face flustered as if she was running.

“Can I come in now?” she blubbers sarcastically at her son, dropping her shoes on the ground, clearly not waiting for an answer. He throws up his shoulders nonchalantly and eyeballs the ceiling as if asking for help. She pulls a chair next to the bed and grabs her granddaughter’s hand in hers.

“Are you sure she’s gonna be okay?”

“Yes, mom. And you can tell dad and his buddy to relax now and not call me every 5 minutes,” Harron is standing behind his mother, his hand resting on her shoulder.

“We’ll leave you alone with her for a while?” I make up an excuse and grab the little sprite from the bed.

“Hey!” Puck screams, but I just keep on walking. At the end of the hallway, I find a door saying ‘Staff only’ – it’s an empty stock room. Just what I need right now. I put Puck on one of the shelves.

“Time for a serious conversation,” I say and he looks around the room, avoiding my fixate stare.

“Puck, I’m not gonna ask again,” maybe my voice is a little icier than needed. He holds his hands as if praying, tapping his two little index fingers nervously together.

“Eh, maybe you should ask Eni,” he squicks.

“I’m asking you!” He looks around again. Then he sits down crossing his legs.

“Let me start from the beginning … I think you should grab a chair.”

He hangs back a moment as if figuring out the words in his head before he starts, “You see, alpha king Xavier had two sons … “


A soft tap on the door interrupts us and then it slowly opens, as if the person is hesitant to enter. One of the nurses peeps around the door, her eyes big.

“What?!” I holler.

“Eh, sorry to bother you, Zagon sir …” she stutters, “… but a … eh … man is demanding to see you right now.”

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